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Happy CEO project of KIPO

This project by KIPO aims to improve IP support for SMEs, offering one-stop service, consultations, education, and commercialization support, to help SMEs thrive in the global market.

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Happy CEO project of KIPO

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Presentation Transcript

  1. KIPO Happy CEO project of KIPO : Creating strong SMEs through profitable IPRs December 10, 2009 Kim Young Min Director General Korean Intellectual Property Office

  2. Contents • Overview • Details of the project • Implications

  3. Ⅰ. Overview

  4. Global economic crisis As you know… From 2008… Stock price Rate of exchange Raw material cost

  5. SMEs in more serious crisis Domestic consumption 57.9% Raw material cost41.1% Excessive competition 38.0% Labor cost 30.3% Financing 26.5% from Korea federation of small and medium business

  6. SMEs like shining star : Hidden Champion ENERCON, Germany Wind power turbine 40%of world patents World market share 10% HJC, Republic of Korea R&D investment 10%of whole sales World market share 20% from Hidden Champion, Hermann Simon

  7. Making Small but Strong SMEs with IPRs Happy CEO Creating Strong SMEs through Profitable IPRs

  8. Ⅱ.Details of the project

  9. Improving system of IP support for SMEs Provider-oriented Customer-oriented Divided support Package support Complicated structure One-stop service structure

  10. Developing programs of IP support for SMEs Education IP Disputes Consultations Brand Commercialization

  11. Consultations IP external experts are dispatched to SMEs They offer business strategies focused on IP External Expert 6 KIPO Experts offer IP consultations by visiting to SMEs They have experiences of examination of patents and TMs KIPO Expert Public Patent Attorneys reside in Korean IP Protection Association They offer free IP consultations to socially weak persons Public Patent Attorney 30 regional intellectual property centers 2 consultants are stationed permanently They offer basic consultations Regional IP Center Consultant

  12. Example of consultations “A” enterprise, Republic of Korea New plastic forming technology Operating profit Imitation goods appearing abroad Analyzing IPR portfolio Improving IPR portfolio Strategy of countermeasure of Imitation Planning to enlarge the business Satisfied with the outcome Newly design the business Special thanks to KIPO and Experts

  13. Education Dealing with practical IP issues such as disputes Professional lecturer Visits to local SMEs IP courses customized to various levels

  14. Response to education Many staffs can participate in high-quality education Better understanding by using Specific and Real examples Actual training such as Countermeasure of IP disputes

  15. Handling IP disputes Forecasting IP disputes Coping with IP disputes ◈ Information of IP litigations ◈ Patent maps focused on disputes ◈ Overseas network : IP-Desk ◈ Consultations by the best expert ◈ Insurance for IP disputes ◈ Overseas network : Attache

  16. Non-English local Brand Rapid growth of Non-English market “NEXIA” can be interpreted “A fool” in Spanish Necessity of local brand

  17. Example of Non-English local Brand Buwon Electronics, Republic of Korea Hand blender Surprise increase of daily sales Assistance of language professor, trademark expert, design specialist and international trade expert

  18. Package support for IP commercialization Overseas patent application Trial product Application Appraisal Evaluation of technology

  19. Regional forum for SMEs Hope IP Strategy 15 times, 5,000km, 1,800 participants Promotion

  20. Ⅲ.Implications

  21. Focusing on customers Not what you want to give, But what customers want to be given

  22. Simple and easy way One-stop total care service Linkage between authorities concerned Cutting the red tape On-the-spot support

  23. Consultations first Diagnosis Consultations Customized support

  24. Thank you for your attention 24

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