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Skin Conductivity and Dream Analysis

Skin Conductivity and Dream Analysis. Tara Brown-L’Bahy. Dr. Robert Bosnak. Jungian psychoanalyst specializing in dream analysis. Method based on the Socratic principal, that if asked the right questions, a person will naturally give birth to adequate answers.

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Skin Conductivity and Dream Analysis

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Skin Conductivity and Dream Analysis Tara Brown-L’Bahy

  2. Dr. Robert Bosnak • Jungian psychoanalyst specializing in dream analysis. • Method based on the Socratic principal, that if asked the right questions, a person will naturally give birth to adequate answers.

  3. The Role of Technology in Dreamwork • Should be an active participant in the process of dreamwork rather than a passive medium, like a telephone. • Should be used to enhance the ability to ask good questions and provide direction, not to interpret the meaning of dreams.

  4. Initial Hypothesis • Similar psychosocial responses in a given dreamer will produce matching patterns on a galvanic skin graph. • These “matches” will reflect unconscious “complexes,” which are represented by similar patterns of fluctuation in skin conductivity level - reflecting a “complex of emotions.” • The responses will be organized around the same or similar concepts.

  5. Data A participant, in a very relaxed state, describes her/his dream in a group (5) at which time: • Skin conductivity level is measured every .25 seconds by two sensors on fingertips - output to graph. • Dreamers’ words are audio taped and transcribed and each phrase mapped to the second its utterance began - output to text.

  6. Data Sample

  7. Data Analysis • Visually identified 2 instances of similar patterns within SCL measurement graphs. • Mapped graph segments to corresponding text.

  8. A Match? Bottom Graph :52 A man comes up to us. He's the communicator for the dinosaurs. 1:01 We are to take the front of our heads and crack them down into the dinosaurs openings. 1:15 It's the only way we're to survive. 1:19 For some reason I trust this man even though I'm terrified. 1:24 I decided to do it...The cracks reveal an amazing world of new possibilities. Top Graph 45:28 [Can you look at this man?} Yes. 45:32 He just makes me happy. 45:48 I'm going to cry 45:50 [Stay with the feeling. Just feel it.] 46:22 He really helps the sadness.

  9. Testing Procedures • 8 samples of two segments of text whose corresponding SCL patterns were similar. • 8 random samples of two segments of text whose corresponding SCL patterns were not similar. • Shuffle 16 samples, present them to Bosnak who rates them according to significance. • 1 = Absolutely sure there is no match.10 = Absolutely sure there is a match.

  10. Sample Parameters • Each sample within dream - 4 different subjects, 5 different dreams. • 30 second buffer on either end. • For each “matching” sample there is a random sample from the same dream and similar in length of time.

  11. Sample • I can see 180 degrees in front. • Terror is mounting; state of shock. • Feel terrorizing my body. • Terror starts in the lower abdomen, through body, into chest. • There is a strangling sense in my throat. • Throat goes to freezing, screaming or hysterical crying. • I’m frozen - no sense I’m going to run. • The edge is insanity, like a place of cracking. • There is no return. • Beyond existence. He talks to me. Somehow I know he’s a communicator for the dinosaurs. He says, “Throw your had down into the opening they’ve made.” The dinosaurs are stomping around in a rampage and shove their heads into the street with a tremendous force. They’re cracking the earth, asphalt, concrete. They are enraged. Like a kid who has a temper tantrum and beats his head on the floor. They are wound up and crazed. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

  12. Results

  13. Significance • Supports original hypothesis that similar psychosocial responses in a given dreamer will produce matching patterns on a galvanic skin graph. • Indicates that similar SCL patterns may reflect similar moods, rather than similar concepts.

  14. Implications (for Bosnak) • This can enhance one’s ability to identify similar fluctuations of self-states in self (moods) in self and/or others. • Awareness of similar moods at different times, presents a significant opportunity for dreamers to better understand the meaning of their dreams. • This opportunity will be more accessible to people who prefer to relate to machines rather than other people (particularly men). • The ability to do this in real time will be even more useful to dreamers and analysts.

  15. Limitations • Small sample size. • Unexplained discrepancies. • “Matches” more frequent in particular subjects and dreams than in others. • Significance not confirmed by dreamer.

  16. Thanks.

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