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* What events helped establish our new gov’t?

Washington and the Presidency - leadership style / personality Judiciary Act of 1789 passed - structure B of R ratified Tariff 5% passed Cabinet created. * What events helped establish our new gov’t?. 1. 3. 13. The first cabinet. Thomas Jefferson- Secy. of State

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* What events helped establish our new gov’t?

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  1. Washington and the Presidency - leadership style / personality Judiciary Act of 1789 passed - structure B of R ratified Tariff 5% passed Cabinet created * What events helped establish our new gov’t? 1 3 13

  2. The first cabinet • Thomas Jefferson- Secy. of State • Alexander Hamilton- Secy. of the Treasury • Henry Knox- Secy. of War • Edmund Randolph – Attorney General

  3. * Why/How did the 2 party system develop • Ratification • Jefferson vs. Hamilton: Cabinet Hamilton’s Economic plan

  4. Democratic -Republicans Pg 185 Pg 191 *Distinguish between Federalists and Anti-Feds

  5. pg 184-5 Hamilton’s Economic Plan: create BUS; set a Tariff; set an excise tax pay off foreign debt ($12m) issue new Bonds to pay off old ($44m) honor Bonds at “face value” Federal Gov’t assumes state debts ($25m) DC Compromise Whiskey Rebellion (not Shay’s Rebellion) *Describe Hamilton’s Economic Plan

  6. Describe the influence of the Hamilton – Jefferson conflict • P185, 191 • Views of America & Democracy “Hamiltonian ” and “Jeffersonian ” • “the BUS debate”: the “E L A S T I C C L A U S E” Strict or Loose Interpretation

  7. GB war FR Genét Affair FR Rev Trade Balance $ Washington “XYZ” Affair In what framework did American foreign policy develop?GW  JA US

  8. Native Americans Little Turtle / Fallen Timbers Pinckney Treaty Spain Jay’s Treaty British in the Ohio Valley *What caused conflict in the American frontier?The Ohio ValleyGB and N. A.’s

  9. ID Nullification • Alien & Sedition Acts (1798) - deport / expel dangerous aliens - speak out against or criticize the gov’t > fine / imprisonment - newspapers • Naturalization Act - changed wait period from 5 to 14 years results in : • VA and KY Resolutions - Madison and Jefferson - a state can nullify a federal law - a state can secede if it chooses **** State’s Rights*****

  10. * What was “The Revolution Of 1800”? • Peaceful change of gov’t -election goes to the HoR - Hamilton / Burr • Policy changed

  11. *ID important events of TJ’s presidency • Attack on Federalists -repealed Whiskey Tax; A & S Acts expired -replaced Federalists with D-R’s • LA Purchase -1803 - doubles USA and TJ changes • Embargo Act of 1807 (TJ) • Non Intercourse Act 1809 (Madison) • Marbury v Madison - the Judiciary act of 1801 created new federal courts, therefore more federal judges for Adams to appoint - the Judiciary Act of 1789 gave the SC the power to issue a writ of mandamus (an order) (p 206)

  12. Marbury v. Madison • The Marshall court ruled that, although Marbury deserved his commission, the court could not order that it be delivered because Congress could not give a power to the Supreme Court which the Constitution did not grant. • This was a landmark decision because it was the first time that the court claimed for itself the right of judicial review, the right to determine the constitutionality of an act of Congress. CJJohn Marshall: - used Judicial Review for the first time to rule against Marbury

  13. Causes for The War of 1812 Causes • loss of federalist political power (Pres. / Congress) • GB ‘s seizure of US merchant ships and cargo • GB’s Impressment of US sailors • Anti-British sentiment in US public opinion - loss of maritime jobs and recession due to war and TJ’s policies • GB -> still in the Ohio Valley • US Ambition: “War Hawks” - get Canada, Florida **** Hartford Convention (nullify and secede)

  14. * ID Results of the War of 1812 Results • Treaty of Ghent 1814 * no real territorial advantage * we avoid defeat again • Encouraged isolationism / neutrality • Increased migration West • Encouraged growth of American Industry (textiles) • End of the Federalist Party • Rise of American Nationalism • Northern border set • Oregon shared with GB • Great Lakes – joint occupation with GB map – p204

  15. Relate Sectionalism to Nationalism Define: • Sectionalism (Regionalism) - distinctive parts of a unit - ID America’s regions : N,S,W • Nationalism - pride in one’s country • Can both concepts develop in the same country, at the same time? YES

  16. * ID Results of the War of 1812 Results • Treaty of Ghent 1814 * no real territorial advantage * we avoid defeat again • Encouraged isolationism • Increased migration West • Encouraged growth of American Industry • End of the Federalist Party • Rise of American Nationalism • Northern border set • Oregon shared • Great Lakes – joint occupation map – p204

  17. Describe the American Economy 1810 - 1850 • Revolutions in : production – an Industrial Revolution (see visual) machine production encourages the use of interchangeable parts, mass production, and job specialization transportation market - new technology : the cotton gin (Eli Whitney) and the steam engine (Robert Fulton), the Mechanical Reaper (Cyrus McCormick) and Textile Mills (Samuel Slater) Over time, the “Factory System” replaces the “Domestic System”

  18. “King Cotton” • The Cotton Gin – Eli Whitney - see chart

  19. Describe the influence of western expansion • Land – people – territories formed • Resources increase • Territories b/c States -more people, more voters, more electoral votes (2+X) • N. A. policy is needed • Sectionalism - N, S, W - economic, cultural differences • Slavery issue p221,p223 –new states (Missouri)

  20. What was “The American System”? • Need for commerce to develop to encourage America’s self-sufficiency ( to support Neutrality / Isolationism trend) • Bring the 3 regions (sections) together economically Henry Clay (KY): • Approve a second Nat’l Bank • Support a Tariff (1816) • Approve National funding for internal improvements in S and W -roads and canals… and…..rr lines

  21. 7.2 Our first steps in FP-.continued • GB – FR • Neutrality • The Monroe Doctrine 1823 - neutrality for independent N / S America - no intervention or colonization by european countries ( no “or else”yet) • Establishing Borders - Adams-Onis 1819 -Rush-Bagot 1817 p221 -Convention of 1818

  22. 7.2 How did the SC reinforce Federal supremacy? • Marbury v. Madison 1803 • McCulloch v. Md. 1819 • Gibbons v. Ogden 1824 • Fletcher v. Peck 1819 • Dartmouth College v. Woodward 1819 * The Marshall Court

  23. Describe the Missouri Compromise of 1820 • Why did it happen? • Who was responsible? • What were the conditions? • What were the results? map –p223

  24. Describe the “Era of Good Feelings”(1800) -1824 • The Federalist party dies out… • 1 Party remains: -Anti-Feds ; Dem-Rep’s ; Rep’s ;……… • TJ (8), Madison (8), Monroe (8), JQ Adams (4) 1800-1824 - election opponents were from different regions of the country; but from the same party ……. The National Republicans • The “National Republicans” adopt some federalist policies that support national growth and power – (BUS, tariffs)

  25. 7.3 Describe the elections of 1824 and 1828 • 1824 – “ The Corrupt Bargain” - the popular vote and Henry Clay - AJ begins immediately to win in 1828 • The end of “The Era of Good Feelings” *party politics returns * the birth of the Democratic Party * “Jacksonian Democracy” takes shape in AJ’s image • 1828 – Jackson wins

  26. Describe “Jacksonian Democracy” • Democracy for all…. • New groups emerge with new expectations • US is a blend of industrial / commercial and agriculture cultures • Social and Economic as well as Political Equality (… for who?... ) – Egalitarian (ch. 8) • Features at the state level: new states with new state constitutions that bring reforms (like voting qualifications) • Features at the national level: new leaders (nat’l and state) “the spoils system” --Patronage

  27. AJ’s N.A. Policies • Indian Removal Act 1830 -federal $$ for treaty negotiation -forced -Oklahoma territory • Worchester v. Ga. 1832 - SC affirms independent rights of the Cherokees -AJ ignores SC ruling • The “Trail of Tears” 1838 -VanBuren completes the policy -forced removal of Cherokee

  28. 7.4 Describe the Nullification Crisis • The Tariff of 1828 - the “Tariff of Abominations” - John Calhoun, VP v. AJ --- issue of “STATES RIGHTS” * “toast duel” * Senate debate –Daniel Webster (Ma) v. Robert Hayne (SC) - SC Ordinance of Nullification – 1832 (like Va and KY resolutions) - Tariff Act - 1832 - Clay compromises again on tariff and avoids a showdown - Force Act - 1833

  29. Describe AJ’s fight against the USB • BUS battle / election of 1832 -Clay and Webster try to trap AJ and push the BUS renewal early and make him veto it (not up for renewal until 1836) – he did… and.. -backfires –AJ winsre-election –AJ campaigned against BUS and Nicholas Biddle ---and since he won; he decided to act to destroy the BUS – b/c the people have spoken thru his election ----they don’t want the BUS • Bank Crisis -AJ’s PET BANKS and Biddle’s loan recall results in economic recession which Van Buren inherits along with Indian removal

  30. “King Andrew” or “Old Hickory”Which best fits AJ ? • AJ :State or National Power ?? ? --States Rights or strong central gov’t indian removal nullification the BUS the issue for AJ was the use of presidential power (Inherent) – the president had to represent the people • The culture of Jacksonian Democracy expands participation • The Whig Party develops…. - In opposition to AJ’s policies and use of power - support Protective Tariffs and a nat’l banking system - WH Harrison / Tyler – Whig Presidents

  31. How do each of these developments illustrate growing American nationalism ? • A Tariff • connecting the states ( roads, canals, rr) • our borders • the 2nd US bank • Monroe Doctrine • SC rulings • The end of the Federalists • Era of “good feelings” -1 party • Rise of the Democratic Party

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