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Developing Minds Want to Know!

Developing Minds Want to Know!. Building study and thinking habits. “School is important, but life is more important.”. Howard Gardner Harvard psychologist, education researcher, and author. What do we want our kids to be like when they are adults?. Curious Skeptical Open-Minded

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Developing Minds Want to Know!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Developing Minds Want to Know! Building study and thinking habits

  2. “School is important, but life is more important.” Howard Gardner Harvard psychologist, education researcher, and author

  3. What do we want our kids to be like when they are adults? Curious Skeptical Open-Minded Imaginative Strategic Confident Reflective Truth Seekers Inquisitive Responsible Independent Listeners Adventurous Inventive Original Creative Flexible Questioning Risk-Takers Mindful Considerate Full of Wonder Compassionate Balanced “Habits of Mind” or “Thinking Dispositions”

  4. What do we mean by “success”? • grades • homework • studying for tests • learning that lasts • curiosity • initiative • understanding • communicating School Success Life Success Developing Thinking Habits

  5. “Children Grow into the intellectual life around them.” Ron Ritchhart Harvard education researcher, and author of Making Thinking Visible

  6. What can you do at home? 10 Apps for Parents to promote thinking

  7. Name and Notice thinking What are we actually doing when we say we are “thinking”?

  8. Develop a Growth Mindset Based on the research of Carol Dweck • Praise hard work, not ability. • You can always get better at something - even thinking!

  9. Challenge but don’t rescue Mistakes are a natural part of learning:

  10. What questions did you ask today?

  11. Focus on Learning over Work Homework always a purpose… and it is NOT to drive you (or your child) crazy! What is the big idea or goal behind this assignment? How does it fit in whith what your child has been doing in class?

  12. Information is everywhere. Kids have to figure out how it all fits together before they have truly “learned” it. Encourage Connections From cartoonist Hugh MacLeod:

  13. Support your child in arguing effectively Small children throw tantrums, but older children can begin to make arguments. When it is appropriate, listen to your child’s argument. Ask them to give reasons that support their ideas. That doesn’t mean they should automatically WIN the argument!

  14. Provide time to pursue passions

  15. Make your own thinking visible “Children Grow into the intellectual life around them.” Lev Vygotsky, developmental psychologist You are your child’s first and most committed teacher!

  16. What makes you say that? What is going on here? What do you see that makes you say that?

  17. Building Study habits Homework tips for that special time each day...

  18. Start on the right track Why? Our brains are not able to focus on new information when we are emotionally upset, hungry, or overly tired. Most adults need a few minutes to wind down after work. Why would it be any different for kids? How? • Start with a snack. • Give a set amount of relax time. • Let your child choose the order in which they do their assignments.

  19. stick to a schedule Why? Having a set time each day will help your child build the expectation and habit of studying. If your child knows he/she can negotiate with you about this, you will have to negotiate every day! How? • Make it early. • Make it a priority. • Even if they don’t have homework, practice flash cards or read during this time to stay in the habit.

  20. Finish on Friday! Why? Weekends are busy! No parent or child wants to be doing homework at 8:00 on a Sunday night, but it can easily happen if we don’t get homework out of the way right away! How? • Stick to your regular schedule as much as possible. • If you can’t get to it Friday, get it out of the way Saturday mornings. Having the whole day to play can be a great incentive!

  21. Create a Study Zone Why? Most kids (and adults) need relative quiet in order to focus on a task, especially if it is not easy. How? • Set up one spot where homework will be completed every day. • Remove distractions, such as piles of paper, stray toys, tv or other devices. • Have a designated quiet time. Younger children can be coloring or looking at books, but not watching tv or playing loudly!

  22. Break it up Why? Children have short attention spans! Kids can only stay really focused for short bursts of time. Giving a few well-timed “brain breaks” can actually reduce the overall time spent on homework by keeping kids more productive. How? • Chunk the work up. Look over all the assignments, and have your child decide the order they will complete them. • Look for good break points. After two short assignments, or one longer one, take a break for 5 or 10 minutes. • Set a timer if it helps.

  23. Know how your child learns best Why? Every child (and adult) has a unique learning style. Knowing this can help you figure out ways to make studying and remembering easier. Use their strengths to boost their weaknesses! How? • What kinds of things come easier to your child? • Songs? They can try singing the spelling words to popular tunes! • Pictures? Have them draw a picture with the word “hidden” inside. • Movement? They can act out motions while spelling.

  24. Use Assignment Notebooks Why? You want your child to become more responsible as they grow older, and so do their teachers! Getting into the habit of writing things down will help them throughout their lives. I don’t know any adult who makes it through a week without consulting a list! How? • Check the assignment notebook every night. • Let the teacher know if your child is forgetting to write things down. • If there is a class website with assignments posted, teach your child how to get there.

  25. Get a Study Buddy Why? Kids are forgetful! Kids actually learn more when they interact socially with other children. Peers can also remind them of what went on in class when they are drawing a blank themselves. How? • Ask a friend in the same class to exchange numbers as study buddies. • Encourage your child to take the initiative to call when they are really stuck on something or can’t remember what is expected. • Someone in the neighborhood may be the best bet!

  26. Communicate with the teacher Why? He or she is truly on your child’s side! The teacher will get to know your child very well, and may have better suggestions to fit their learning style. How? • Try some things out first. • Ask for a time to talk (or email) about studying, so the teacher can be thinking about it ahead of time. • Be patient! • Be consistent.

  27. Credits This presentation was created by Emily Freeman, with credit given below for information, ideas, and resources gathered from other sources. This work is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. If you would like to use this presentation in whole or in part, please be sure to maintain these credits. Howard Gardner quote: http://webshare.northseattle.edu/fam180/topics/mi/thesevenkindsofsmart.htm Howard Gardner photo: http://middlemojo.com/2011/04/how-does-howard-gardner-spell-creative-longevity-n-e-o-t-e-n-y/ Ron Ritchhart video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kATy9HnXoYY&feature=youtu.be Activity on slide 2 is from Ron Ritchhart’s presentation “Enlisting Parents as Allies”: http://ronritchhart.com/Presentations.html 10 Apps for Parents and the Understanding Map can be found here: http://ronritchhart.com/COT_Resources.html Mindset graphic http://qedfoundation.org/fixed-vs-growth-mindsets/

  28. Credits cont. Dr. Tae’s full TEDx Talk can be found here: http://drtae.org IsidorRabi picture and quote: http://izquotes.com/quote/300240 Homework quote: http://www.cnn.com/2013/09/05/living/parents-too-much-homework/ Knowledge vs. Experience graphic by Hugh MacLeod: http://blog.bufferapp.com/connections-in-the-brain-understanding-creativity-and-intelligenceconnections The argument for vegetarianism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJNntUXyWvw Hands photo: http://www.juxtapost.com/site/permlink/5b9f8b90-019a-11e2-beaa-097028e7100e/post/your_children_will_become_what_you_are/ Bullying photo: http://jerryackerman.net

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