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POWER OF CONSCIOUS LIVING. Read aloud the sentences.

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  2. Read aloud the sentences

  3. Below are nine dots arranged in a set of three rows. Recreate these dots on a separate sheet of paper. The challenge is to connect all nine dots, using four straight lines, starting from any dot, without lifting your pen or pencil from the paper. Lines may cross, though you cannot retrace any lines. Lines must pass through the middle of all the dots, and each line must start where the previously drawn line finished.

  4. The story of Cliff Young

  5. Summary: Exercise1 We miss what is there because we are conditioned to assume what must be written Unexamined assumptions, instead of facilitating our understanding of reality, serve as a barrier to a fresh experience of reality

  6. Summary: Exercise2 Most assume that the solution must lie within the dots-as if there is some boundary around the nine dots Some problems impossible to solve within the framework of our assumptions This is what most Institutions and Companies are looking for

  7. Summary: The story of Cliff Young Was Cliff thinking inside the box? Was Cliff thinking outside the box? For Cliff there was NO BOX!! This is what being unbiased means.

  8. Shapes • Add the three shapes to form a single easy describable shape.

  9. Barrier of belief Roger Bannister breaks the four minute mile! Within a year thirty-seven runners had done the same; Within two years 300 runners had accomplished this feat. The barrier was not physical. It was a barrier of belief. Many things in this world require a leap in faith!!!

  10. Swiss watch makers • 1968 • 80% of global profits, 65% market shares • 1978 • Shares dropped to 10% • 1981 • 50,000 out of 65,000 work-force disbanded • Most of the market share went to Japan (negligible entity in 1968) • Refused to accept the “change” looming around the idea of “digital” watches • Against their success formula! • Just too “different” for them to accept

  11. Do you have any belief barriers? Barriers that prevent full achievement Remember the principle of creation Things go from subtle to gross E.g.: Any invention begins subtly, with thought “First comes thought than organization of thought into ideas & plan, then transformation of those plans into reality, the beginning is in Believing”. French novelist Marcel Proust: "The real act of discovery consists not in finding new lands but in seeing with new eyes . “Forget all the reasons it won't work, and believe the one reason why it will.” Generally speaking, beliefs are the mental constructs that underlie one’s values, choices and actions.

  12. Types of Belief • Negative Belief (viz. I can’t do) • Based on past unhealthy experience • Seeing other’s failure. • Hearing from others. • Fear of losing • Blind Belief (viz. B’coz he can do, I can also do) • Herd mentality. • Unrealistic assumptions. • True Belief • By understanding the need & relevance of the activity. • Looking at a bigger picture.

  13. Conscious Living Expanding boundaries and challenging self-imposed limitations in order to become effective “We fear things in proportion to our ignorance to them.” Stand up for what you believe in, even if it means standing alone. Examining assumptions about ourselves, our relationships , abundance and every aspect of existence Mark Twain: "It's not what I don't know that limits me. It's what I know that ain't so."

  14. Advantages: Conscious Living Awareness of self-limiting assumptions weakens their ability to run our lives, and creates possibilities for breakthrough results and experiences Can translate as Results that we did not consider achievable. Relationship satisfaction that we did not consider possible, Facility we didn't believe to be available, A level of health previously thought unattainable or unimagined spiritual fulfilment.

  15. Advantages: Conscious Living Being conscious of our assumptions helps us Take responsibility for changing them, or Purposefully utilizing them ..............Rather than letting our belief systems determine our lives from beneath the conscious surface “You have suceeded in ur life when things u want are the things you actually need” -Vernon Howard

  16. Conscious assumptions thus far... Principle of creation that things go from subtle to gross. We are inherently spiritual persons whose nature is to serve. Each of us possesses the capacity to handle his or her life with a high level of effectiveness

  17. Open Question What is it that Awakens or Enlightens? What is the self that improves?

  18. Consciousness is a state of knowledge or cognizance or awareness. • ‘Know your surroundings ≡ Being conscious of your surroundings’ • Thinking, Feeling, Willing, Intentionality • It’s a state that has no separate existence, on its own. It has to be attributed to something. • ‘Water is liquid : Living being is conscious (of …)’ • 1) Whom to attribute consciousness? • Eyes/Ears/Tongue … or • Body as a whole, or • Beyond bodily sense perception • 2) What’s nature of The Conscious – one who possesses consciousness? Nature of The Conscious

  19. Beyond Body Drama recorded by Video Cameras Drama observed by a panel of Judges Lens in the Camera Eyes of Judges No “Experience” No “Emotions” No “Judging” “Experience” Elation, sorrow, anger, etc. “Able to judge”

  20. My conscious assumptions on consciousness based on the Bhagavad Gita Gross Body Earth Water Fire Subtle Body Air Ether Mind Intelligence False Ego Consciousness – Symptom of the thing that thinks

  21. Beyond Body Different although identical !!

  22. Becoming conscious of The Conscious Sat - Eternity • Medicinal science is trying to eradicate diseases • Through anti-lock brakes or thermonuclear devices, much of our energy is employed in eluding death • Principle of self preservation

  23. Becoming conscious of The Conscious Cit – Knowledge or Consciousness • Each of us seeks to expand our consciousness, perhaps through a study of history, philosophy, the politics and economics of the day • Animals survey their territory for food and security

  24. Becoming conscious of The Conscious Anand – Happiness • We strive for happiness, knowledge, and eternity in so many ways. • Shreyas and Preyas

  25. Focal point for personal growthbased on CONSCIOUS LIVING “The greatest danger, that of losing one's own self, may pass off quietly as if it were nothing; every other loss, that of an arm, a leg, five dollars, a wife, etc., is sure to be noticed.” (Danish Philosopher and Theologian, generally recognized as the first existentialist philosopher. 1813-1855)

  26. Gasoline for car, food for body......

  27. What is the driving force for the conscious being

  28. Winning the Race?

  29. Pulling each other’s leg?

  30. Other’s misery = your happiness?

  31. Go into isolation?

  32. Artificial lifestyle?

  33. Philanthropy?

  34. THE ULTIMATE GIFT The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring. ~ Oscar Wilde Where there is LOVE there is life. ~ Mahatma Gandhi

  35. ‘Dharma’ means ‘that which cannot be given up’ or ‘that which is a constant companion.’

  36. Sanätana Dharma Sanatana-Dharma, essentially, means to follow one’s eternal duty, which is to search for and understand our original identity, and then to learn to live according to those eternal characteristics, especially by one’s own concious realizations. This is also the purpose and mission of the Vedic philosophy and culture..

  37. Water and liquidity cannot be separated.

  38. Sugar and sweetness cannot be separated.

  39. Fire cannot be separated from heat and light.

  40. What is characteristic to the conscious being?

  41. Everyone has a purpose in life ... a unique gift or special talent to give to others. And when we blend this unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of our own spirit, which is the ultimate goal of all goals. ~ Khalil Gibran ‘to render service’

  42. No one can live without serving someone else

  43. Complete service to anyone entailsService beyond the body to the conscious self

  44. Computer can accomplish much more than stopping a door Could we use our bodies, mind and intelligence more effectively beyond..... Defending Mating Eating Sleeping

  45. Complete and satisfying service-Vedic Version Inspiring oneself and others to reach their full potential in service of a particular goal

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