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Tips for Tutoring ESL/EAP Students

Tips for Tutoring ESL/EAP Students. What would be your emotional response?. Situation: You are surrounded by people who are speaking in a language you don’t understand. You might feel. Afraid Angry Isolated Frustrated. Who Faces This Type of Challenge?.

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Tips for Tutoring ESL/EAP Students

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tips for Tutoring ESL/EAP Students

  2. What would be your emotional response? Situation: You are surrounded by people who are speaking in a language you don’t understand.

  3. You might feel • Afraid • Angry • Isolated • Frustrated

  4. Who Faces This Type of Challenge? Students who speak English as a second or even third language do!

  5. How can tutors help these students? What should be the mindset of a tutor?

  6. Tutors should consider: • the learner’s background • the presentation of content

  7. Consider the learner’s background • Know the learner --Personal factors

  8. Personal factor: Motivation • Younger students study English to achieve their career goals. • Older students want to use English to incorporate into their real life experiences.

  9. Personal factor: The Age of the learner • Young learners acquire a second language more easily than older learners. With time and opportunity, these younger students may become bilingual.

  10. Personal factor: Learning Styles • The student could be analytical or global. --Analytical learners are attracted to details, rule learning, and structured activities, (listen to lectures, take notes) --Global learners prefer more loosely organized activities, (communicate main ideas rather than details)

  11. Personal factor: Sensory Learning Styles • ESL students also differ in sensory learning preferences. --Asian students --Hispanic and Middle Eastern students Most ESL students are hands-on students.

  12. Cultural factors • Educational differences: ----Academic setting ----Expectations ----instructional style ----learning style of institution ----semiliterate in L1

  13. Cultural factors • Acculturation --Frustration with language --Radical adjustments professionally and personally

  14. Linguistic factors Differences between L1 and L2: • Alphabets or writing systems • Rhetoric systems • Pronunciation, word order, grammar

  15. Tutor tips in light of the learner: • Appreciate diversity of cultures while affirming importance of adaptation to U.S. culture • Consider the influence of age and motivation of the learner • Keep in mind that gestures and touch have different meaning in different cultures

  16. Other suggestions: • Remember that learning a language is a process • Be aware of how to use the learning style of the learner in a tutoring session

  17. Tutor’s Mindset: Consider the presentation of content • Be careful with the use of slang, idioms, and humor. • Use a visual aid. • Check how well the student understands the content by asking questions • After asking questions, allow more time for processing.

  18. Suggestions for Listening Comprehension: • Use clear transitions when speaking. • Use gestures, facial expressions, posture, and body motions to clarify meaning. • Rephrase complex ideas and restate key words and concepts. • Use analogies and examples with which ESL students will be familiar. • Summarize material discussed in tutoring.

  19. Closing Suggestions: • Encourage students in critical thinking and taking responsibility in learning. • Be sure to present balanced information on a topic. • Give study tips if the appropriate opportunity arises.

  20. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE to ESL Students! Continue your investment of time and expertise as tutors and learning specialists!

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