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The k eys to the Kingdom

The k eys to the Kingdom. Matthew 16:19 “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven .“. Matthèüs 16:19 “ Ek sal aan jou die sleutels van die

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The k eys to the Kingdom

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The keys to the Kingdom Matthew 16:19 “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.“ Matthèüs 16:19 “Ek sal aan jou die sleutels van die koninkryk van die hemel gee, en wat jy op die aarde toesluit, sal in die hemel toegesluit bly; en wat jy op die aarde oopsluit, sal in die hemel oopgesluit bly.”

  2. The Kingdom of heaven The Kingdom of heaven is what? God’s rule & reign. God’s government. The Kingdom of heaven is where? John 18:36 Not of this world. Luke 17:20 Inside. The Kingdom of heaven is when? Hebrews 12:28 Now, but not yet fully come.

  3. The Kingdom of heaven Matthew 13:47 "Once again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net that was let down into the lake and caught all kinds of fish. " Matthèüs 13:47 “Verder gaan dit met die koninkryk van die hemel soos met 'n treknetwat in die see gegooi is en allerhande soorte vis vang. ”

  4. The Kingdom of heaven Unpack the parable ~ para balo What is the Spiritsaying to us? • We are better connected than separated. • We are more fruitful / effective as a net than a rod. • We will not bring in the fullness of the harvest in Tsitsikamma when separated.

  5. The Kingdom of heaven Unpack the parable ~ para balo What is the Spiritsaying to us? • We are better connected than separated. • Like fish belong in water, so Christians belong in community. • By this the world will know you are my disciples, if you love one another. • There has been a season of sweet and deep connecting.

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