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The Scottish Play by William Shakespeare - a visual introduction

The Scottish Play by William Shakespeare - a visual introduction. Religious Conflict in Europe. Until the early 1500s, the Roman Church was the only church in western Europe Pope Leo X (Pope 1513-1521) issued indulgences to pay for the building of St. Peter’s basilica

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The Scottish Play by William Shakespeare - a visual introduction

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  1. The Scottish Playby William Shakespeare- a visual introduction

  2. Religious Conflict in Europe • Until the early 1500s, the Roman Church was the only church in western Europe • Pope Leo X (Pope 1513-1521) issued indulgences to pay for the building of St. Peter’s basilica • Many, including the German priest Martin Luther protested this • The Reformation had begun

  3. Religious Conflict in Europe, continued • In 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of a Roman Church • The 95 Theses detailed many corrupt practices of the Roman Church • Many groups broke away from the church in Rome • They became known as Protestants • The followers of Martin Luther became known as Lutherans

  4. Religious and Political Conflict in England • Henry VIII became Prince of Wales in 1502 when his elder brother, Arthur, died in 1502 • In 1509 he became King • To help legitimize his kingship, Henry married his brother’s widow, Catherine of Aragon • All their children died in infancy except Mary (born 1516) • Frustrated at not having a male heir, Henry asked the pope to annul their marriage. The pope refused – Church of England

  5. Religious and Political Conflict in England, con’t • In 1533, Anne Boleyn became queen • Daughter Elizabeth was born on Sept. 7 1533 • They had no further surviving children • In 1536, Anne was executed for treason

  6. Religious and Political Conflict in England, con’t • Next, Henry married Jane Seymour • Their son, Edward – who would become King Edward VI – was born in 1537 • Jane died soon after Edward’s birth • Mary and Elizabeth were declared illegitimate • Henry would have three more wives: Anne of Cleves (annulled), Catherine Howard (executed for adultery) and Catherine Parr (who outlived Henry)

  7. Religious and Political Conflict in England • In the early 1530s, to facilitate changes to his marital status, Henry created the Church of England. • This increased his power and wealth, for the Roman church owned much valuable property • The King became the head of the Church of England

  8. Henry VIII’s Successors • In 1547, Henry VIII died • Edward VI regency – Earl of Nottingham • In 1553, Edward VI - who was always sickly – died • After a struggle, Mary became Queen • She began the bloody process of reaffirming the Roman Catholic church in England

  9. Henry VIII’s Successors • In 1558, Mary died, childless. • Earl of Nottingham installed his daughter, Jane, as Queen • Mary’s half-sister, Elizabeth, was named queen by the courts • Earl of Nottingham rebelled and was defeated • Jane executed – she had reigned for nine days • Elizabeth also became the Head of the Church of England

  10. The Elizabethan Era (1558-1603) • Queen Elizabeth ruled for most of Shakespeare’s life • During her reign, England changed from a backwoods nation to a world power • She also solidified England as a pro-protestant nation

  11. The Elizabethan Era (1558-1603) • It was a time of great exploration and discovery • Sir Francis Drake circumnavigated the world between 1577 and 1580 in his ship The Golden Hind

  12. Birth and life in Stratford-upon-Avon • William Shakespeare was baptized on 26 April, 1564 • Top: his birthplace

  13. William Shakespeare: the playwright • Shakespeare moved to London, a city of about 200,000 people • By the mid-1590s he was a well-known playwright • He acted minor parts as well

  14. London in the 1590s

  15. The Globe Theatre • Shakespeare was part owner of one theatre in London, The Globe • It was rebuilt in the 1990s in its original position on the south bank of the Thames River

  16. The Globe Theatre

  17. Shakespeare died 23 April 1616, a wealthy and famous playwright

  18. The First Folio • Shakespeare’s plays were unpublished in his lifetime • In 1623 another playwright, Ben Johnson, published a collection of Shakespeare’s works • It is known as the First Folio

  19. The First Folio: Macbeth

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