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Possible Causes of Arm Pain

Arm pain is described as any discomfort or pain felt along the length of the arm. Wrist, elbow, and shoulder discomfort are all possible symptoms. Spinalogy Clinic in Pune offers the best nonsurgical treatment for arm pain. Spinalogy is well-known for its physical therapies and nonsurgical approach. To know more about reasons for arm pain, Visit: www.spinalogy.com

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Possible Causes of Arm Pain

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  1. Possible Causes of Arm Pain Arm pain is described as any discomfort or pain felt along the length of the arm. Wrist, elbow, and shoulder discomfort are all possible symptoms. Arm discomfort can be caused by a number of things. Injury or overuse are the most typical reasons. The pain may begin quickly and then fade away, or it may progressively worsen, depending on the reason. The symptoms of arm discomfort can vary depending on the source. They may include the following: ●arm redness ●stiffness ●swelling ●swollen lymph nodes under the arm Causes of Arm Pain Arm discomfort can have a variety of causes and symptoms, ranging from moderate to severe. The following are some of the possible reasons for arm pain:

  2. Pinched Nerve: Pinched nerves occur when a nerve is under too much pressure from its surroundings: ●bones ●muscle ●cartilage ●Tendons Other symptoms can include: ●tingling ●numbness ●sharp pain ●muscle weakness Sprains: Ligaments or tendons can be stretched or torn in sprains. Injuries like this are rather frequent. A moderate sprain may be treated at home, but more serious strains may necessitate surgery. Swelling, bruising, restricted joint movement, and an unstable joint is some of the most common symptoms. Tendonitis: Tendonitis is a condition in which the tendon becomes inflamed. It most frequently affects the shoulders, elbows, and wrists. Tendonitis is a condition that can range from moderate to severe. Other symptoms include mild swelling, tenderness, and dull, aching pain.

  3. Rotator cuff injury: People who undertake overhead motions in their everyday life, such as painters or baseball players, are more prone to these injuries. A dull discomfort in the shoulder and possible arm weakness are among the symptoms. Broken Bones: Broken or shattered bones in the arm can cause excruciating agony. When the bone breaks, you may hear a snapping sound. Among the signs and symptoms are: ●swelling ●bruising ●severe pain ●a visible deformity ●an inability to turn your palm Rheumatoid arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease that mostly affects the joints. Symptoms that are common include: ●warm, tender joints ●swelling of the joints ●stiffness in the joints ●Fatigue Angina Angina is a type of chest discomfort caused by a lack of oxygen in the heart. It can result in arm and shoulder discomfort, as well as chest, neck, and backpressure. Angina is a symptom of an underlying cardiac disease.

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