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S419 主耶和華, 求你引領 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah

S419 主耶和華, 求你引領 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah. 主耶和華,求你引領, Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah, 走過今世曠野路﹔ Pilgrim through this barren land 我本軟弱,主有全能, I am weak, but Thou art mighty-. S419 主耶和華, 求你引領 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah. 願主聖手常保護﹔ Hold me with Thy powerful hand; 天上嗎哪,天上嗎哪,

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S419 主耶和華, 求你引領 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah

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  1. S419主耶和華, 求你引領Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah 主耶和華,求你引領, Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah, 走過今世曠野路﹔ Pilgrim through this barren land 我本軟弱,主有全能, I am weak, but Thou art mighty-

  2. S419主耶和華, 求你引領Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah 願主聖手常保護﹔ Hold me with Thy powerful hand; 天上嗎哪,天上嗎哪, Bread of heaven, Bread of heaven 求主時常賜給我,X2 Feed me till I want no more X2

  3. S419主耶和華, 求你引領Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah 求主開通永生泉源, Open now the crystal fountain, 使我路中不乾渴﹔ Whence the healing stream doth flow 求主做我雲柱火柱, Let the fire and cloudy pillar

  4. S419主耶和華, 求你引領Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah 引導我路不走錯﹔ Lead me all my journey through 全能救主,全能救主, Strong deliverer, strong deliverer 做我盾牌保護我,X2 Be Thou still my strength and shield X2

  5. S419 主耶和華, 求你引領Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah 當我走到約旦河畔, When I reach the river Jordan 除我憂懼賜平安﹔ Bid my anxious fears subside 帶領我渡洶湧波瀾, Bear me through the swelling current

  6. S419 主耶和華, 求你引領Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah 使我歡然進迦南﹔ Land me safe on Canaan’s side 讚美歌聲,讚美歌聲, Songs of praises, Songs of praises 永遠歸救主我神,X2 I will ever give to Thee X2 阿們。 A-men

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