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MCCPTA REFLECTIONS TRAINING FALL 2013. “Believe, Dream, Inspire”. MCCPTA REFLECTIONS CHAIR. Chris McDermott Phone: 301-253-9059 E-mail: malimcdermott@verizon.net. WHAT IS REFLECTIONS?.

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  1. MCCPTA REFLECTIONS TRAININGFALL 2013 “Believe, Dream, Inspire”

  2. MCCPTA REFLECTIONS CHAIR Chris McDermott Phone: 301-253-9059 E-mail: malimcdermott@verizon.net

  3. WHAT IS REFLECTIONS? • Since the Reflections Program was started in 1969 by then Colorado PTA President Mary Lou Anderson, the program has encouraged millions of students across the nation and in American schools overseas to explore their artistic talents • Each year, the Reflections Program challenges students to create art that relates to a specific theme. • Themes are selected from thousands of ideas submitted by students to PTA’s Reflections Program Theme Search. Past themes include “A Different Kind of Hero”, “Imagine That…”, “Beauty Is…”, and “The Magic of a Moment…”.

  4. WHO CAN PARTICIPATE? • Dance Choreography • Film Production • Literature • Music Composition • Photography • Visual Arts Categories Students in preschool through grade 12 are encouraged to submit works of art in six areas in their division: Divisions • Primary: Grades preK-2 • Intermediate: Grades 3-5 • Middle/Junior: Grades 6-8 • Senior: Grades 9-12 • Special Artist – non-graded

  5. THE 2013-2014 REFLECTION THEME IS “Believe, Dream, Inspire”

  6. MCCPTA REFLECTIONS YAHOO LISTSERVE • All communication and notices are via e-mail and the Yahoo listserv – please join today! • Local Reflections Chairperson and PTA President are asked to join the MCCPTA Reflections listserv: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ReflectionsMCCPTA

  7. TO ACCESS THE MCCPTA YAHOO GROUP, MCCPTA, MDPTA and NATIONAL PTA, PLEASE VISIT THESE SITES • http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ReflectionsMCCPTA/ (Please join this listserv as it is the primary form of communication for chairs) • www.mccpta.org/Reflections.html (MCCPTA Reflections website) • www.mdpta.org/bridge_reflections.html (Maryland State Reflections website) • www.ptareflections.org/ (National Reflections website)

  8. TO ACCESS REFLECTIONS CHAIR GUIDELINES, STUDENT ENTRY FORM AND OTHER DOCUMENTS, PLEASE VISIT THESE SITES • http://pta.org/files/statereflectionslibrary/13-14%20Student%20Entry%20Form.doc** (Student Entry Form) • http://pta.org/files/FileDownloads/13-14%20%20Student%20Entry%20Form%20for%20the%2015-16%20Theme%20Search%20Contest.doc (2015-2016 Theme Search, due to MDPTA by 12/6/13)** • http://pta.org/statereflectionslibrary** (All forms, sample documents and flyers) **NEW

  9. ONLINE PROGRAM TRAINING Webinar: Reflections 101, Presented by: National PTA • This webinar will introduce general program information, share ideas, and offer recommendations on how to implement Reflections in your school and beyond. Follow along with your State’s PTA Reflections Guide for Local PTAs. • Dates: Join us live on the second Tuesday of the month from 8:30 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. ET • September 10, 2013 https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/494872822 • October 8, 2013 https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/832222294

  10. WEBINAR: NATIONAL PTA REFLECTIONS ONLINE REGISTRATION SYSTEM You’ve hosted your Reflections program and you are ready to advance winners to the next round! Before joining us, confirm your state’s participation in the online registration process. This webinar will guide Local, Council, District, and State PTAs on how to: • Create an Account • Submit your PTA Participation Form • Submit your Student Entry Forms • Review & Advance Winning Entries • Join us live on the third Tuesday of the month from 8:30 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. ET • September 17, 2013 https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/924000326 • October 15, 2013 https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/238460638 • November 19, 2013 https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/899255502 • December 17, 2013 https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/689518126 • You can also visit http://pta.org/files/statereflectionslibrary/State%20Admin%20Features.pdf

  11. IMPLEMENT A SUCESSFUL REFLECTIONS PROGRAM AT YOUR SCHOOL • Publicity • Judging • Completed Paperwork • PTA Compliance

  12. PUBLICITY • Let your school’s teachers know about the program • Speak directly to teachers at a staff meeting or speak to students at a school assembly • Leave flyer in mailbox, send via email, hang posters at school • Announce in the school’s newsletter, morning announcements, web site, Listserve, etc. • Post the Student Guidelines and official entry form on your school or PTA website

  13. Customizable flyer is available for your use at http://pta.org/files/FileDownloads/13-14%20Participation%20Flyer.doc

  14. INCLUDE CRITICAL PROGRAM DETAILS ON FLIERS AND ELECTRONIC INFO YOU MAKE AVAILABLE TO PARTICIPANTS • Deadline for submission • Where to submit (drop off location in the school) • Details for submitting a completed entry form • Date of showcase & reception • Chairperson’s contact information

  15. JUDGING • Each local PTA Reflections chairperson is responsible for securing judges for their own school contest. Find judges who work with children and understand their levels of ability • Judges should notbe from your own school and MUST conduct blind judging (judge cannot see the name of the student). If the student’s name in on the front of the artwork, cover with something that can be removed without damaging the artwork. • Judging can be done at your school, or you may take the entries to the judge • Thank your judge with a gift card, school items or a basket of art supplies! • Sample judging rubric available at http://pta.org/files/FileDownloads/13-14%20Judging%20Score%20Card.doc


  17. STUDENT ENTRY FORM MUST HAVES • The form MUST be completed in its entirety, including all requested dates, signatures and PTA information. No exceptions. • Students may attach typed or handwritten forms to their art, BUT, all local PTAs should use the online National PTA system to register entries. No exceptions.** • All local PTAs musts complete a PTA Participation Form online to register for the Maryland State PTA Reflections program ASAP (see section 6.1 of the Local Chair Guide).** • Title and artist’s statement required. See Student Entry Form. **NEW

  18. FORMS, PAPERWORK & DEADLINES • Local unit entries are due to the MCCPTA office only on December 16, 17 and 18, 2013(hours to be determined). No exceptions**. • COMPLIANCE DUE DATE CHANGE: Local PTAs must be in good standing with MCCPTA by December 31, 2013 in order to participate in MCCTPA Reflections.** No exceptions. Students from a PTA that is not in compliance with MCCPTA or MDPTA rules by this date will not be able to continue in the competition. • All forms, including the original Student Entry Form, a copy of the electronic student entry form and the Local PTA submission form, must be completed and included with artwork when brought to MCCPTA**. **NEW

  19. LOCAL PTA MUST HAVESCOMPLIANCE • All local PTA must be in GOOD STANDING as directed by Maryland PTA (MDPTA) by December 31, 2013 in order to have your student entries accepted by MCCPTA.** No exceptions. • Entries cannot be accepted at the MCCPTA office if your PTA is not in good standing with MDPTA by the 12/31/13 due date.** No exceptions. **NEW

  20. LOCAL PTA MUST HAVES MANDATORY MARYLAND PTA COMPLIANCE • Local Chairs should CONFIRM with MDPTA (410-760-6221 or 1-800-707-7972) and MCCPTA (301-208-0111) that your PTA unit meets all requirements before bringing entries to the county for judging. See http://www.mccpta.org/SoCA_Requirements.html for specific requirements. • Units not meeting the Standards of Affiliation for compliance by December 31, 2013 MUST be disqualified.** **NEW

  21. AWARDS & RECOGNITION CEREMONIES • Local level – top 3 in each category & division move up to county level • Local award ceremonies and recognition are the responsibility of the local Reflections chairperson. • County level- top 3 in each category & division move up to state level • State level: • Outstanding Interpretation of Theme • Award of Excellence • Award of Merit ( similar to honorable mention)

  22. EXAMPLES OF AWARDS Lapel Pins • You may choose your own vendors, but we have used Wholesale Medals www.wholesalemedals.com and Crown Trophy www.crowntrophy.com, and have had good service from both companies. • The National PTA web site offers Reflections awards : www.pta.org (click on PTA store link)

  23. SAMPLE CERTIFICATE Certificate of Excellence This certificate is awarded to Student’s name In recognition of your 2007-2008 PTA Reflections literature Entry “I Can Make a Difference by...” Principal, Your School Your Name, Reflections Chairperson Date

  24. SHOWCASE/RECEPTION IDEAS • Hang a Reflections ‘gallery’ in a hallway near the site of your awards ceremony two weeks before the reception so that students and teachers can view submissions. • Tie ceremony in with a PTA meeting: Reflections Showcase & Reception before your December PTA meeting. • Hold reception/ceremony in the Media Center in the evening. Have each child introduce his or her art piece, and then received certificate & pin. • Have your award ceremony in the morning and include breakfast.

  25. MCCPTA REFLECTIONS AWARDS CEREMONY & GALLERY • All local Reflections chairpersons are on the MCCPTA Reflections Awards Ceremony committee – thank you in advance for your time, energy and support! • Event details TBD – watch the listserv for details!

  26. SUGGESTIONS FOR PRESENTATION OF ARTWORK • You are encouraged to shrink wrap or place a transparent cover on visual arts and photography submissions for protection • Mount artwork on foam core or stiff poster board (but do not exceed maximum dimensions) • Check individual category guidelines to adhere to specific rules (dimensions of art, length of literature, types of recordings, etc.)

  27. PLEASE NOTE! • Read the Chairperson guide carefully before implementing your local program. • Note new compliance due date to County.** • There are NO EXCEPTIONS to any and all of the mandatory requirements as outlined in the Local Chair Guidelines. MCCPTA cannot accept any entries that do not adhere to the requirements. • Contact MCCPTA Chair Chris McDermott at malimcdermott@verizon.net with any questions! **NEW

  28. MCCPTA OFFICE Upcounty Regional Services Center 12900 Middlebrook Road, 3rd Floor Germantown, MD  20874 (301) 208-0111 Voice (301) 208-2003 Fax E-mail: office@mccpta.com Office Administrator: Pamela LoebachEntries accepted on these dates only : 12/16, 12/17, 12/18 and 12/19, 2013 Times to be determined and announced via the Reflections yahoo listserve.

  29. BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING, JOIN OUR YAHOO GROUP! http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ReflectionsMCCPTA/ All important announcements and useful information are posted on and sent via the yahoo group – JOIN NOW! Have fun with your program! The quality of the students’ art will amaze you!

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