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Welcome. Elementary Schools. Using the GENRE partner sheet , find a partner for each of the four Genres. To Do List:. Celebrate YOU!!!. Insert picture of Arlene And Jim here. Today’s Outcomes. This morning, you will….

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome Elementary Schools

  2. Using the GENRE partner sheet, find a partner for each of the four Genres.

  3. To Do List: • Celebrate YOU!!!

  4. Insert picture of Arlene And Jim here

  5. Today’s Outcomes This morning, you will…. learn about the Elementary DQIE project and reflect on how it connects to your co-teaching. engage in interactive strategies that build relationships within your school teams. discuss and determine how you can use these strategies as co-teachers to build a community of learners within your classroom.

  6. Warm up Let’s think Numbers… How could you share something special about yourself through a number?

  7. 22 52

  8. Write your number on the card • Hold up the card and find a partner • Even numbers pair up • Odd numbers pair up

  9. Talk about: YOU You will each have 2 minutes to share. When you hear the signal please return to your seats.

  10. How can you use this activity in your classroom?

  11. What’s on your mind? Find you Historical Fiction partner • Talk about: • Why are you here? • What do you expect from this professional development experience?

  12. How we got here? How you got here?

  13. What are you doing differently because you have two teachers in the classroom? Banner Question

  14. Co-teaching Approaches

  15. Teacher desk Table Work Co-teaching Match the name of the co-teaching approach with the visual representation. Students Teacher

  16. One teacher teaches the lesson while the other teacher observes or circulates around the room assisting students. One Teach, One Assist Strengths Challenges

  17. The class is divided into two or more groups. Each teacher teaches a part of the lesson to their group and then the groups rotate through each station. Station Teaching Strengths Challenges

  18. The class is divided in half and each teacher teaches the same materials at the same time. Two Groups Strengths Challenges

  19. One teacher teaches the majority of the class while the other teacher pulls a small group to the side to re-teach, pre-teach, or extend. Alternate Teaching Strengths Challenges

  20. Both teachers are supporting cooperative learning activities and moving through the groups monitoring group work and/or providing mini lessons. Content may vary. Multiple Groups Strengths Challenges

  21. Both teachers are delivering the same instruction at the same time. Most feel that this is the most complex but satisfying way to co-teach Team Teaching Strengths Challenges

  22. Four Corners • What is your past experience with co-teaching? • waded in the water • watched it from the shore • enjoyed an “easy” swim • fought a riptide

  23. Four Corners • How are you feeling about your involvement in the ES/DQIE project? • Totally excited beyond belief • Not quite sure yet • Still trying to figure it out • Ready to GO!!!

  24. Relationships….. It's relationship, not programs that change children. A great program simply creates the environment for healthy relationships to form between adults and children. Young people thrive when adults care about them on a one-to-one level, and when they also have a sense of belonging to a caring community. Bill Milliken,Founder and Vice Chairman of Communities in Schools, author of Tough Love and The Last Dropout.

  25. Video here!!

  26. The Ideal Co-teacher

  27. Teamwork…. “The strength of the team is each individual member...the strength of each member is the team.” - Coach Phil Jackson - Chicago Bulls

  28. Strength Chain • Reflect on the strengths you bring to your co-teaching team. • Identify three strengths. • Write each strength on a link of the chain.

  29. Strength Chain • Each member shares out one strength at a time and passes the chain to the next person to share their strength. • Others may add comments. • Continue until all members have shared.

  30. Strength Chain • How might you use this activity in your classroom? • Strength Chain • In your small group, share out each of your strips

  31. On site coaching visits Wages for planning email Patti Mackey PD dates: Nov 5 January 27 April 16 Next Steps Looking ahead to our Next Steps….. • Strength Chain • In your small group, share out each of your strips

  32. How can we use what we learned today?IndividuallyCollaboratively • TALK/SHARE • Private Reflections in your journal • Strength Chain • In your small group, share out each of your strips

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