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Presentation Transcript

  1. friends neighbors pastor teacher the lady at the grocery store doctor florist librarian video store owner baker gardener you mom dad grandma grandpa governor president you judge police officer vet choir director band leader banker gas station attendant ice cream truck driver taxi driver bus driver me nurse coach fast food worker cafeteria worker school administrator sister brother uncle aunt cousin step dad step mom candlestick maker grocer shoe seller mom dad grandma grandpa friends neighbors pastor teacher the guy in the grocery store doctor florist librarian the grocery store video store owner baker gardener governor president judge police officer you vet choir director the guy in line at the bank gas station attendant ice you me the guy in line at the bank

  2. When we help children do better today, we all do better tomorrow.

  3. The brain is like a house. Do you know that the basic architecture of the human brain is constructed through an ongoing process that begins before birth and continues into adulthood?

  4. The brain likes to play tennis. The interactive influences of genes and experience shape the developing brain. The active ingredient is the “serve and return” relationships with all the adults they encounter in their family or community.

  5. Toxic stress hurts. Chronic stressful conditions such as extreme poverty, abuse or neglect — what scientists now call “toxic stress” — can also disrupt the architecture of the developing brain. Source: Helping Babies from the Bench DVD, ZERO TO THREE, 2007

  6. Toxic stress hurts us all. Research shows that toxic stress has the following lifelong and societal impacts. There is a strong link between adverse childhood experiences and: • adult onset of chronic illness • alcohol use and abuse • smoking and lung disease • depression and suicide • impaired worker performance

  7. Fortunately we live in a town that . . . VALUES PROSPERITY AND INGENUITY Our town can invest wisely in its children and families, so the next generation will pay that back through a lifetime of productivity and responsible citizenship.

  8. . . . and there are good ideas we can start using now.

  9. friends neighbors pastor teacher the lady at the grocery store doctor florist librarian video store owner baker gardener you mom dad grandma grandpa governor president you judge police officer vet choir director band leader banker gas station attendant ice cream truck driver taxi driver bus driver me nurse coach fast food worker cafeteria worker school administrator sister brother uncle aunt cousin step dad step mom candlestick maker grocer shoe seller mom dad grandma grandpa friends neighbors pastor teacher the guy in the grocery store doctor florist librarian the grocery store video store owner baker gardener governor president judge police officer you vet choir director the guy in line at the bank gas station attendant ice you me the guy in line It takes all of us. at the bank

  10. Information in the previous slides came from these sources. More research and resources are available at each of their websites: Frameworks Institute www.frameworksinstitute.org ACE Study www.acestudy.org ZERO TO THREE www.zerotothree.org Prevent Child Abuse Minnesota www.pcamn.org Prevent Child Abuse America www.preventchildabuse.org

  11. Insert your content here. Now that you’ve told the core story of prevention, your audience is primed to hear about your strategies. You can make your case for whatever prevention strategy you are promoting by adding your own slides or other material and activities here.

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