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Benefits of 7 chakra pendulums | Help us to Heal

7 chakra pendulums help us to heal, clear and balance our body. They are excellent at finding lost things. And, it brings balance to each aspect of our life.

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Benefits of 7 chakra pendulums | Help us to Heal

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Benefits of 7 chakra pendulums TAIBA CRYSTALS WWW.TAIBACRYSTALS.COM

  2. 7CHAKRAPENDULUMS This7ChakraPendulumchargedtosyncwithall 7chakrasofthehumanbody. Itisavaluabletool todeterminetheproblemsrelatedtoenergyand ithastheabilitytoresolvethem. Ithelpsusto detectourenergeticfield. WWW.TAIBACRYSTALS.COM

  3. 7chakrapendulumshelpustoheal, clearand balanceourbody. WWW.TAIBACRYSTALS.COM

  4. Theyareexcellentatfindinglostthings. And, it bringsbalancetoeachaspectofourlife. This pendulumwillopentheheartchakraof yourbodyandyouwillbeabletofeeljoyand gratitude. WWW.TAIBACRYSTALS.COM

  5. Onecandiscoverhisinnerstrengthintuitionsor truthbymeditatingonthispendulum. WWW.TAIBACRYSTALS.COM

  6. Itcancleanseyourmindandenhanceyourself- confidenceandcommunicationskills. Itisalso goodfortheimmunesystem, emotionalbalance andstrength. WWW.TAIBACRYSTALS.COM

  7. WHOCANUSE Ifyoufeelthatyouaredependentonothersfor loveinrelationshipsandfeelingsuffocationand jealousythenyoumustusethis7chakra pendulumasithealingpropertieschangeyour mindandthoughts. WWW.TAIBACRYSTALS.COM

  8. HOWTOUSE Onecankeepthisathomeandofficeforthe protectionfromevileyesandnegativeenergies. Itgivescordialrelationshipsandbetter resultsinyourworkandventures. 7chakra pendulumscanbeplacedontheofficetableas itwillattractopportunitiesandearningsforyou. WWW.TAIBACRYSTALS.COM


  10. ThankYou ForMoreInformation VisitOurWebsite WWW.TAIBACRYSTALS.COM

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