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The Pagan Elegy

The Pagan Elegy. The Exile. Written in 1st p erson Character is alone Forced to leave home for a long period of time. Style. Melancholic mood Feelings of isolation Reflects on life and its meaning Uses vivid imagery Alliteration. The Exeter Book. Compiled in the 10th century

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The Pagan Elegy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Pagan Elegy

  2. The Exile • Written in 1st person • Character is alone • Forced to leave home for a long period of time

  3. Style • Melancholic mood • Feelings of isolation • Reflects on life and its meaning • Uses vivid imagery • Alliteration

  4. The Exeter Book • Compiled in the 10th century • Leofric, Bishop of Exeter donateditto a monastary • Manypageshavedamageor are missing.

  5. Riddles The Exeter bookcontainsover 90 riddles, some of which are incompleteorunsolved. Try solvingthisone: The sea fed me;     the water-helm was over me,and waves covered me,     close to the ground.I was footless.     Often toward the waterI opened my mouth.     Now people willeat my meat.     They want not my skin.When they rip my hide     with the point of a knife. . . . .     . . . .Then they eat me uncooked.     . . .

  6. TheSeafarer • TheSeafareris a poemfromthe Exeter book. • Thesubjectis a manrecountinghisexperiences at sea. • As weread look toanswerthesequestions: • Howdoesthetone of thepoemchangefromthebeginningtotheend? • Do youthinktheSeafarerregretsthe time spent at sea? • Whatisthe final hope orgoal of theSeafarer?

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