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SEAC4RS cloud-radiation- UTLS flight

Science goals involving clouds&radiation : Cirrus Microphysical Composition (IWC, Ni(r), habit) and structure, especially vertical structure, and associated radiative properties => improve basic knowledge (models) and remote sensing capabilities, role of radiation in maintaining Ci

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SEAC4RS cloud-radiation- UTLS flight

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Science goals involving clouds&radiation: • CirrusMicrophysical Composition (IWC, Ni(r), habit) and structure, especially vertical structure, and associated radiative properties => improve basic knowledge (models) and remote sensing capabilities, role of radiation in maintaining Ci • Role of pollution on Ci: outflow data sets in clean and polluted environments • Minor: Effect of Ci on satellite aerosol retrievals • Clout types of interest: Aged and fresh cirrus/anvils, Deep stratiform anvils , TTL/laminar cirrus • Selected Aug. 28, 2011 • Aerosol effects on clouds • Cloud types of interest: shallow to moderate depth cumulus clouds during aerosol missions • Combine with aerosol mission SEAC4RS cloud-radiation-UTLS flight

  2. Altitude of uppermost clouds SEA region Altitude of uppermost cloud layer likely between 12-18km

  3. Thickness of uppermost clouds SEA region 12 – 18 km height Cloud uppermost layer thickness likely ~ 2km

  4. COD of uppermost clouds SEA region 12 – 18 km height Cloud uppermost COD mostly under 0.3

  5. Statistics for August Clouds, 2006-2010 SEA region all heights SEA region 12-18km

  6. Frequency of cloud occurrence SEA region 12 – 18 km height 100% cloudy (Dark red) No CALIOP data (white) Clear air and/or aerosol (Dark blue) August

  7. August 28, 2011

  8. Some thoughts: Get pilot buy-in early Use aircraft as scout? Do radiation (incl. intercomp. first, then microphysics Flux divergence over land VERY difficult

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