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What is a Charter School?

What is a Charter School?. And what makes them different?. Charter School 101. The NYS charter school law was passed for two primary reasons: First, to give parents another choice and secondly, to raise student achievement.

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What is a Charter School?

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  1. What is a Charter School? And what makes them different?

  2. Charter School 101 • The NYS charter school law was passed for two primary reasons: First, to give parents another choice and secondly, to raise student achievement. • Charter schools are public schools that have a five year “charter” or agreement with SED • They have to follow the same health and safety regulations as other public schools • Charters are free • Charter schools are open to everyone

  3. More Charter Info • Charter schools offer food, special education and transportation services in the same ways as public schools • Charter schools often look similar to other public schools but they have the flexibility to be very different if they want. • Not every state has charter schools. • States charter school laws vary. Some states are very liberal but others provide intense oversight. • Charters in NYS are closely scrutinized. They go through reports, audits and site visits.

  4. Differences • Charter schools do not have a central office • Charter schools are run by Boards but Board Members are selected not elected. SED does approve them. • Charter schools often do not have teacher or administrator unions. The process for dismissal and promotion can be faster than in public schools. • Charter schools can make up their own policies and rules internally. This means decisions often happen faster. Some of these do require SED approval. • Charters get their funding the same way other public school do (PP) but they get much less. • Almost all charters have a longer school day and/or a longer school year.

  5. Misconceptions and Realities • Very few Charter Schools are run by “private companies” who make a profit. Most are started and run by individuals who want to help kids. • Most charters are not owned by millionaires or others running them for a profit. • There are some charters that are run by Management Groups but these are not for profit. These are expanding. • The same best practices that guide successful charters are the same ones you would see in other public school districts. (Great leadership, smart budgeting, quality staff, etc) • Unions often oppose charter schools because most charters do not have unions but there are valid reasons for this. • The salaries and benefits at charter schools are similar to those in other public schools.

  6. Conclusion • Not all charter schools are the same. There are many different kinds. Each one has its own way of teaching students to learn. • Charter schools are much more like other public schools than they are different. • Charter schools have less restrictions than other public schools • There are 6 or 7 charter schools in Rochester. Most of them have higher test scores than the RCSD. • Charter schools receive about 1/3 less funding than the RCSD.

  7. What’s up with Urban Choice? • It was started by a small group of people and the philosophy (mission) that guides the school has never changed.

  8. UCCS Facts • UCCS is a K-8 school with 400 students (2 classes/grade) • Urban Choice puts great emphasis on the student-teacher relationship. The school was started by a teacher who believes kids learn better if they trust and respect the adults around them and kids should enjoy what they are learning. • The Urban Choice charter was just renewed • Urban Choice produces annual reports every year for both the public and SED • Urban Choice has a very large staff • Urban Choice has a much longer school day • Urban Choice places great emphasis on the student-teacher relationship • Urban Choice has a balanced approach to learning and doing things

  9. Scores and More

  10. Urban Choice Charter SchoolPillars for Success Invested, Focused Leadership Classroom Daily Best Practices • Practice what you preach. Work hard, be honest, and hold yourself to high work standards. • Hold students accountable; they must do their best as often as is reasonable. • Be mobile; keep them guessing. • Develop a routine, but also be spontaneous; find balance. • Be firm, but do not yell or lose control. • Be consistent and follow through with warnings. • Keep parents informed. • Have fun. Common Sense Coherent Operations Consistent Revenues and Smart Budgeting Dedicated Staff Not Afraid of Being Held Accountable

  11. Additional facts • Lots of volunteers and support • 40 or so volunteers and a coordinator, many partners, and a very large staff (85) staff for such a small school • Health component • FT nurse, 3 counselors, 2 PE, kids outside everyday, better meals, real plates, snacks, nutritionist and more • Program variety • Art, music, music lessons, library, PC and MAC labs, ipads, drama, smart boards and more 4. Extended day • After school (Tutoring, cooking, Rec.) Saturday Camp, Summer school • Parent Participation • Parents on the Board, Saturday Forums, School Based Planning, PTA. No central office so parents can get answers.

  12. Future and Summary • UCCS plans to add grades 9-12 within the next few years • The students who graduate from grade 8 are accepted in good schools and many of them do well in their new schools • Charters are not as different as other public schools but they have fewer restrictions • Charters are different from each other • The people who run or work in charters care about kids and work hard just like most other teachers and administrators do • There are many misconceptions about charter schools. • UCCS like other schools need to focus on student engagement

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