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Updates on Indepth Phase IV Effectiveness and Safety Studies (INESS)- Kintampo HDSS

Updates on Indepth Phase IV Effectiveness and Safety Studies (INESS)- Kintampo HDSS. Livesy Abokyi Kintampo Health Research Centre 9 th INDEPTH AGM 26-29 th October,2009 Pune, INDIA. Stakeholder meetings and Community Sensitization. Main stakeholders meeting held 15 th July, 2009

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Updates on Indepth Phase IV Effectiveness and Safety Studies (INESS)- Kintampo HDSS

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Updates on Indepth Phase IV Effectiveness and Safety Studies (INESS)-Kintampo HDSS Livesy Abokyi Kintampo Health Research Centre 9th INDEPTH AGM 26-29th October,2009 Pune, INDIA

  2. Stakeholder meetings and Community Sensitization • Main stakeholders meeting held 15th July, 2009 • Representatives from both public and private Heath Facilities, District Health Administration and Regional Health Directorate • Community meetings • Radio discussions on local radio station in the local languages. • Media briefing with presenters on the local radio stations

  3. Access- so far • Redemarcation of field worker areas from 14 to 18 to make up for additional workload • More field workers and supervisors have been recruited • Field workers and field supervisors have been trained on: fever form, HH access and costing survey and Assessment of population parasite prevalence • Listings for HH access and costing generated for 2nd half of HDSS round– 25% (4226 HHs). • Listings have also been generated for the assessment of population parasite prevalence

  4. Survey update • Population monitoring for fever burden • Eleven weeks of data collection • 1384 forms completed • 478 Households with fever • Household Access and Costing survey • Four weeks of data collection

  5. Safety module • Spontaneous Adverse Event Reporting System (SAERS) • Cohort Event Monitoring (CEM) • Situational analysis on SAERS done -Coordinators from the two major hospitals have received training but not implementing -Some staff in the peripheral health facilities know about the form but have never reported -There were no forms at the periphery

  6. Safety module • Challenges from the perspective of health workers -Inadequate forms -Inadequate knowledge about the system of reporting Response to situational analysis • INESS safety team meeting held in Oct • discussed findings and the way forward • -discussed terms of reference of the safety team and frequency( monthly at district level and two safety teams to meet quarterly)

  7. Safety module • Training for reporters on 21st and 23rd Oct. organized with the FDB Health workers and chemical sellers -Plan to do radio discussion to increase community awareness -Supply of forms for by FDB upon request by the District Health Administration with support from the INESS Safety coordinator -INESS Safety team will be responsible for monitoring and supervision

  8. Other modules to start soon • Targeting Accuracy & Provider Compliance -Training of staff planned -Assessment of drug stock levels done • Patient and Community Acceptability –Communities selected • Adherence yet to start • Other measures of contextual determinants yet to start

  9. Challenges • Changes to the initial design for blood sample taking-may require protocol amendment and ethical considerations -Now all members in sampled households are included in the blood sample taking • Sampled households have substantial number of moved outs

  10. Thank You

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