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What’s Really Good?

What’s Really Good?. How to order food at a Filipino restaurant?. Everyday Fare. Everyday Fare. Sinigang. Everyday Fare. Mongo. IHAWAN. BBQ. Traditional Food: Noodles. Appetizers. Lumpia Sariwa. Lumpia Shanghai. Star of the Party. LECHON. Traditional Food. Adobo (Manok).

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What’s Really Good?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What’s Really Good? How to order food at a Filipino restaurant?

  2. Everyday Fare

  3. Everyday Fare Sinigang

  4. Everyday Fare Mongo


  6. Traditional Food: Noodles

  7. Appetizers Lumpia Sariwa Lumpia Shanghai

  8. Star of the Party LECHON

  9. Traditional Food Adobo (Manok) Adobo (Baboy)

  10. Desserts

  11. Desserts

  12. Desserts

  13. Specialties/Oddities

  14. Restaurants: Queens IHAWAN "Home of the Best Barbeque in town" 40-06 70th Sreet Woodside, NY 11377 KRYSTAL'S CAFE "Restaurant and Pastry Shop" 69-02 Roosevelt Avenue Woodside, NY 11377

  15. Restaurants: Manhattan Manila Garden Restaurant 325 East 14th Street (between 1st and 2nd Aves.) New York, NY (212) 777-6314 Elvie's turo-turo 214 1st Ave,   New York 10009 Btwn 12th & 13th St Phone: 212-473-7785 Fax: 212-254-5683

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