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优质快检 QUALITY RAPID TESTING. 中国艾滋援助基金会 AIDS Relief Fund for China 乌辛堃 Humphrey Wou. 优质快检 QUALITY RAPID TESTING (QRT). 100% 社区操作 100% Community-operated testing 2 种 HIV 快检, 1 种梅毒快检,和尿路感染检测 2 HIV rapid tests, 1 syphilis rapid test, and 1 urinary tract infection test 30 分钟

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  1. 优质快检QUALITY RAPID TESTING 中国艾滋援助基金会 AIDS Relief Fund for China 乌辛堃 Humphrey Wou

  2. 优质快检 QUALITY RAPID TESTING (QRT) • 100%社区操作 100% Community-operated testing • 2种HIV快检,1种梅毒快检,和尿路感染检测 2 HIV rapid tests, 1 syphilis rapid test, and 1 urinary tract infection test • 30分钟 30 minutes total • 一个月的“全程陪同” One month of “Companion-in-Need” • 限量版:每三个月50-150个检测 Limited Edition: 50-150 testing per quarter

  3. 经过了14个月试验期,在18个各地小组的努力下:AFTER MOBILIZING 18 CBO IN 14 MONTHS: 检测了3,234个MSM / Tested 3,234 MSM 发现了236个HIV感染者,发现率为7.3% / Discovered 236个HIV+, or 7.3% 213 位去了CDC或医院接受了再次检测,其中212位是确证阳性。试剂的准确程度达到99.5% 213 went to CDC or hospitals for confirmation. 212 confirmed positive. The accuracy of the HIV testing kits is 99.5% 我们的小组能陪同199名初发现的感染者,陪同率为93.4% / 199 of those confirmed positive were provided with “Companion in Need” service, or follow-up rate is 93.4%

  4. 经过了14个月试验期,在18个各地小组的努力下:经过了14个月试验期,在18个各地小组的努力下: 合肥的陪同率只有40%,当地的小组也就是在CDC的大楼里,我们认为环境是带来负面影响的因素 重庆和深圳HIV感染率高是众所周知,我们还发现三个感染率超过10%的城市,太原,郑州和洛阳 不是所有的MSM都是高危人群,南京和广州大学城发现有低危的男男性行为人群存在 2011年春季的统计(4月到7月),发现第一次接受HIV检测的人士达到总人数的56%

  5. AFTER MOBILIZING 18 CBO IN 14 MONTHS : Hefei’s follow-up rate is 40%. The CBO is located inside of the CDC’s building. We speculate that the environment contributes a deterrent factor. Chongqing and Shenzhen are two cities known for their high prevalence. However, we discovered three other cities that have over 10% of HIV rate, Taiyuan, Zhengzhou, and Luoyang.

  6. AFTER MOBILIZING 18 CBO IN 14 MONTHS : Not all MSM are high risk. In Nanjing and the college area of Guangzhou’s suburb, we found a low-risk gay men population. In the Spring of 2011, from April to July, 56% of all the clients were first timers who had never been tested before.

  7. 成功因素 ELEMENTS OF SUCCESS 社区小组 Community-based 尊重人群 Respect 正性宣传 Message on Well-Being 同伴陪同 Peer Companionship 限量服务 Limited Edition

  8. 艾滋检测和关怀工作达到最理想的效果BE THE BEST WE CAN BE • 陪同率为93.4% Follow-up ratio is 93.4% • 隐性人群:已经发现有佛门子弟,聋哑青年,和社会知名人士 Hidden population: Buddhist monks, hearing-impaired youths, and socially prominent


  10. 团队建立 TEAM BUILDING

  11. INVENTION OF TOOLS 工具发明 • Script剧本 • Quarterly Handbook手册 • Pre-test Counseling检前 • Consent form知情同意 • Questionnaire 对话问卷 • Conversation Checklist对话记录 • Post-test Support检后 • “Companion in Need” 全程陪同 • “Journey of Life”生命历程 • CBO Collaboration 小组合作 • “Peer Coaching Circle”团队熔炼圈

  12. 保持关系 KEEPING TRACK • 全程陪同、降低失访 Companion-in-Need raises follow-up ratio • 降低恐慌、稳定生活 Reducing fear and returning to daily life • 一个月陪同:以QQ,邮箱,电话,短信联系;一对一的咨询,QQ群,小组活动等 One month follow-up with QQ, emails, phone calls, or SMS, to provide one-on-one counseling, online chat groups, or small support groups

  13. 发展目标 Lowering loss contact ratio 减低失访量 Optimal emotional support: “Companion in Need”最理想的支持:全程陪同 Right-based Rapid Testing Protocol for MSM 以MSM人群权益为本的设计 Enhancing testing experience 增强检测的愉悦性 Government attitude change政府的态度改变

  14. OTHER BENEFITS 额外的收获 Finding hidden population隐性人群的发现 Fee service 收费服务 CBO empowerment: “Peer Coaching Circles”团队熔炼的小组充能 New way of promoting testing among gay men 创新检测的宣传

  15. 试验期费用EXPENSES OF THE PILOT PHASE: $105,396. 15 (USD) 所有项目设计和培训人员都是自愿者,不收任何费用。All program implementation consultants work pro-bono on this project.

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