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Chapter 23: War and Revolution

Chapter 23: War and Revolution. I. The Road to World War I. A. Nationalism i. French fervor over Alsace-Lorraine lingers from Franco- Prussian War. i i. Pan- Slavism: Slav Culture should unite into an empire, Serbia is the agitator and Austria- Hungary is alarmed, Russia’s role is in question

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Chapter 23: War and Revolution

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  1. Chapter 23: War and Revolution

  2. I. The Road to World War I • A. Nationalism • i. French fervor over Alsace-Lorraine lingers from Franco- Prussian War. • ii. Pan- Slavism: Slav Culture should unite into an empire, Serbia is the agitator and Austria- Hungary is alarmed, Russia’s role is in question • iii. Internal dissent- socialist labor movement leads to violent strikes

  3. B. Imperialism- New Nation States & established empires compete economically in post industrial world for new markets, colonies, & trade. They need to be protected & safeguarded in a more global market

  4. C. Alliances- Defense agreements among nations • i. Triple Alliance = Italy, Germany, Austria- Hungary • ii. Triple Entente = France, Russia, Great Britain • iii. Minor conflicts have potential for major war

  5. D. Militarism- Glorification of War and Military, Aggressive preparation, influence of military leaders • i. Enemies measure their opponents- spending, programs, readiness • ii. Politicians seek more $$$ for military build up • iii. Mandatory conscription • iv. Actions lead to reactions

  6. E. Outbreak of war • i. The Serbian problem- Pan Slavism leads to peace keeping mission by Francis Ferdinand & wife Sophie to Sarajevo • a. Assassination Plot- Black Hand (Union of Death) tries bombing the route (fails), Gavrilo Princip (19) guns them down in an alley • b. Austria- Hungary responds with ultimatum to Serbia with German backing  48 hours to agree or war. Serbia complies with all but one  WAR

  7. ii. Alliances in motion- All sides believe the others will back down • A .Russia supports Serbia (Slavic Cousins), France follows suit • B. Germany declared war on Russia and France • C. Great Britain remains neutral temporarily • D. Germany invades Belgium to get to France • E. Britain is pledged to protect Belgium neutrality • F. Britain declares war on Germany

  8. II. The War • Intro: Voices from the past = Delusions/History • A. illusions and stalemate = “propaganda”= affect public opinion • 1. Western Front = Schlieffen plan  2 year war • A. Trenches • 2. Eastern Front- Italy changes sides

  9. B. The Great Slaughter • 1. Life in the Trenches- 2 parallel trenches 500 miles long, ½ mile- 100 yards “No Mans Land,” barbed wire, mines • a. Life of boredom, terror, cold, mud, rats, disease • b. “Over the Top” = Charge into machine gun fire and artillery • c. Poison gas = blindness, choking, vomiting, death • The Lost Battalion: Trench Warfare Clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQSRReg4rG8

  10. 2. War of Attrition • 3. Evolution of Air war- Reconnaissance, pistols, bombs, mounted machine guns • A. Failure of Zeppelins • 4. Expansion of the war = Gallipoli- Churchill favors a Balkan front to help Serbia and Russia & take out Ottoman Empire and Austria- Hungary = fails

  11. C. Entry of the United States- America loses neutrality • 1. Sea Battles = blockades would affect good supply and war materials and ability to wage war • A. “Hunger Blockade” • B. British seizure of ships suspected of contraband • C. Lusitania- passenger liner = 1200 casualties (128 Americans)

  12. 2. U.S enters the war- public opinion divided – Anti- English vs. Anti- German vs. isolationists = Germany’s dilemma- Challenge British blockade via submarine warfare and risk U.S. intervention or do nothing- Submarine warfare is resumed

  13. D. Home Front- impact of total war turning the tide- trench war stalemate continues • 1. Total War- Recruit/draft/train/supply large armies, raise taxes and borrow $, price fixing/freeze wages/ban strikes/rationing/censorship • A. Women replace men- aids movement for women’s rights • 2. Public opinion wanes- “DORA” = arrests & censorship, & propaganda hinder peace movements

  14. III. The Russian Revolution • A. Background to Revolution- unprepared militarily & technologically, incompetent czar, inefficient industry, heavy military losses • 1. Beginnings= fall of the Czar- Nicholas & Alexandra = unpopular & incompetent, reliance on Rasputin (murdered) = why • A. Strikes erupt because of shortages -riots and protests • B. Czars’ troops join rioters & refuse to fire • C. Czars’ generals advise Nicholas to abdicate

  15. 2. Provisional government = temporary, led by Kerensky (Duma), vows to continue war- Major blunder • B. The Rise of Lenin- Lenin = radical Bolshevik, disciple of Marx = worldwide revolution • 1. Lenin returns from exile to seize opportunity • A. promises end to war, redistribution of land, transfer of factories/industries to workers • B. “Peace, land, & bread” gets support from the masses

  16. C. Bolsheviks Seize Power- Bolshevik revolution- coup d'état takes over essential areas and turns guns on the palace – Bolsheviks call their movement communism  Civil War = 3 years (1918- 1921) • A. Lenin makes peace – treaty of Brest- Litovsk concedes land and population to Germany • B. Strong opposition to communists led by Royalists, liberals, other socialists & the allies Anti- Bolshevik Poster

  17. C. White (Royalists, moderates, liberals) vs. Reds (communists) • 1. Whites = resume WW1- aid comes from allies and U.S --- Polar Bears • 2. Reds = Leon Trotsky employs “war communism” • 3. Czar & Family Killed

  18. D. Triumph of Communists • 1. Trotsky & war communism = Reinstates draft (deserters & malcontents shot), gov’t control of banks & industries, seizing of grain, establishment of secret police (cheka) = FEAR  Whites defeated in 1921

  19. IV. End of the War • A. The Last Year 1917- starts badly for Allies- series of tough defeats, Russian Revolution/withdrawal/surrender • 1. US entry changes everything- fresh troops, materials, psychological boost = Allies advance towards Germany • 2. Unconditional Surrender- Allies refuse peace with Autocratic Gov’t William II forced to flee

  20. 3. Armistice Day (Veterans Day) = 11/11 at 11, 1918 • 4. Revolution/ Civil War- Germany & Austria- Hungary experience middle class/ communist struggle as well as ethnic divisions

  21. B. Peace Settlements • 1. Wilson’s 14 points- propose Free Trade/ Free Seas, Self Rule, Arms Limitations, end Secret Alliances, League of Nations • 2. Reality of Paris Peace Conference- Pre War promises obstruct idealistic goals = Wilson, Clemenceau, George, Orlando have different objectives • A. Reparations • B. Revenge & Security- arms limitations & buffers • C. US Senate rejects League of Nations

  22. 3. Treaty of Versailles- A harsh peace (War Guilt Clause), Reparations, Arms Reductions, buffers and land concessions

  23. 4. A New Europe- Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia (Serbs, Croats, Slovenes) = All Leave ethnic minorities to create future conflicts • A. Break-up of Ottoman Empire spells doom for middle east = France controls Lebanon & Syria while Britain controls Iraq and Palestine • 5. Legacy of WWI- Total war, 10 million dead/ 21 million wounded, disillusionment, and German resentment means revenge

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