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We live in a society where we are spoilt for choices. Be it a tiny pin or a fancy car, choosing one over the other is only getting difficult over time. This certainly is a luxury, but does this luxury and comfort benefit our health as well? Or are we, as humans falling prey to an unhealthy system of eating?

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  1. BINGING THE HEALTHY WAY! We live in a society where we are spoilt for choices. Be it a tiny pin or a fancy car, choosing one over the other is only getting difficult over time. This certainly is a luxury, but does this luxury and comfort benefit our health as well? Or are we, as humans falling prey to an unhealthy system of eating? Since the past decade, there has been a disorder that has invariably turned into a cultural mishap. The term ‘Binging’ has given rise to an ecosystem of unhealthy snacks and bars, where one can eat any-time, anywhere – and binging paired with entertainment is the biggest trend overtaking the world. Ever wondered what’s the cause to avoid healthy snack products, and how can it be solved? Well, we all have this feeling where we think we just can’t stop eating Tasty snack. While it is mentally tough, the truth is we are aware of it but still carry on binging, regardless. This happens because our brains are wired to crave for sugar and refined carbs which make us even hungrier!

  2. So, the next question arises is, how can solve this? We’ve put together some of the best practices for you to build habits that will teach your mind and body to binge the right way! 1. Cut out the processed munchies and eat real and whole foods! The most important action against unhealthy binging habit is to start including as many real whole unprocessed foods in your diet as possible. Foods like vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains beans, seeds, olive oil are some of the primary food intakes that should replace a bag of oily and greasy chips and fried products. Creating small and interesting mini-meals with organic free range-fed meat products like poultry, lamb, eggs are easy and doable any time of the day. Smaller fish like salmon is a brilliant add on to your diet as they help you reset your brain and your appetite! 2. Eat breakfast A recent study found that almost 3,000 people who lost an average of 70 pounds, kept the excess weight off them for six years as they were regularly eating their breakfast. In fact, only 4% of people who never eat breakfast did not put on weight. By having a big, healthy breakfast regulates your body making it full, so that you avoid binging. Even though, you feel hungry then consume fruits and vegetables or its juices. Caution: Never eat food 2 hours before going to bed. Eating food earlier in the day prevents you from overeating at night. 3. Eat mindfully! Our stomach takes 20 minutes to digest and to signal the brain that we’re full. When we binge-eat or eat too fast, this information is not processed by our brains and so we tend to overeat. Emotions like stress, sadness, depression are also another reason to overeat. When we are not mindful, we get confused whether it’s our body telling us that it needs food or our mind that runs towards comfort foods – urging us to crave for something binge on. Stress hormones produce fats since the food cannot be broken down into complex substances and can’t digest our food properly.

  3. Later, it slows our metabolism and promotes fat storage especially belly fat. So, when it’s time to eat, eat slowly by being mindful to enjoy every part of your meal or healthy snack. 4. Moderate or eliminate alcohol There is a reason why drinking alcohol falls into the list of bad habits! Cutting out alcohol will get rid of the additional sugar calories and prevent you from overeating. Alcohol releases your inhibitions which is why restaurants offer you a drink at the beginning of the meal. Once you avoid drinking alcohol, your face will start showing you very clear signs that indicate your body has managed to flush out most of the alcohol from your system. On continuing so, you can gradually feel light and will end up not binging or overeating! 5. Become aware of trigger foods One little soda can begin that downward spiral to overeating. Stay away from the trigger foods that make you eat more things like sugar, sweetened drinks, sweets, bread, refined carbs. Any kind of artificial sweeteners is also a powerful trigger-food that can instantly make you crave for more of it. Hence, avoid the trigger! 6. Keep a Journal We majorly use food to block our feelings, but you can use words to block unhealthy binging! In fact, research shows that journaling is an excellent way to lose weight and it’s a great way to be honest with yourself and be accountable. We often overeat and stuff ourselves with food in order to stay away from confronting our feelings. So, write your feelings down instead of eating them! 7. Get Sufficient Sleep Lack of sleep continues to insulin resistance which is like pre-diabetics or diabetes that makes you hungry and makes you crave sugar and crabs. To stay fit and avoid obesity and type 2 diabetes, one should get a sound 7-8 hours of sleep every night. You’ll have less craving and good sleep will normalize the fat regulating hormones.

  4. 8. Control stress level Demanding jobs are increasing stress and tension that is resulting in lack of sleep. Too much to in too little time creates stress for most of us. Stress makes us overeat and it makes us overeat the wrong kinds of food which leads to gain weight. So learn to actively relax. Things like meditation, yoga, deep breathing or any other techniques that help you reduce stress. 9. Exercise Body movement of any kind is an exercise. There is no pressure of joining a gym to get those shredded muscles in place, but instead by doing simple things like getting up every 15 minutes and strolling around in your house is also a habit one should develop. Doing household chores, taking your pet for a walk, dancing and even light exercise will keep you off unhealthy binging-habits and help you see the difference. Apart from this, the good news is that there a way to eat Tasty, healthy and crunchy snacks that are the best healthy snacks you can binge – Teetoo snacks! The Tasty, healthy and crunchy snacks for healthy-binging! Source : https://teetoo.ae/blog/binging-the-healthy-way/

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