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Weather Maps

Low (Baja) Pressure Area : Cloudy , wet and windy Weather Low Pressure areas are sometimes called Cyclones or Depressions. Isobars close together : Strong Winds. Weather Maps. Weather Fronts : Where two different types of air meet and create rain

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Weather Maps

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Low (Baja) PressureArea: Cloudy, wet and windyWeather LowPressureareas are sometimescalledCyclonesorDepressions Isobarsclosetogether: StrongWinds WeatherMaps WeatherFronts: Wheretwodifferenttypes of air meet and createrain The Blue Line withtrianglesoniscalled a Cold Front. Temperatures are colderbehindthis line. The Red Line withsemi-circlesoniscalled a Warm Front. Temperatures are warmerbehindthis line High (Alta) PressureArea: with clear, cloudless skies and fine, sunny weather. High Pressure areas are sometimes called Anticyclones

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