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1. Colon 2. Duodenum 3. Caput pancreatis 4. V. mesenterica superior 5. A. mesenterica superior

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 20. 7. 19. 18. 8. 17. 9. 16. 10. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 1. Colon 2. Duodenum 3. Caput pancreatis 4. V. mesenterica superior 5. A. mesenterica superior 6. Jejunum 7. V. mesenterica inferior 8. V. renalis sin. 9. A. renalis sin. 10. Ren sin.

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1. Colon 2. Duodenum 3. Caput pancreatis 4. V. mesenterica superior 5. A. mesenterica superior

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 20 7 19 18 8 17 9 16 10 15 14 13 12 11

  2. 1. Colon • 2. Duodenum • 3. Caputpancreatis • 4. V. mesentericasuperior • 5. A. mesentericasuperior • 6. Jejunum • 7. V. mesentericainferior • 8. V. renalis sin. • 9. A. renalis sin. • 10. Ren sin. • 11. Vertebra • 12. Aorta descendens • 13. Diaphragma (crus) • 14. M. psoas major • 15. M. erectorspinae • 16. Costa • 17. Rendext. • 18. V. renalisdext. • 19. V. cavainferior • 20. Hepar

  3. Truncus celiacus Aorta A. lienalis V. cava inf. Pancreas Gaster Ren dexter Lien Diaphragma (Pars lumbalis) Vertebra thoracica M. erector spinae Magasság: Truncusceliacus

  4. 1 2 3 4 5 16 15 6 14 7 13 12 11 10 8 9

  5. 1. Gaster • 2. Truncuscoeliacus • 3. Corpus pancreatis • 4. Colon • 5. Jejunum • 6. A.lienalis • 7. Lien • 8. Costa • 9. Rensinister • 10. Aorta descendens • 11. Vertebra • 12 . M. erectorspinae • 13. Diaphragma (crus) • 14. V. cavainferior • 15. V. portae, rr. lobares • 16. Hepar

  6. (1) Liver. (2) Spleen (3) Pancreas (4) Gallbladder (5) Right AdrenalGland (6) LeftAdrenalGland (7) Inferior Vena Cava (8) Aorta (9) PortalVein (10) SuperiorMesentericArtery (10*) SuperiorMesentericVein (11) Ascending Colon (12) Descending Colon (13) Transverse Colon (14) Stomach (15) DistalStomach (16) Right Kidney (17) LeftKidney (18) InferiorMesentericArtery (19) Duodenum, 2nd part (19*) Duodenum, 3rd part (20) LeftRenalVein (20*) LeftRenalArtery (21) Rt. RenalVein (21*) Rt. RenalArtery (22) SmallIntestine (+) SplenicArtery (x) CommonHepaticArtery (#) CeliacTrunk (*) SplenicVein

  7. Pelvis (male)

  8. 1. Aorta. (2) Inferior Vena Cava (3) Ureter (4) LeftKidney (5) SmallBowel (6) Cecum (6a) Appendix (7) Descending Colon (8) PsoasMuscle (9) ErectorSpinaeMuscle (10) RectusAbdominusMuscle (11) ExternalObliqueMuscle (12) InternalObliqueMuscle (13) TranversusAbdominusMuscle (14) QuadratusLumborumMuscle (15) Vertebra (Body) (16) Vertebra (SpinousProcess) (17) CommonIliacArteries (17a) CommonIliacVeins (18) IliacWing (19) ExternalIliacVessels (20) CommonFemoralArtery and Vein (21) SuperficialFemoralArtery (22) Deep FemoralArtery (23) IliacusMuscle (24) GluteusMaximusMuscle (25) GluteusMediusMuscle (26) GluteusMinimusMuscle (27) Sacrum (28) UrinaryBladder (29) Sigmoid Colon (30) Rectum (31) SeminalVesicle (32) ProstateGland (33) Base of Penis (34) PiriformisMuscle (35) IschialSpine (36) Femoral Head (37) GreaterTrochanter (38) RectusFemorisMuscle (39) InternalObturatorMuscle (40) ExternalObturatorMuscle (41) Ischiorectal Fossa (42) Symphysis Pubis (43) InferiorPubicRamus (44) IschialTuberosity (45) Gracilis Muscle (46) SartoriusMuscle (47) Adductor Magnus Muscle (48) AdductorLongusMuscle (49) Vastus LateralisMuscle (50) Vastus IntermediusMuscle (51) Vastus MedialisMuscle (52) Semimembranousus and SemitendinosusMuscles (54) TensorFasciaLatae (55) PectineusMuscle

  9. What’s wrong?

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