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OSD-AT&L-L&MR-Program Support Organization Chart

OSD-AT&L-L&MR-Program Support Organization Chart. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Program Support) Mr. Gary Motsek. Military Advisor CAPT Greg Stroh Chief of Staff duties. Director, Strategic & Operational Logistics Mr. John Klotsko (Alt: Mr. Kevin Doxey)

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OSD-AT&L-L&MR-Program Support Organization Chart

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Presentation Transcript

  1. OSD-AT&L-L&MR-Program Support Organization Chart Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Program Support) Mr. Gary Motsek Military Advisor CAPT Greg Stroh Chief of Staff duties Director, Strategic & Operational Logistics Mr. John Klotsko (Alt: Mr. Kevin Doxey) WoG integration; Services coordination; Contingency support (i.e. drawdown); JLB Director, Financial/Resource Management & Strategic Communications Vacant (Alt: Ms. Kerry Powell) Lead Service for contract coordination DoDI; Congressional actions; FAR/DFAR; PPBE; PS policy staffing/coordination; Contracts; Web Page Director, Contingency Program Management (CPM) Ms. Kerry Powell(Alt: Ms. Shanna Poole) SFA (IW, Stab ops, ESCs, international); DODD 3020.49; DPG/GEF & DoD-wide integration Director, Strategic Integration Mr. Kevin Doxey (Alt: Mr. John Klotsko) GAO/DoDIG reports; DoD Reporting; Integration of CPgM & OCS in doctrine; Congressional & interagency engagement Director, Operational Contract Support Policy Ms. Shanna Poole (Alt: Ms. Rose Bartlett) Contractors in contingency ops; OCS common operating picture; Contractor accountability (SPOT, TBC, Quarterly census); JCASO; COCOM engagement; DODI 3020.41; CONUS DODI Director, Operational Contract Support Plans & Programs Ms. Anna Carter (Alt: Mr. Chris Mayer) FCIB; Contingency contractor optimization tool; CONOPS; OCS education & training oversight Director, Contingency Contractor Standards Compliance Mr. Chris Mayer (Alt: Ms. Anna Carter) PSC standards; Support to current ops; PSC DODI 3020.50; Contractor training, vetting and oversight; Human trafficking As of: 30 JUL 2012; final in OCT 2012

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