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Dear Moms & Dads,

Dear Moms & Dads, Mainan tidak bisa dilepaskan dari dunia keseharian si kecil...dimana sebagian besar waktu mereka dihabiskan dengan bermain dan bermain

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Dear Moms & Dads,

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  1. Dear Moms & Dads, Mainan tidak bisa dilepaskan dari dunia keseharian si kecil...dimana sebagian besar waktu mereka dihabiskan dengan bermain dan bermain Dalam memilih mainan...tentu saja Moms & Dads ingin selalu memberikan yang terbaik untuk si kecil, tidak hanya menghibur tapi juga mendidik dan tentu saja aman untuk anak-anak Disamping itu, anak-anak harus dilatih secara kreatif, kontinue sesuai umurnya...tetapi mereka juga mudah sekali bosan, dan mainan yang sudah mommy and daddy beli pastinya akan jadi pajangan dirumah saja. Untuk itu, kenapa tidak coba sewa mainan saja??? Di ladangmainan, kami memberikan jasa penyewaan mainan untuk anak-anak dan perlengkapan bayi. Berlokasi di Kebon Jeruk (Jakarta Barat), kami juga melayani area Jakarta dan sekitarnya. Dengan layanan delivery service (charge sesuai area), jadi Moms and Dads tidak perlu repot-repot datang jauh-jauh ke pickup point kami. Lama peminjaman terdiri dari 2 minggu, 1 bulan dan dapat diperpanjang sesuai keinginan. Minimal sewa Rp 100.000. Lebih lengkapnya silahkan membaca halaman Cara Pemesanan, Syarat&Kondisi untuk mengetahui detail penyewaan. Selamat memilih mainan yah untuk si kecil... Note : akan kami update selalu untuk mainan & barang terbaru Jangan ragu untuk hubungi kami by : PM (Pesonal Message) Email : ladangmainan@yahoo.com YM : ladangmainan Pin BB : 20F79DEE Untuk pembayaran dapat ke rekening : BCA : no. 607 0351 143 a.n. Dessy Komalasari di KCP Bina Mulya Kuningan MANDIRI : no. 1170 0040 51900 a.n. Dessy Komalasari - KK Perjuangan Cheers, Ladangmainan

  2. PEMESANAN • Silahkan lihat Our Catalog Mainan dan pilih mainan yang akan Anda sewa, tentukan berapa lama anda akan menyewa • Minimal sewa Rp 100.000 (belum termasuk biaya antar jemput sesuai jarak dan ukuran mainan) • Barang akan di antar dan jemput pada hari sabtu/minggu • Untuk penyewaan mainan, kami menerapkan sistem keanggotaan. Anggota wajib mengisi form pendaftaran (akan kami kirimkan bersama info konfirmasi), menyerahkan fotocopy 2 jenis identitas (KTP/ SIM/ Kartu Keluarga/ bukti pembayaran rekening listrik/ telepon/ PDAM atas nama anda) serta membayar deposit sebesar Rp 100.0000 • Hubungi kami via PM (Personal Message), YM : ladangmainan or Email : ladangmainan@yahoo.com • Kami akan kembali menghubungi anda untuk menginformasikan ketersediaan mainan, pengantaran dan jumlah harga sewa, iuran keanggotaan dan biaya antar jemput • Deposit uangmerupakanbagiandarisharingresiko, danakandikembalikansaatanggotamengundurkandirisetelahdikurangidendaketerlambatan/kerusakanbarang (jikaada). • Pembayarandilakukan paling lambat 2 harisetelahandamenerima email/SMS/teleponkonfirmasiketersediaandan total biayasewamainan yang andapesan, atausebelummainandiantar. Pembayaranmelalui transfer ke rekening BCA no. 607 0351 143 a.n. Dessy Komalasaridi KCP Bina Mulya KuninganataurekeningMandiri no. 1170 0040 51900a.n. Dessy Komalasari - KK Perjuangan, mohonsegeramengkonfirmasikanpembayaran yang andalakukan via : PM, YM or email • Jikaandatertarikuntukmenyewamainantertentutetapi "sedangdisewa", andadapatmembookingnyadankamiakanmenghubungiandahanyajikamainantersebuttelahtersedia. • Mainan yang disewakansertahargasewa yang terteradiperuntukkanbagipenggunaanpribadi i.e. anakbermaindirumah. • MohonmembacahalamanSyarat & Kondisiuntuklebihmemahamiaturan-aturan yang kamitetapkanuntukpenyewaanmainan. Jikaadapertanyaanlebihlanjut, silahkanmenghubungikamidiPersonal Message, Yahoo Messanger (id : ladangmainan), Email : ladangmainan@yahoo.com

  3. SYARAT DAN KONDISI • Berikutiniadalahsyarat-syaratdanketentuan yang berlakudiLadangmainan • Syarat-syaratdanketentuaninimerupakanikatankontrakantaraandadengankami. DenganmengunjungidanataumenggunakanjasaLadangmainanberartiandamenerimadanmenyetujuisyarat-syaratdanketentuan yang kamitetapkan. • Ladangmainan berhakmerubahsyarat-syaratdanketentuanini, kapanpun, denganatautanpapemberitahuanterlebihdahulu. DenganterusmenggunakanjasaLadangmainan, berartiandamenyetujuiperubahantersebut. • Ladangmainanakanmenjagakerahasiaaninformasi yang andaberikandantidakakandiberitahukankepadapihak lain. • Ladangmainan diperuntukkanbagipenggunaanpribadi i.e. anakbermaindirumah. • Ladangmainan adalahjasapenyewaanbarang/mainananak yang memberikanpelayananpenyewaanbarang/mainankepadaanggota-anggotanya. Barang/mainan yang kamisediakanberfokuspadastimulasiperkembanganmotorik, sensorik, kognitif, emosionaldansosialanak. • Kamihanya melayanipengantaranmainanke area Jakarta dansekitarnya. Pengantaranakandikenakanbiayakirim yang besarnyasesuaidenganjarakdanukuranmainan. • Untukmenjadianggota, andadapatmendaftardenganmengisiformulirpendaftaran yang akan kami kirimkan, danmenyerahkan 2 buahfotokopiidentitasdiri(KTP/ SIM/ Kartu Keluarga/ bukti pembayaran rekening listrik/ telepon/ PDAM atas nama anda)sertamembayariurankeanggotaansebesarRp. 100.000,00. Iurankeanggotaaniniberfungsisebagai deposit selamaandamenjadianggota, danakandikembalikansaatandamengakhiriataudiakhirikeanggotaannyadiLadangmainan, sebagianatauseluruhnyasetelahdiperhitungkandenda yang andamiliki (dendaketerlambatan/kerusakan/ baranghilang). • Minimal total sewa sebesar Rp 100.000 (belum termasuk biaya antar jemput) • Setelahmenjadianggotamakaandaberhakmenyewabarang/mainandariLadangmainanmelaluiPersonal Message, Yahoo Messanger, Email atau Telepon. Setelahmenerimakonfirmasidarikamitentangketersediaanbarang/mainan yang andapesansertabiayaantar-jemput , andadapatsegeramelakukanpembayaran. Reservasibarang/mainanefektifsetelahkamimenerimapembayarananda, jikaandatidakmelakukanpembayarandalam 2 hari - kamiberhakmenyewakanbarang/mainantersebutkepadapemesan lain. • Seluruhpembayaran (iurankeanggotaan, uangsewa, biayaantar-jemputbarang, denda-denda) dilakukanmelalui transfer kerekeningBCA no. 607 0351 143 a.n. Dessy Komalasaridi KCP Bina Mulya KuninganataurekeningMandiri no. 1170 0040 51900a.n. Dessy Komalasari - KK Perjuangan .Setelahpembayaranditerima, kamiakansegera (ataudenganperjanjian) mengirimbarang/mainan yang andasewa. Satuharisetelahmasasewahabis, kamiakanmenjemputkembalibarang/mainantersebut.

  4. SYARAT DAN KONDISI • Jika ingin memperpanjang masa sewa harap menghubungi kami selambat-lambatnya 2 (dua) hari sebelum masa sewa habis. • Barang/mainan yang disewa hanya untuk keperluan pribadi dan tidak boleh digunakan untuk mendapat keuntungan. • Anda berkewajiban memeriksa kondisi barang/mainan yang disewa sebelum digunakan dan mengembalikan barang/mainan tersebut dalam keadaan seperti semula. • Jika ada kerusakan dan anda tidak melaporkannya dalam 24 jam, kami akan berasumsi barang/mainan tersebut rusak karena kelalaian anda dan akan membebankan denda kerusakan pada anda. Besarnya denda tergantung jenis kerusakan dan merupakan hak kami untuk menilai kondisi kerusakan barang/mainan tersebut. • Jika barang/mainan yang dikembalikan dalam keadaan rusak, maka kami akan membebankan denda kerusakan pada anda. Besarnya denda tergantung barang/mainan yang anda sewa rusak saat diterima, harap melaporkannya kepada kami dalam waktu 24 jam, dan kami akan segera nis kerusakan dan merupakan hak kami untuk menilai kondisi kerusakan barang/mainan tersebut. Bila deposit anda tidak cukup maka kami akan menagihnya kepada anda, dan jika setelah maksimum 3 (tiga) kali peringatan melalui email atau telepon anda tidak juga membayarnya, kami berhak melaporkannya kepada pihak yang berwajib. • Jika barang/mainan yang dikembalikan dalam keadaan kotor sekali (heavily soiled), maka kami berhak membebankan biaya pembersihan kepada anda. Besarnya denda minimal Rp 50.000, bergantung tingkat kekotoran dan jenis mainan. • Warna aktual mainan yang disewakan dapat saja berbeda/bervariasi dari gambar yang ada di halaman Katalog, namun tidak mengurangi fungsinya. • Ladangmainan sangat bersungguh-sungguh meperhatikan kesehatan dan keamanan anak-anak anda. Barang/mainan kami bersihkan dan desinfeksi dengan cairan pembersih yang aman sebelum disewakan. • Ladangmainan tidak bertanggung jawab terhadap segala kerusakan, kehilangan dan kecelakaan yang mungkin timbul akibat barang/mainan yang disewa dari Ladangmainan • Ladangmainan dengan atau tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu berhak membatasi atau mengakhiri masa keanggotaan anggotanya jika dianggap tidak mematuhi syarat-syarat dan ketentuan yang berlaku.

  5. Walkers & Rides On

  6. Remote CarMainan mobil yang dapat dikendarai oleh anak-anak, yaitu:o Menggunakan akio Recharge batteryo Remote Control or Manual Pedalo Dapat maju dan mundurRecommended Age Range : 2 - 3 yearsSewa 2 minggu: Rp 95.000Sewa 4 minggu : Rp 170.000

  7. Vtech Grow & Go Ride OnAmazing 3-in-1 Grow And Go Ride On! Unscrew the legs and flip them over to see it change from rocker to ride-on securely and easily.Grow and Go Ride On - key featuresElectronic driver panel detaches for floor-play fun and is packed with realistic features such as a turning steering wheel, beeping horn, indicators and in-car phone! LED display on this baby development toy flashes up letters, numbers and animations to reinforce learning. Teaches the alphabet, colours, shapes, numbers with fun phrases, silly sound effects and melodies through 4 modes of play!Developmental benefits - Cognitive DevelopmentStimulates critical thinking through memory and logic games. - Independent PlayGames and voice prompts allow children to control the pace. - Motor SkillsEncourages fine motor skill development.Recommended Age Range : 6-36 monthsSewa 2 minggu: Rp 80.000Sewa 4 minggu: Rp 140.000

  8. Little Tikes Cozy CycleSepeda roda tiga yang aman untuk anak. Sesuai untuk anak umur 2-5 tahun. Bisa disesuaikan dalam 3 posisi. Ada pelindung yang bisa digunakan untuk mendorong dari belakang* This pedal-ride cycle with classic Cozy styling is the hottest thing on wheels!* The 3-position seat lets bike grow along with the child.* Enclosure cage lifts up for easy entry and exit, and also functions as a handlebar for parents to use in push-behind mode.* Foot rest pivots so it’s out of the way for pedal ride mode. Recommended Age Range : 2 - 5 yearsSewa 2 minggu Rp 80.000Sewa 4 minggu Rp 145.000

  9. Vtech Sit-to-Stand Activity WalkerWalking and learning while Baby’s on the goThe sit-to-stand™ Activity Walker is uniquely designed with entertaining, learning features that “grow” along with your baby. The parental brake helps keep the walker in one place while baby plays along when sitting up. As baby learns to take those first steps, the Sit-to-stand™ Activity Walker moves along him to keep walking, learning something new with each step.Recommended Age Range : 9 months – 2 yearsSewa 2 minggu : Rp 60.000Sewa 4 minggu : Rp 90.000

  10. VTech Sit to Stand Dancing TowerDance your way into learning fun with the 3-in-1 Sit-to-Stand Baby Tower! Lots of ways to play with floor playSit-to-Stand Dancing Tower includes an entertaining activity panel with light-up piano keys and 4 play modes for learning, singing, dancing and follow-the-lights game. Includes a microphone and speaker for baby to sing along as well as 8 sung-songs and 12 popular melodies. Standing mode on this baby development toy strengthens the muscles while keeping baby occupied with fun learning activities.Developmental Benefits:* Dancing bear & flashing lights attract baby’s attention. 12 popular nursery rhymes stimulate auditory stimulation.* Pressing the light-up keys, spinning the roller, sliding the cymbals and rotating the microphone encourage fine motor skills. Standing & dancing strengthen muscles while baby is captivated with fun learning activities* Colors, animal names & sounds encourage verbal skills. Baby can use the microphone to sing-along to 8 fun songsNote: Entertaining activity panel dapat dilepas untuk dimainkan di lantai/ di bawah. Ketinggian tower dapat di turunkan.Recommended Age Range : 6 months – 3 yearsSewa 2 minggu : Rp 65.000Sewa 4 minggu : Rp 115.000

  11. Sport & Outdoor

  12. Early Learning Centre junior trampoline – blueSmall trampoline with stitched-in padded edges so little feet can't get trappedSoft handles to give a good gripSuitable for use indoors and outdoorsSmall trampoline with stitched-in padded edges so little feet can't get trappedSoft handles to give a good gripSuitable for use indoors and outdoorsHelps your child develop coordination, balance and strengthComes with lifetime guaranteeH87 x W97 x D95.5cmSuitable from 12mths-3yrs (maximum weight 35kg)Age Suitability from 12 monthsSewa 2 minggu : Rp 110.00Sewa 4 minggu : Rp 198.00

  13. Early Learning Centre bouncy castlesize approx - H1.8 x L1.7 x W1.73mBe the king or queen of the castle in this fantastic party-time inflatableIncludes a repair kitInflated size approx - H1.8 x L1.7 x W1.73mSuitable from 3-8yrsAge Suitability from 3 yearsSewa 2 minggu :Rp 110.000Sewa 4 minggu :Rp 198.000

  14. Little Baby Plays

  15. Fisher Price RainForest Jumperooplace full of wonderful sights and sounds…the Rainforest Jumperoo brings it all down to size for little explorers! Still tons of safe jumping fun (which will activate rainforest music and lights!), but now there are toys all around the rainforest—and overhead—with a spinning seat that helps baby explore them all. This baby jumper features a bobbing elephant, swinging monkey, spinning lizard and more that baby will just “go wild” for! Baby spins drum to activate lights and music (Mom can activate for four minutes of continuous play). The baby jumper's soft spring covers keep little fingers safe and three-position height adjustment ensures a custom fit for your child. Requires 3 "AA" batteries for toy tray (not included).Assembled jumperoo is approx. 32” W x 37” D. In its low position, it measures approx. 38” H; in its high position, approx. 43” H.Developmental Guidelines:Use only for a child who is able to hold head up unassisted and who is not able to climb out or walk.Better for Baby...Promotes Comfort and Security Jumperoo’s comfortable rotating seat provides a safe place for baby to play.Encourages Developing Motor SkillsMoving, spinning and jumping in a baby jumper enhances large motor skills.Variety of textures integrated into rainforest toys provides tactile stimulation.StimulatesSensesBaby jumper's Colorful rainforest toys and fun music stimulate your child's visual and auditory senses.Enhances Learning Through DiscoveryBaby’s actions make things happen, helping baby understand cause and effect.Reaching and grasping onto the baby jumper's rainforest toys fosters eye-hand coordination.Better for Mom...Peace of mind—safe jumping fun for baby.No doorway required with this baby jumper!Jumperoo folds to carry from room to room.Recommended Age Range : 4 months - 1 yearsSewa 2 minggu : Rp 80.000Sewa 4 minggu : Rp 140.000

  16. Bright Star Around We Go Activity StationBright Starts Tropical Fun Around We Go Activity Station is the only product of its kind designed to grow with baby through the toddler years. It has over 20 toys and activities. The adjustable seat rotates 360 degrees around the perimeter of the table. It has a seat which is easily removable so that the toddlers can enjoy as a play table. The seat locks in front of the snack tray or "lights and sounds" piano.Bayi minimal berusia 4 bulan, dan sudah dapat duduk tanpa ditopangRentang usia: 4 bulan ke atasMaksimum berat anak: 11 kg (jika duduk didalamnya)Recommended Age Range : 4 months - 1yearsSewa 2 minggu: Rp 80.000Sewa 4 minggu: Rp 140.000

  17. Educational Toys

  18. Leap Frog - ClickStart™ My First Computer Leap Frog - ClickStart™ My First ComputerClickStart™ My First computer introduces computer and preschool skills by turning any TV into a child's first computer. Designed especially for young learners, ClickStart My First Computer provides a safe computer learning environment and features a wireless keyboard, plug-in console, mouse and detachable mousepad that can be adapted for right- or left-handed play.Recommended Age Range : 3 - 6 YearsSewa 2 minggu : Rp 80.000Sewa 4 minggu : Rp 150.000

  19. Vtech Count With Me GooseMixture of soft cloth and hard plasticpromotes tactile stimulation. Pressing button, spinning goose head and motion sensor help to develop cause and effect and motor skills. Teaches 1 to 10 and more through fun sing along songs and phrases. With the big suction cup, the goose won't fly away!Recommended Age Range : +6 monthsSewa 2 minggu : Rp 35.000Sewa 4 minggu : Rp 55.000

  20. VTech Move and Crawl Electronic Activity BallSpecial built-in motor activates to make the toy ball roll around, promoting crawling. Limited and controlled movements means that the ball stops within reach. Press the chunky buttons to hear fun music and animal sound effects. Transparent colorful buttons for a fantastic light up effect! Teaches numbers, shapes, colors and promotes motor skill development. Female singing voice helps children develop and familiarize with real sounds.Developmental Benefits:Chunky engraved animal buttons are fun to touch and exploreBright, colorful animals stimulate visual development. Flashing lights and rolling movement help to develop visual skillsRolling motion encourages baby to crawl, while pressing buttons help develop fine motor skillsDiscover numbers, shapes and friendly animals while the ball rolls. Bola tidak untuk dilempar/ditendang.Recommended Age Range : 6 months – 2 yearsSewa 2 minggu : Rp 36.000Sewa 4 minggu : Rp 65.000

  21. Vtech NEW Rhyme & Discover BookThe Vtech® Rhyme & Discover Book™ is an interactive storybook for toddlers. This fun book introduces seven classic nursery rhymes with colorful graphics and music. Each set of pages has a sliding button as well as light-up animal buttons. The music button encourages parent-child to sing along!Each time a page is turned, your little one is rewarded with nursery rhymes, songs, stories and a light-up smiling face that gigglesAs babies engage in interactive play, they learn new words and develop important motor skillsBaby will slide, turn, press and play peek-a-boo while learning 6 popular children's nursery rhymesRecommended Age Range : 6 months & 3 yearsSewa 2 minggu : Rp 35.000Sewa 4 minggu : Rp 55.000

  22. VTech Roll and Learn DriverMenirukan orang dewasa adalah salah satu hal yang disukai anak-anak, sehingga "menyetir" VTech Roll and Learn Driver merupakan kesenangan tersendiri bagi si kecil, tidak saja saat berada dalam mobil, melainkan juga saat bermain di rumah. Mainan ini juga mengenalkan angka, huruf, beberapa jenis hewan, warna dan bentuk. Little ones will earn their license to learn in no time! Grab a hold of the big, blue steering wheel and spin the learning rollers to discover fun lessons in numbers, letters, animals, colors and shapes. Eager drivers will get to honk the horn, shift the gear stick and turn the ignition key. Whoa there! A police siren button tells baby to watch her speed. Gas pump and radio buttons also add to the realistic driving fun. With all this activity, the glowing dashboard stoplight may be the only thing that will slow your learner down.Recommended Age Range : 6 months – 3 yearsSewa 2 minggu Rp 40.000Sewa 4 minggu : Rp 70.000Baterai ukuran AA: 2

  23. Baby Stuff

  24. Philips Avent Digital Bottle Warmer The Digital Bottle and Baby Food Warmer makes it easy to warm your baby's feed quickly and safely. The advanced technology automatically calculates the warming time. Just select a few starting options and let the Bottle Warmer do the rest.Sewa 4 minggu: Rp 100.000

  25. Booster to Toddler Seat-Carter`s Grows from "Baby Mealtime" to "Toddler Playtime"Age - 6 months to 4 years- Booster seat has multiple height adjustments- Folds flat - Great for TRAVEL- Becomes a toddler seat for extended useSEAT HEIGHT ADJUSTS FROM 4" TO 9"FOLDS CONVENIENTLY FOR TRAVELSewa 4 minggu : Rp70.000

  26. Summer Infant Gogo Baby Bounchair The Go-Go Baby Bouncer from Summer Infant will provide your little one with comfort. Perfect bouncer for the baby on the goCompact foldMusic melodiesPositional toybar with 2 soft toys and 1 hard toySewa 4 minggu : Rp 60.000

  27. CocoLatte in Green Untuk Usia 0 bulan +Maksimum Berat 18 KgBisa didorong 2 arah (Reversibel)Sewa 4 minggu : Rp 125.000

  28. CocoLatte ISport In RedCocolatte Isport Stroller is ideal for parent on the go. This revolutionary stoller fold: down in just one easy steps into a compact size for ease of transportation and storage making travelling with young children a breezeFeature :o Folds into backpack in one stepso Portable & practicalo Compact, convenient and lightweighto Safe, reliable, durableo Fit easily into the car boot and in the overhead luggage compartment in airplaneso 5 point safety harness & canopyo Padded seat and foot resto Dual wheels, with a swivel front wheelo Weight less than 3,8 kgo Suitable from 9 months & up tp 15 kgo Included travel bagSewa 4 minggu : Rp 120.000

  29. Womby Baby BedFeature :o The carrying bed could be used as a cradle whle the playars mockingsoo Carrying bedo Removeable the mousquito neto Rocking Functiono Put down the bed rail, baby can sleep with parents in his bed for feedingo Could be used as playarso Moveable side railo Max lenght 165 cmRecommended Age Range : 0 months – 5 years*Note : warna asli baby box adalah biru tuaSewa 4 minggu : Rp 150.000

  30. Inflatable Safety Duck Tub You can be sure the bath water is just right for your baby without constant testing and guessing. Our award-winning inflatable tub has our special White Hot® dot that turns white when the water is too hot, then turns blue when it’s just right. The adorable ducky tub has a contoured headrest and is fully padded for your baby’s total comfort. Even the beak squeaks to keep your baby entertained.Textured bottom so baby won’t slipCan be used on the counter on in the tubGreat for travel - deflates and folds easilyIdeal for 6-24 monthsSewa 4 minggu :Rp 60.000

  31. Fisher Price Infant to Toddler Rocker First, it’s an infant seat with a three-stage developmental system of toys designed to bring out baby’s full potential in the first year. Then, as your child grows, you can use it as a toddler rocking chair (up to 40 pounds)! vibrations and gentle rocking motion help comfort and soothe baby in the infant seat. There’s a foldout kickstand for feeding or sleeping and a two-position recline seat for baby’s comfort. Machine-washable pad for easy clean-up. Requires 1 “D” battery.Developmental Guidelines: Use the upright position only when your child has developed enough upper body control to sit without leaning forward. Always use the restraint until your child is able to climb in and out of the chair unassisted.Calming Better for Baby… Promotes Comfort & SecurityCalming vibrations and gentle rocking motion help comfort and soothe baby.Encourages Developing Motor SkillsAs baby reaches to bat, grasp and pull hanging toys, eye-hand coordination and fine motor skills are refined.Stimulates SensesColorful activities offer visual stimulation.Stimulates sense of touch wit variety of textures.Better for Mom…Convenient space for feeding baby.Removable, machine-washable seat pad.Recommended Age : 0 months - 18 kgSewa 1 bulan: Rp 130.000

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