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QSR #9—JUST COPY PROBLEMS #1 AND #2. In the following 2 scenarios, list the independent variable, the dependent variable, and the control variable(s). 1. We are going to test to see which spray cleaner works best. 2. You want to see which running shoe helps you run faster. Scientific Method.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. QSR #9—JUST COPY PROBLEMS #1 AND #2 • In the following 2 scenarios, list the independent variable, the dependent variable, and the control variable(s). • 1. We are going to test to see which spray cleaner works best. • 2. You want to see which running shoe helps you run faster.

  2. Scientific Method Blueprint For Success

  3. 1. Define the Problem • State the problem as a clear question. • Ex:Will the use of Exxon gasoline give my car better gas mileage?

  4. 2. Form a Hypothesis in the form of an “If -Then” Statement • IF “independent variable”, then “dependent variable”. • Examples: • If I use Exxon Gasoline, then my car will get better gas mileage.

  5. 3. Develop a Controlled Experiment Come up with materials, and steps needed

  6. Let’s Look at an Example! Gasoline’s Affect on Car Mileage.

  7. What are Some Possible Variables? • Car type • Gasoline type • Driver • Driving Conditions • Amount of gasoline • Tires • Extra weight in car

  8. If we are testing gasoline, what variables must be kept constant? • The cars must be of the same type. • Each car must have the same amount of gasoline. • The cars must be driven over the same course, at the same speed, and under the same weather conditions. • The cars must contain the same type of tires. • The only difference is the type of gasoline.

  9. 4.Conduct the Experiment • several times!!!!!! • Reduce error/luck • Increase accuracy

  10. 5.Analysis of Data • Include charts and/or graphs to show your results!!! (very important)

  11. 6.Form a Conclusion • Was my hypothesis correct? EXPLAIN

  12. QSR #11 • 1. What role does a hypothesis play in scientific inquiry? • 2. Describe an example of biotechnology (Biology + technology working together):

  13. Observation • All scientific investigations begin with OBSERVATIONS • Includes using our senses and other tools (ex:computers) • This then leads to SCIENTIFIC QUESTIONS 

  14. Write down at least 3 or 4 observations from the pictures below:

  15. Data 1. Qualitative – description using WORDS Ex: McDonalds fries are the best! 2. Quantitative – uses NUMBERS Ex: McDonalds sells over 1000 packs of fries per day

  16. Make 2 qualitative and 2 quantitative statements about the picture below:

  17. Scientific Theory: A proposed explanation for observations and experimental results is supported by a wide range of evidence Can eventually become broadly accepted Ex: Continental Drift Theory, Big Bang theory

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