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Resume Mistakes to Avoid Right Now

We always dream of getting a job that we are passionate about and are willing to work wholeheartedly. It may even be a certain company which we often pass through on our way to school or college. Once we graduate, the time comes where we must prepare well for an interview and face the real world. But we may be disappointed that we aren’t selected for the interview process of our dream company even though we have all the requirements they mentioned. We then wonder what happened. What was I missing? What went wrong? The answer to it is the familiar, dull resume which you sent.

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Resume Mistakes to Avoid Right Now

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  1. Resume Mistakes to Avoid Right Now We always dream of getting a job that we are passionate about and are willing to work wholeheartedly. It may even be a certain company which we often pass through on our way to school or college. Once we graduate, the time comes where we must prepare well for an interview and face the real world. But we may be disappointed that we aren’t selected for the interview process of our dream company even though we have all the requirements they mentioned. We then wonder what happened. What was I missing? What went wrong? The answer to it is the familiar, dull resume which you sent. There are many important points to keep in mind while creating a resume .Format, layout, uniqueness, font, order of events, etc. There must be a certain impressive factor in a resume that would capture the attention of your employer. And that’s not easy. The only solution to this is a professional resume writing service that provides the best resume writing service reviews. You get a wide option of resume writing services that lets you read all the reviews written by users. Each Job requires a specific type of resume. Federal Resume Writing,

  2. Military Resume Writing, Executive Resume Writing, C Level Resume, Cover Letter Writing are some of the features provided by the professional resume writers ,apart from the resume writing service reviews provided in the website. The following are the major mistakes we all make which should be totally avoided: 1)Avoiding Keywords. Keywords which recruiters used in their job openings ad must be repeated for a high chance to get selected .This is the thing which they want to read from your resume .They don’t want unfocused resume in which you highlighted general objectives. 2)Grammatical Errors and Typos. A resume must have perfect grammar. All employers prefer people with good communication and writing skills. Typos too aren’t acceptable. 3)Mass Mailing the Same Resume. For a similar job opening, each recruiter might use a different set of words to describe it. Preparing a general resume and mailing every recruiter with the same set of keywords wouldn’t be of any help as they wouldn’t consider your resume without the relevant keywords. 4)Resume Is Too long. A long resume with many paragraphs is unacceptable. Write short bullet points highlighting the major events in your studies, as well as earlier projects you undertook if any. An ideal resume for an experienced person would be 2-3 pages long. 5)Poor Formatting and Font. Formatting must be in the following order: Contact information Objective statement

  3. Strength/Skills Experience Education Achievements (If any) Using Comic Sans as a font and a font size anywhere around 4-5 or 16-17 isn’t going to work. The ideal font size would be 11 or 12. Fonts would be Arial, Calibri, or Georgia. Adequate line spacing is also a must. 6)Wrong Contact Address. Providing an incorrect address or phone number is a big NO. If they don’t get you when they try to contact you, then your resume would be in the trash. 7)Avoiding a Cover Letter. A Cover Letter is the best way to briefly describe who you are, what you want to accomplish by joining the company and what major skills make you the perfect fit for that position. All these mistakes could be easily avoided by hiring a provider of the best resume writing service reviews. It is a known fact that recruiters go through our resume in 6 seconds. It’s unbelievable but true. So what is the best option we have to impress them with our resume? Handing over the duty of resume-writing to the best resume writing service reviews would help us focus on the interview process and other preparations and not worry about our resume. If we do it ourselves, there is always a worry for simple errors like typos or factual errors too. Resume writing services comprise of a team of experienced resume writers that have unmatched quality in writing and preparing unique resumes.

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