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Angiosperm Perfect Flower Perfect flowers have both male (staminate) and female (pistillate) reproductive parts. Petal. Male Parts. Anther. Female Parts. Stamen . Filament. Stigma. Pistil or Carpel. Style. Ovary. Ovule. Sepal. Peduncle. To Next Page. Angiosperm Woody Stem.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Angiosperm Perfect Flower Perfect flowers have both male (staminate) and female (pistillate) reproductive parts Petal Male Parts Anther Female Parts Stamen Filament Stigma Pistil or Carpel Style Ovary Ovule Sepal Peduncle To Next Page

  2. Angiosperm Woody Stem Terminal Bud One year’s growth Lateral Bud Terminal Bud Scale Scar Bud Scale - three are visible in this drawing Bud scales are small scale-like modified leaves that cover the bud during its winter dormancy.  When the terminal bud breaks dormancy in the spring, these bud scales are shed, leaving behind the scars where they were attached. Leaf Scar Vascular Bundle Traces Pith Lenticel To Next Page

  3. Leaf Arrangement Alternate Opposite Whorled Alternate – Leaves and buds are spaced in alternating fashion along the stem Opposite – Leaves and buds are directly across from each other on the stem Whorled – Three or more leaves and buds are present at a single node To Next Page

  4. Simple Leaf Midrib Blade Leaf Petiole Stipule Bud Stem KEY POINT: A leaf will ALWAYS have a bud at the base of the petiole. If it does not have a bud, it is leaflet, not a leaf. To Next Page

  5. Compound Leaf Leaflet No Bud Rachis Leaflet Petiolule Stem Bud Because the bud is at the base of the rachis, not at the base of the petiolule, this diagram does not show seven simple leaves, but instead a single compound leaf comprised of seven leaflets To Next Page

  6. Types of Compound Leaves Bud Bud Pinnately Compound Palmately Compound In a palmately compound leaf, each leaflet is attached to a common point on the rachis, but leaflets in a pinnately compound leaf are not. To Practice Quiz

  7. Practice Quiz Name a flower part then click on the letter to see if you are correct A B C E F G H D I Show Male (Staminate) Parts Show Female (Pistillate) Parts To Practice Quiz on Twig Parts

  8. All the petals are collectively referred to as the corolla Petal Next Flower Part

  9. Anthers produce pollen required for pollination Anther Next Flower Part

  10. Filament Next Flower Part

  11. Sepals are collectively called the calyx Sepal Next Flower Part

  12. When pollination occurs, pollen attaches to the stigma Stigma Next Flower Part

  13. A tube from the pollen extends through the style to each ovule to deliver the male gamete to the ovule Style Next Flower Part

  14. Ovary Next Flower Part

  15. Ovules develop into seeds when fertilized by pollen Ovule Next Flower Part

  16. Peduncle Next Flower Part

  17. Male (Staminate) Flower Parts Anther Stamen Filament Next Flower Part

  18. Female (Pistillate) Flower Parts Flowers can have multiple pistils (also called carpels) that can be separate or fused together Stigma Pistil or Carpel Style Ovary Ovule Next Flower Part

  19. Twig Practice Quiz Name a flower part then click on the letter to see if you are correct A I B C E F D G H To Leaf Practice Quiz

  20. Terminal Bud Next Stem Part

  21. Lateral Bud Next Stem Part

  22. Next year’s terminal bud scale scar will appear here when the scale falls off One year’s growth Terminal Bud Scale Scar from last year’s terminal bud Next Stem Part

  23. Lenticels are thought to allow air into the plant interior Lenticel Next Stem Part

  24. Bud Scale (One of five visible) Bud Scale (One of three visible) Next Stem Part

  25. A leaf scar shows where the previous year’s leaf was attached to the stem Leaf Scar Leaf Scar Next Stem Part

  26. The vascular bundle traces show where the zylem entered the leaf petiole Vascular Bundle Traces Next Stem Part

  27. The Pith is the central core of the stem Pith Next Stem Part

  28. Leaf Practice Quiz How many leaves are in this diagram? Answer

  29. Leaf Practice Quiz Bud There is only one leaf pictured here. If this diagram pictured seven simple leaves, there would be a bud at the base of every leaf. Since there is only one bud this must be a single compound leaf Next Question

  30. Leaf Practice Quiz A C B What are the names of A, B and C? Answer

  31. Leaf Practice Quiz A. Petiole C. Petiolule B. Rachis To answer this correctly you must first identify which is a simple leaf and which is a compound leaf by looking for the leaf bud. In a simple leaf, the blade is attached to the petiole. In a compound leaf, the leaflet is attached to the petiolule. The petiolule is attached to the rachis. Next Question

  32. Leaf Practice Quiz A B Which is a palmately compound leaf and which is a pinnately compound leaf? Answer

  33. Leaf Practice Quiz A B A – Pinnately Compound B – Palmately Compound Next Question

  34. Leaf Practice Quiz A B C Which leaf arrangement is opposite, alternate, and whorled? Answer

  35. Leaf Practice Test A - Opposite B - Whorled C - Alternate Use Browser’s back button or press the ESC key to exit Back to Page 1

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