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Night. Chapters 1-3 Related Photos. In 1940, this brick wall was built sealing the Warsaw ghetto off from the rest of the city. Approximately 138,000 Jews were herded into this ghetto while 113,000 Poles were evacuated from this section of the city.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Night Chapters 1-3 Related Photos

  2. In 1940, this brick wall was built sealing the Warsaw ghetto off from the rest of the city. Approximately 138,000 Jews were herded into this ghetto while 113,000 Poles were evacuated from this section of the city.

  3. "Ghettoization" restricted the rights of Jews, created deplorable living conditions, and clustered Jews into condensed areas facilitating the eventual deportations to extermination camps.

  4. In March, 1942, the Jews of the Lublin Province of Poland are deported to the Belzec death camp.

  5. Lublin, Poland, 1942. Household goods plundered from Jews deported to extermination camps

  6. Model of a cattle car

  7. Humans forced–like cattle–onto a cattle car to Treblinka.

  8. View of the entrance to the main camp of Auschwitz (Auschwitz I). The gate bears the motto "ArbeitMachtFrei" (Work makes one free).

  9. Auschwitz-Birkenau (part of the barrack city).

  10. Women in the barracks of the newly liberated Auschwitz concentration camp.

  11. A warehouse full of shoes and clothing confiscated from the prisoners and deportees gassed upon their arrival.

  12. View of one of the warehouses in Auschwitz, which is stuffed to overflowing with clothes confiscated from prisoners.

  13. Photo Resources • http://cruelty-free.org/environment/ • http://fcit.usf.edu/holocaust/resource/gallery/gallery.htm • http://www.h-l-w.com/Products/New/new.html

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