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Homework for Week of February 4 th – 8 th , 2014

Homework for Week of February 4 th – 8 th , 2014. Reminders: -Daily please practice Sight Words, Numbers 1-50, the Our Father, and Oral Reading story Friday: Sight Word Test, Letter Assessment (Oo), and Our Father Test. Friday: All School Mass at 8:30am; 1pm Dismissal.

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Homework for Week of February 4 th – 8 th , 2014

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Homework for Week of February 4th – 8th, 2014 Reminders: -Daily please practice Sight Words, Numbers 1-50, the Our Father, and Oral Reading story • Friday:Sight Word Test, Letter Assessment (Oo), and Our Father Test. • Friday: All School Mass at 8:30am; 1pm Dismissal. • Please bring in a large brown paper bag (grocery bags) for a Valentine’s Day project.

  2. Dear Parents, It’s hard to believe it’s February already and Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! Valentine’s Day is a great opportunity for students to share with others how much they care. Students usually bring in cards or lollipops for their classmates and we distribute them during the day. We have 26 students. I ask that you please be sure to include all students as to avoid any child feeling left out. I also ask that you do not label to who it’s for only from whom, it will make it easier for us during time of distribution. Please also bring a large brown paper bag (grocery bag) which your child will decorate in class and use on Valentine’s Day to collect their valentines. Thank you for your cooperation, Kinder Teachers

  3. Dear Parents, It’s hard to believe it’s February already and Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! Valentine’s Day is a great opportunity for students to share with others how much they care. Students usually bring in cards or lollipops for their classmates and we distribute them during the day. We have 27 students. I ask that you please be sure to include all students as to avoid any child feeling left out. I also ask that you do not label to who it’s for only from whom, it will make it easier for us during time of distribution. Please also bring a large brown paper bag (grocery bag) which your child will decorate in class and use on Valentine’s Day to collect their valentines. Thank you for your cooperation, Kinder Teachers

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