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CONNECTIONS!!. Connections. Unit 2 Section/Task A Functional Writing (P32-47). Timing. Paper 2 2 X 45 minute questions. Assessment Objectives (p33).  Writing clearly, effectively and imaginatively to engage the reader Using a style that matches vocabulary to purpose and audience

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  2. Connections

  3. Unit 2 Section/Task A Functional Writing (P32-47)

  4. Timing Paper 2 • 2 X 45 minute questions

  5. Assessment Objectives (p33) •  Writing clearly, effectively and imaginatively to engage the reader • Using a style that matches vocabulary to purpose and audience • Organising ideas/information logically into sentences and paragraphs • Making use of language and structural features for effect • Using a rangeof sentence structures as well as punctuating and spelling accurately.

  6. What to expect (p32) TASK 1 Write a letter to the RSPCA expressing the opinion that “We are no longer a nation of dog lovers!” You may wish to make use of some of the facts and opinions presented on Page ? if you consider them to be relevant to your discussion. The FORM required will be made clear. In this case – a letter. The RSPCA is the intended AUDIENCE The PURPOSE is to present your viewpoint on the issue to engage and challenge the organisation to do something about the cruelty to animals. This statement is the TOPIC or focus for the letter. It is deliberately emphatic in tone so as to stimulate a variety of different views. This is the reference to where you can find additional material which you may use to SUPPORT some of your ideas if you wish to do so. This material, particularly the images presented, may also help STIMULATEIDEAS.

  7. Stimulus: Visual Info.

  8. Stimulus: Written Info. • Some studies suggest that 70% to 80% of radiation from cell phones is absorbed into your head. • Radiation from cell phones could be the cause of an increase in brain cancers among women 20 to 29 years old (a group that is made up of some of the heaviest cell phone users). Opinions Facts + Figures “Mobile phones could kill far more people than smoking.”

  9. Discursive Writing Old GCSE English Present a balanced argument Response: Introduction Arguments for Arguments against Conclusion

  10. Discursive Writing?Persuasive Aproach New GCSE English Language More a one-sided/persuasive approach Response: Introduction Present your point of view/ opinion Refute arguments against your point of view/ opinion Conclusion – one-sided

  11. Approaching the question • “Ideas of your own” • “Extended piece of writing” • “Include your own comments and conclusions on the topic”

  12. X What will I be asked about? Something topical • Celebrity • Exercise • Smoking • Part time jobs • Homework • Mobile Phones • Computers • The Internet • Fashion • Music • Sport • Reality TV • The environment • School , e.g. uniform, homework

  13. Marks Awarded AO4 i+ ii) • Development • Purpose and Audience • Structure • Style 16 marks AO4 iii) • Spelling • Punctuation • Grammar 8 marks

  14. Where to start? • Read the stimulus material – statistics/ images/ opinions • Jot down extra ideas about the topic • Decide on your approach. Are you for or against? • Write your own opinion • Use a persuasive approach • Imagine that you have an audience in front of you!

  15. Task 1– Timing Tip 45 minutes • 5-10 mins– reading the question and the stimulus material – thinking and planning your response • 25-30 mins– writing your response • 5 mins– checking your work

  16. Example Question and Stimulus • p36 • p37 – How to make the best of the stimulus material

  17. Opening statements Choose a powerful Opening Line to grab the reader’s attention. Avoid writing: • “I am going to write about …” X

  18. Openings (+ Conclusions p38-39) • Choose a powerful Opening Line to grab the reader’s attention: • An exclamation • A question • A rhetorical question • Quotation • Intriguing statement • Shocking statistics • Anecdote – from your experience • A story – “Once upon a time …” • Direct appeal to the audience – e.g. “Now those of you who have a brother or sister will know …” *Use these devices in your conclusion as well.

  19. Good Opening statements Topic: “The London Olympics: a price worth paying?”: • I am going to write about the London Olympics. • Are you excited about the London Olympics, or is it just a stupid thing that no one really cares about? • One significance of hosting the London Olympics will be to remind our society of the importance of competition, hard work and trying one's best. X

  20. Connectives (p10) • Make writing more fluent by linking information, ideas and eventsand showing the relationship between them. • Act as signpostsfor the reader. • Without connectives, writing reads like a list. • Learn them and use them in you writing!!

  21. Vocabulary • Use a range of words - use a varied vocabulary • Think of synonyms for words that occur frequently in your essay: • e.g. facts: factors, areas, aspects • e.g. discuss: consider, evaluate • Be aware of different registers of words and if in doubt choose the most formal. • Avoid abbreviations: etc. e.g., ie, TV • Do not use text language!!!!!!! • Write out numerals • Check spelling and grammar • Use signpost words and phrases: firstly, secondly, etc

  22. Sentence control • Sentence control: Try to vary the length of your sentences. • Longer sentences are often used to give detail or to explore the complexities of a point of view • Short sentences can be employed for impact: ‘It’s new. It’s the beginning. It’s the Millennium.’ • Use a range of styles: questions, assertions, commands, analysis, explanation and facts, etc. Variety will retain the interest of the examiner.

  23. Punctuation:a range of punctuation will demonstrate that you can handle language confidently and will clarify what you are saying by pacing the reader effectively. For example, use exclamations when appropriate, ‘We cannot let our children take the risk!’ • Paragraphing:Use a new paragraph for each area being explored. Avoid too many short paragraphs as they give a disjointed feel to your work. Avoid very long paragraphs as the reader’s concentration is exhausted.

  24. Blink Test – What Grade? sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

  25. Blink Test – What Grade? dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  26. Paragraphing Remember P.E.E: Paragraphing Equals Excellence

  27. Examiners reported … (p40) • Candidates working towards A/A* • Candidates working towards C

  28. Persuasive Techniques • p41 and p42 • Learn them! • Use them all at least once… if you can!

  29. Don’t … Don’t even think about simply copying out a part of the stimulus material and responding to it! • “All the research suggests they are bad for your health” I don’t think that this statement is true. Mobile phones are very safe…… • “You need one for emergencies; you can ring for help.” I think that mobile phones are so important for emergencies….

  30. Plan Topic

  31. Compulsory uniforms No one can discriminate, everyone is equal 1. Everyone the same 2. Look smart Compulsory uniforms in school 5. School is about learning, not worrying about being fashionable. 3. Represents school 4. Prepares for work X It is the rules

  32. Planning Remember P.E.E: Planning Equals Excellence

  33. Ending If a student runs out of time: • Do not end writing tasks with a series of bullet points • If you have only a couple of minutes left fashion a concluding paragraph

  34. Top Answer (p46-47) • Read the response

  35. Unit 2 Section/Task B Reading Non-fiction (p48-65)

  36. Unit 2 Section B – Reading Non-fiction • Understanding and appreciatinga writer’s use of language • How has the writer used languageto make their points or arguments effective?

  37. Assessment Objectives p48 AO3 • Read and understandtexts, selecting material appropriate to purpose, collating from different sources and making comparisons and cross references as appropriate; • Develop and sustain interpretations of writers’ ideas and perspectives; • Explain and evaluate howwriters use linguistic, grammatical, structural and presentational features to engage and influence the reader.

  38. Reading Non-fiction Explain how the writer holds the reader’s interest. In your answer show how the writer has: • used a style of writing that is lively and personal • included an interesting mix of personalobservations • selected words and phrases for effect, and • made use of sentence structuring and paragraphing [24 marks]

  39. Task 2– Timing (p53) 45 minutes • 10 mins– reading and annotating the stimulus text • 30-35 mins– writing your response • 5 mins– checking your answer

  40. Key Things to Consider (p49) • The Title • Audience • Purpose • Vocabulary • Attitude • Argument

  41. Booklet • P51 - Identifying Writing Techniques • P52 – How non-fiction writers use language effectively • P41 + 42 – Persuasive Language Techniques Connections!!

  42. P.E.E. (p58 in Booklet) Answer the questions using P.E.E: • Point 1. State something relevant • Explain 2. Explain why it is relevant • Evidence/Example 3. Give an example to back it up REPEAT THIS OVER AND OVER THROUGHOUT THE ANSWER

  43. Vary Your language (p55)

  44. Dos and Don’ts • p55

  45. Writer’s Style (p56+57) The style reveals the personality or voice of the writer. Consider the differences between the following sentences: • He's passed away. • He's sleeping with the fishes. • He died. • He's gone to meet his Maker. • He kicked the bucket. softening the blow Mafia – revenge/violent direct/ no-nonsense/straight to the point religious light-hearted

  46. Style + Tone (personality, attitude, mood) • Formal • Informal • Conversational • Chatty • Light-hearted • Serious • Sarcastic • Factual • Descriptive • Optimistic • Angry • Irritated • Exasperated • Infuriated • Pleading • Emotional

  47. Evidence/ Words + Phrases Evidence • facts • statistics • quotations • expert opinions • interviews • questions • anecdotes Words and Phrases • emotive language • humour • exaggeration • repetition • short/ long sentences • similes/metaphors, etc • openings and endings • rhetorical questions

  48. Text +Top Answer (p59+60) • Read the response

  49. Language Devices + Use of PEE • begins by analysing the title • personal style • direct appeal • inquisitive tone • blunt sentence • emotive appeal • use of humour • an effective concluding line • Star War reference • animalistic verbs • violent verbs • vivid imagery • reference to “fashion shop” • harsh language • use of listing • concludes the second paragraph • reference to “L’Oreal” catchphrase • metaphorical term • use of facts and opinion • personal pronoun “I” • personal but factual story • paragraphing • uses punctuation effectively (hyphen/ellipsis) • use of short sentence to conclude • use of question to conclude

  50. Introductory Paragraph?? • “The writer holds the reader’s interest with her lively and personal style, a variety of sentence structures and effective words and phrases .” Get straight into answering the question: • “Tanya Gold immediately engages the reader with her title “Why I Hate Fashion”.”

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