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Logic Models: How to Develop, Link to M&E and Adapt

Logic Models: How to Develop, Link to M&E and Adapt . Lesli Hoey PhD Candidate Cornell Department of City and Regional Planning. Evaluating Int’l Development Projects: One-Day Skills Building Workshop on M&E Cornell International Institute for Food and Agriculture Development

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Logic Models: How to Develop, Link to M&E and Adapt

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  1. Logic Models: How to Develop, Link to M&E and Adapt Lesli Hoey PhD Candidate Cornell Department of City and Regional Planning Evaluating Int’l Development Projects: One-Day Skills Building Workshop on M&E Cornell International Institute for Food and Agriculture Development November 5, 2011

  2. Outline How to develop a logic model Using logic models to design M&E M&E across program phases Linear vs. complex interventions

  3. Step 1: Purpose and use Why are you developing a logic model? Who will use it? How? Step 2: Involve others Who should participate in creating the logic model? Step 3: Set the boundaries for the logic model What will the logic model depict: a single, focused endeavor; a comprehensive initiative; a collaborative process? What level of detail is needed? Step 4: Understand the situation What is the situation giving rise to the intervention? What do we know about the problem/audience/context? Developing a Logic Model Adapted from: Taylor-Powell and Henert, 2008

  4. Everyone identifies resources, activities, participants and outcomes on post-it notes arranged on wall. Check for “if-then” relationships, edit duplicates, ID gaps, etc. Small subgroups develop their own logic model of the program. The whole group merges these into one. Participants bring a list of program outcomes. Sort into short- and long-term outcomes by target group. Edit duplicates, ID gaps, etc. Discuss assumptions about chain of outcomes, external factors. Link resources, activities. Use web-based systems, e-mail or other distance methods. Subcommittee creates the model and reviews with others. Process Options Adapted from: Taylor-Powell and Henert, 2008

  5. Logic Models & Evaluation Helps us match evaluation to the program Helps us know what and when to measure • - Are you interested in process and/or outcomes? Helps us focus on key, important information • -Where will you spend limited evaluation resources? • - What do we really need to know? Source: Taylor-Powell and Henert, 2008

  6. Types of Evaluation Mapped Across the Logic Model Outcome evaluation: To what extent are desired changes occurring? Goals met? Who is benefiting/not benefiting? How? What seems to work? Not work? What are unintended outcomes? Impact evaluation: To what extent can changes be attributed to the program? What are the net effects? What are final consequences? Is program worth resources it costs? Needs/asset assessment: What are the characteristics, needs, priorities of target population? What are potential barriers/facilitators? What is most appropriate to do? Process evaluation: How is program implemented? Are activities delivered as intended? Fidelity of implementation? Are participants being reached as intended? What are participant reactions? Source: Taylor-Powell and Henert, 2008

  7. Water Quality Project Example Formative Evaluation Questions Summative Evaluation Questions Indicators Source: Taylor-Powell, 2002

  8. Program Phases and Evaluation F O R M A T I V E Initiation – Need dynamic, flexible, rapid feedback about implementation and process. Includes monitoring, post-only feedback, unstructured observation, sharing of implementation experiences. Mostly qualitative. Development – Focus on observation, assessment of change in key outcomes, emerging consistency. Includes pre-post differences. Qualitative or quantitative. Mature – When a program is routinized and stable, compare outcomes with expectations, with performance in alternative programs, or sites with no program. Includes experimental and quasi-experimental designs, more structured and comparative qualitative approaches. Dissemination – Focused on transferability, generalizability or external validity. Measure consistency of outcomes across different settings, populations or program variations. S U M M A T I V E Source: Trochim, 2006

  9. Linear Newtonian causality Interdependent systems relationships Complex nonlinear dynamics Three ways of conceptualizing and mapping theories of change Source: Patton, 2008

  10. Interdependent Systems Relationships SHORT-TERM OUTCOMES OUTPUTS Dept 1 MID-TERM OUTCOMES Dept 2 LONG-TERM OUTCOMES Dept 3 Dept 4 Adapted from Chapel, 2006 in Taylor-Powell and Henert, 2008

  11. Strong High Capacity Coalitions Source: Patton, 2008 Timely, Strong Opportunistic Lobbying & Judicial Engagement National/ Grassroots Coordination EFFECTIVE ADVOCACY Complex, Non-Linear Intervention Solid Knowledge & Research Base Disciplined Focused Message/ Effective Communications Collaborating Funders/ Strategic Funding

  12. Conditions that challenge traditional model-testing evaluation • High innovation • Ongoing development • High uncertainty • Dynamic, rapid change • Emergent (difficult to plan and predict) • Systems Change • Interdependence Adaptive Management Adaptedfrom: Patton, 2008

  13. Ideal Type Evaluation Models Adaptedfrom: Patton, 2008

  14. Useful Resources See CIIFAD website for evaluation institutes and WMU Visit U Wisconsin Extension website Look at these books: Bamberger, M., Rugh, J. and M. Linda. 2011 (2nd Ed). Real World Evaluation Working Under Budget, Time, Data, and Political Constraints. Los Angeles: Sage. Patton, M.Q. 2008 (4th Ed). Utilization-Focused Evaluation. Los Angeles: Sage. Patton, M.Q. 2011. Developmental Evaluation: Applying Complexity Concepts to Enhance Innovation and Use. NY: Guilford Press. Williams, B and I. Imam. 2006. Systems Concepts in Evaluation – An Expert Anthology. Point Reyes CA: Edge Press/AEA World Bank.2006. Conducting Quality Impact Evaluations Under Budget, Time and Data Constraints. Washington, DC: Author

  15. References Cited Patton, M.Q. 2008. “Evaluating the complex: Getting to maybe”. Power point presented in Oslo, Norway. Available online: aidontheedge.files.wordpress.com/2009/09/patton_oslo.ppt Taylor-Powell, E. and E. Henert. 2008. “Developing a logic model: Teaching and training guide”. Madison: University of Wisconsin – Extension Trochim, W. 2007. “Evolutionary perspectives on evaluation: Theoretical and practical implications”. Paper Presented at the Colorado Evaluation Network

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