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Classical Conditioning Module 21

Classical Conditioning Module 21. Classical Conditioning. How Do We Learn? Classical Conditioning Pavlov’s Experiments Extending Pavlov’s Understanding Pavlov’s Legacy. Definition. Learning is a relatively permanent change in an organism’s behavior due to experience. How Do We Learn?.

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Classical Conditioning Module 21

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Classical ConditioningModule 21

  2. Classical Conditioning How Do We Learn? Classical Conditioning • Pavlov’s Experiments • Extending Pavlov’s Understanding • Pavlov’s Legacy

  3. Definition Learning is arelatively permanent change in an organism’s behavior due to experience.

  4. How Do We Learn? We learn by association. Our minds naturally connect events that occur in sequence. Aristotle, 2000 years ago, suggested this law of association and then 200 years ago Locke and Hume

  5. Stimulus-Stimulus Learning Learning to associate one stimulus with another.

  6. Stimulus-Stimulus Learning Learning to associate one stimulus with another.

  7. Classical Conditioning (Respondent behavior) • Ivan Pavlov • 1849-1936 • Russian physician/ neurophysiologist • Nobel Prize in 1904 • studied digestive secretions Sovfoto Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936)

  8. Classical Conditioning - an organism learns to connect or associate stimuli. 8

  9. Pavlov’s Experiments Before conditioning food (Unconditioned Stimulus, US) produces salivation (Unconditioned Response, UR). The tone (neutral stimulus) does not.

  10. Pavlov’s Experiments During conditioning, neutral stimulus (tone) and US (food) are paired resulting in salivation (UR). After conditioning neutral stimulus (now Conditioned Stimulus, CS) elicits salivation (now Conditioned Response, CR)

  11. Acquisition The CS needs to come half a second before the US to cause acquisition.

  12. The Water Show Jeannette was happy when she heard her family’s plan to go to a water sports’ show. Then she heard the weather report, which predicted temperatures exceeding 100 degrees. Jeannette suspected that the weather would be hard to bear, but she went anyway to the show. As she watched the water skiers perform their taxing routines to the blaring organ music, she became very sweaty and uncomfortable. Eventually she fainted from the heat. After the family outing, Jeannette could never again hear organ music without feeling dizzy and eventually fainting. • What is the unconditioned stimulus (US)? _________________________________ • What is the unconditioned response (UR)? _________________________________ • What is the conditioned stimulus (CS)? ___________________________________ • What is the conditioned response (CR)? ___________________________________

  13. Biological Predispositions Even humans develop classically conditioned nausea.

  14. Extinction When a US (food) does not follow a CS (tone) CR (salivation) starts to decrease and at some point goes extinct.

  15. Spontaneous Recovery After a rest period an extinguished CR (salivation) spontaneously recovers and if CS (tone) persists alone becomes extinct again.

  16. Stimulus Generalization Tendency to respond to stimuli similar to CS is called generalization.

  17. Stimulus Discrimination Discrimination is the learned ability to distinguish between a CS and other stimuli that do not signal a US.

  18. Extending Pavlov’s Understanding Pavlov and Watson considered consciousness or mind not fit for scientific study of psychology. However, they underestimated the importance of cognitive processes and biological constraints.

  19. Biological Predispositions Even humans develop classically conditioned nausea.

  20. Applications of Classical Conditioning Watson developed advertising campaigns including Maxwell House, making “coffee break” an American custom. Brown Brothers John B. Watson

  21. Conditioned emotional response Menu

  22. Applications of Classical Conditioning • Alcoholics can be conditioned (aversively) partly reversing their positive-associations with alcohol. • A drug (plus its taste) that affects the immune response, can lead the taste to invoke the immune response through classical conditioning.

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