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Easy Website Introduction Tweaks You Need to Make Right Now

Make sure that the introduction statement conveys what you do in simple language that the user can grasp quickly. It should not be complex or confusing because that is the number one reason why users get turned off and walk away. We are the best graphics designers in Chicago

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Easy Website Introduction Tweaks You Need to Make Right Now

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Easy Website Introduction Tweaks You Need To Make Right Now

  2. It’s a no brainer you guys and a hard fact that the attention span of a new visitor on your website is pretty short. You literally have 10-15 seconds to give the visitor what they are looking for, convince them that they are in the right place and make things click. • If all of this fails to happen within the first few seconds, there is a good chance that your visitor will leave and never come back. For you that means a lost lead and potential customer! Without you even realizing, that lead has moved on to the next hit that appeared on the search page, probably found what they were looking for and made their purchase. • Your loss became someone’s gain! Well this is a worst case scenario and obviously this is not what I want for your amazing business which is why I am here to help you eliminate one key reason that forces people to walk away from your offerings - a badly written website introduction.

  3. TALK ABOUT THE BENEFIT • Just face it. Users only care about what’s in there for them and how their life is becoming better by using your products or services. So your job is to tell them exactly that within the first few seconds of them arriving on your website. Best way to do that is talking about the benefit, the end state and the transformation that the users can expect when they use your product or service. • Here are some examples of products and services we use on a daily basis. Take a look at their introductions - they are creative, the narrative is inviting and they succeed in telling users exactly why they should be using it. • Spotify - Music for everyone • Google Drive - A safe place for all your files • REMOVE THE CONFUSION, TRIGGER INTEREST

  4. Make sure that the introduction statement conveys what you do in simple language that the user can grasp quickly. It should not be complex or confusing because that is the number one reason why users get turned off and walk away. We are the best graphics designers in Chicago • Avoid writing a lot of text. Be creative in expressing through a short sentence or a combination of phrases. The goal is to have introductions that are welcoming, informative and intriguing so that the new visitors scroll to know more and find the gold that you have to offer! • Check out these genius examples of introductions that make the visitor want to take an action. • Twelve & Twenty Eight | Best Graphics Design Agency


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