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Mexico. Created for Folkorica.us By Mrs. Naft- Educational Director Ms. Pacheco- Artistic Director. Where in the world is Mexico?. The Continent of North America. United States of America. Guatemala. Belize.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mexico Created for Folkorica.us By Mrs. Naft- Educational Director Ms. Pacheco- Artistic Director

  2. Where in the world is Mexico? The Continent of North America

  3. United States of America Guatemala Belize

  4. Why is this lady smiling? What do you think those funny orange pods are?

  5. Can they have something to do with… Chocolate? Let’s find out!

  6. Long ago ancient cultures of the land that is now called Mexico and Central America built great cities.

  7. These are what remains of an ancient Mayan city in Mexico.

  8. It is said that one powerful king drank 50 cups a day of a special drink from a golden cup. That drink was called…

  9. chocolatl, the drink of the gods. Today we call it chocolate, but how is chocolate made?

  10. It starts with the fruit of the cocoa tree.

  11. Molinillo A Molinillo is a hand carved wooden hot chocolate beater from Mexico. You roll it back and forth in your hands to beat the chocolate into a frothy drink.

  12. So thanks to what the native people of Mexico and Central America discovered long ago, today we can enjoy… Chocolate!

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