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  1. ‘’ACCELERATED GROWTH: A 30-DAY BLUEPRINT FOR BUSINESS SUCCESS’’ A business blueprint is a step-by-step way to identify one’s business needs, goals, and strategic plan. It is essential to establish this blueprint plan as it provides the framework for one's business as one develops it. In other words, it is a roadmap that specifies processes requisite to constitute one's business by defining the actions, tasks, and steps that can be measured to assess forward motion and achievement. WHAT ARE SMART GOALS IN BUSINESS? The SMART acronym stands for: ● S: SPECIFIC ● M: MEASURABLE ● A: ACHIEVABLE ● R: RELEVANT ● T: TIMELY The smart goal is to impact full business marketing strategies, project management, and overall growth. It encourages one to look into the market and evaluate how the business stacks up. Setting SMART objectives is a good way to plan the steps to meet long-term goals, which helps to make grants from ideas to action. DAY 1-5 :( DEFINE GOALS AND STRATEGY) GOALS are broad long-term outcomes that are exculpatory to achieve within a time frame and with available resources . On the other hand, strategy is a specific plan one will use to meet objectives and goals. An important example of a strategic goal is objectives, as they are the foundation for planning. the purpose of strategic planning is to set overall goals for your business and also develop a plan to achieve them. In summary, goals, and strategy can be defined in the following way: ● GOAL: A goal is defined as a result that an individual or company plans to execute the other hand, STRATEGY: Strategy is defined as a method by which a goal is achieved. Goals can be achieved in the long term or short term depending on the strategies that an individual or company develops and uses. ● DAY 6-10: ( ENHANCE ONLINE PRESENCE ) Having a strong online presence provides businesses with a platform to gain visibility and reach a larger audience. With the right promotions, the company can be easily seen not only by potential customers but also those who are interested in your products and services. A

  2. business having an effective online presence has a clear vision, which includes knowing what your target market is. WHAT IS THE VALUE OF ONLINE PRESENCE? Online presence helps in attracting new opportunities, building networks, establishing credibility, and fostering trust and loyalty with customers. For business, a professional online presence can open doors to the global market, attract new customers, and increase sales. HOW TO INCREASE ONLINE PRESENCE? one can enhance their online presence by following these steps: IMPROVING WEBSITE DESIGN AND FUNCTIONALITY For improving one's website design just follow these steps: ● 1. MOBILE FRIENDLY AND RESPONSIVE A mobile-friendly and responsive website should be at the top of one’s website design list. Having a website that is not mobile-friendly hurts one in several different ways. Not only does Google drop one in rankings and searches but also one may lose visitors anyway. While responsiveness and mobile friendliness work together to create an aerodynamic user experience, actually they are two different things. 2. SIMPLE NAVIGATION One must simplify the navigation for users. Even if one has a lot of content and one needs to map it out differently, simple piloting will cause a traffic spike immediately. Here are a few things one can remember while doing website navigation. these are: ● ● ● No more than 7 items in the main menu. Be as particularised as possible with labels and links. Keep the navigation bar fixed. 3. REMOVE UNNECESSARY CONTENT A massive amount of content is not always better. In many cases, less is more. If one wants their website to be clean, smooth, professional, and to the point, it’s all about what you need without being visually overbearing. One may have certain things that need to be removed from his website which is called unnecessary content. DAY 11-15(BUILD CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS ) Good brands have always built a strong relationship with their customer base to promote client retention, expand sales portfolio, inspire repeat business, and turn customers into brand advocates. However, in an economy dominated by e-commerce, building a meaningful

  3. customer relationship has gotten harder. Strong customer relationships endear the audience to your company and keep them in your ecosystem. DAY 16-20(EXPAND THE NETWORK) Finding new and exciting ways to expand one's professional network can help in creating connections with people who can help one along their professional journey. here are some tips for growing a professional network: 1. TALK TO FAMILY AND FRIENDS: while one may not want to work with their friends and family, don’t overlook them as a networking source. There may be people in the network that, under circumstances, one might not be able to connect with, so don’t shy away from grabbing this unique opportunity. 2. GET SOCIAL: social media can be one of the easiest ways to grow a professional network. The best professional networking platform is LinkedIn, join some LinkedIn groups. providing helpful services demonstrates that you are someone other group members want as a part of their network. 3. JOIN PROFESSIONAL ORGANISATIONS: in addition to joining groups on LinkedIn, also join professional organisations in your field either online or offline, which makes it easier to connect with people who know the ins and outs of what you do. DAY 21-25(OFFER PROMOTIONS AND DISCOUNTS ) When a visitor first enters your site, they might not be ready to buy. So offering them a discount code to use right away, isn’t always a good strategy. Instead of asking the new visitor to buy this early into the buyer's journey, one should ask them for a smaller allegiance just like giving you their contact number in exchange for a discount code. To ensure you offer this discount to new site visitors, place a cookie in the new visitor's browser, which helps in tracking new visitors' V/s returning visitors, and hide or show the campaign to this segment. DAY 25-30 (ANALYSE AND ADJUST) Progress key performance indicators are used to measure the progress of customers, which is most commonly known as PERCENT COMPLETE (KPI) which helps measure the progress of completing a goal or project. Campaign effectiveness analysis refers to the systemic examination of marketing campaign results to assess the campaign's impact and success. Marketing effectiveness is measured by the short-term and long-term revenue generated by a campaign and by how well the company's cost of customer acquisition is lowered during that campaign. To know more visit: KushelDigi Solutions

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