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Spanish 2015-2016

Spanish 2015-2016. Ms. Kelly. Introduction.

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Spanish 2015-2016

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  1. Spanish 2015-2016 Ms. Kelly

  2. Introduction • I’m extremely excited to get the opportunity to teach Spanish at CCMS. It is a new program this year so it may take some time to get the courses acclimated. The following are rules, policies and procedures that will help our classroom run more smoothly. Some procedures on this list will more than likely be adjusted when necessary during this first year. I know this is a lot of information at once, but we’ll practice throughout the trimester.

  3. Class description and general objectives • This introductory course is designed for students with little or no previous study of Spanish. The main objectives in 6th grade Spanish are to provide students with exposure to another language and cultures, introduce them to beginner phrases and key vocabulary, improve communication skills through reading, writing, listening and speaking, reinforce what they are learning in their core content classes in the target language and to help build a foundation for Spanish I. 

  4. Class description and general objectives continued • The objectives for 7th and 8th grade Spanish are similar with the exception that the content will be particularly more rigorous and the expectations will be higher provided that this is a high school level course. There will be an emphasis on communication skills with a variety of vocabulary and grammatical topics as well as integrated culture, which are meant to prepare students for the high school Spanish II level. Students should be able to have simple conversations, write sentences and paragraphs and read basic articles in the target language. Active learning and a fun student-centered environment are strongly encouraged. We learn through a variety of activities such as games, stories, songs, skits, media and much more.

  5. Rules and repercussions • Class Rules: • Be respectful- Treat others as you would want to be treated. Ask permission when necessary and use appropriate language. • Be responsible- Always come to class on time with all materials/assignments. Keep track of your materials, assignments and due dates. Clean up after yourself. • Be safe- Keep your body to yourself, follow directions and procedures and use all materials appropriately. • Be productive - Make the most of your class time and always be working and progressing. Be ready to learn! • Be honest- The work you do should only be your own, and always tell the truth.

  6. Rules and repercussions continued • Repercussions to Broken Rules: • Warning (verbal or nonverbal and name goes on board) • Teacher document plus parents and administrators will be notified • 30 minute teacher detention and/or office referral plus parents will be notified again

  7. Materials • 6th Grade: You are just required to bring a folder with filler paper and any handouts that are given to you. Please always bring your assignment notebook as well as a writing utensil. Encouraged items would be a red pen, dry erase marker and highlighter. • 7th/8th Grades: You are required to have a small binder with filler paper and 5 dividers/tabs. Here we will organize your handouts and notes. We will divide binders into 5 sections: vocabulary, grammar, culture, homework and assessments. You should always bring your assignment notebook as well as a writing utensil. Please also bring a red pen, dry erase marker and a highlighter. • .

  8. Materials continued • Do not throw any handouts away unless given permission. Spanish is an accumulative subject and you will continue to use notes from previous units. If you forget something for class, you may borrow one of mine at the materials table. Please be sure to return it at the end of class unless it is something like paper. If you forget something such as your vocabulary list, I may have extras at the material table or you may have to share with a partner.

  9. Entering the room and starting class • Students should enter the room promptly and quietly. Turn in any homework, grab any materials that you need, sharpen any pencils and take your seat immediately. Have your assignment notebook out and copy down any assignments under your grade level. Have your bell work sheet out and quietly begin on your three questions. We will practice a short phrase or poem in Spanish and say this at the start of every class. When you hear the start of the phrase, class has begun. As you work on bell work, I will take attendance.

  10. Learning targets and copying down assignments • You will always see the learning targets as well as an agenda of what we are expected to do that day written on the board under your grade level. There you will also find any assignments written as well as due dates and reminders such as your next test. I would like for you to copy down any assignments into your assignment book as soon as you walk in the door. I will usually explain homework at the end of class and will allow you spend at least 5 minutes to get started on it so that you can ask any questions during that time.

  11. Bell work and exit slips • At the start of nearly every class you will have bell work, which will consist of three questions that are a review of the previous lesson or a pre-assessment for the next. At the end of nearly every class, you will have an exit slip which also consist of three questions to measure progress and what was learned from that day’s lesson. These grades are a part of you work ethic grade.

  12. Groupings and partners • Your desk has a number and letter on it. This will be used during group/partner activities and taking turns. In the beginning, students are randomly placed into groups of four, sometimes five. These groups are not permanent and will change. You will be working with your group mates often as well as your face and shoulder partners.

  13. What to write on top of papers • Always fill out the required information at the top of your paper. This helps stay organized and saves time. Please always include you first and last name, grade level, (6th, 7th, 8th) the period, (I/E, 1st-7th) color (purple/gold) and sometimes the date. Example: Jane Smith 6th 1G 8/10

  14. Transitions, getting attention and quieting down • When you need something or to get up, follow the 5 finger rule posted in the classroom. Hold up one finger for the bathroom, two for water, three for a pencil, four for a tissue and five for a question or related comment. • When I need everyone’s attention, I will hold up the stop sign and will wait until everyone has stopped what they are doing, their hands are up and eyes and ears on me. • If we are switching stations, or switching turns, I will ring the bell. • If we are doing an activity such as group or class work, it’s loud and we need to pause, I will do a clap pattern and expect you to repeat the 2nd time. After that second time, I should have all eyes and ears on me.

  15. Transitions, getting attention and quieting down continued • It should take us no more than one minute to transition from one activity to the next. I will do the dismissing and not the bell. When it’s time to go, everyone needs to be in a line, and I will open the door and let you exit. If I catch you running, pushing or not cleaning up your area, I will have you return to your seat and do it the correct way before exiting. • 8th grade HR you MUST be in your seats in order to be dismissed at the end of the day. We will use this time for review and reminders.

  16. Needing to leave the room • Students must request permission to leave the room for any reason unless it is an absolute emergency. Students should use the bathroom and get water before or after class. If absolutely necessary, only one person is permitted to leave the room at once for bathroom and water unless otherwise indicated and are required to sign out. When going to the nurse’s office, students should be accompanied by another peer and must have a slip signed by the teacher/admin.

  17. What to do in case of a drill or emergency • We have different procedures for each drill. Please use common sense and listen carefully to directions. When we have a fire drill, we need to line up quietly and exit the building quickly but without running, using our designated route. (Down the stairs and out the door at the bottom.) We will discuss fire, lockdown, tornado and earthquake procedures in the first week.

  18. Needing help and asking questions • Because there are many of you and one of me, I sometimes won’t be able to get to everyone when needed. That is why it is perfectly fine to ask your group or a partner for help first before asking me. There will be designated times when it’s appropriate for you to work with others and when you do need to work individually. Please do not be afraid to ask me questions, whether it’s before or after school, during class, or whenever you need me. You can always write your question down on a piece of paper with your full name and leave it on my desk or hand it to me.

  19. Assignments and grading • 6th Grade: 80% assessments and 20% product • Quests: (4 total- 1 per unit, 100pts each) • Presentational speaking tasks: (2 total, 50pts each) • Presentational writing task project: (1 total, 100pts) • Homework: (4 total- 1 per unit, 25pts each) • Work ethic: bell ringers, exit slips, participation (includes formative interpersonal communication, interpretive reading and interpretive listening tasks as well as some responsibility) (100pts for everything) • Grand total possible points earned: 800pts • 7th/8th Grade: We will discuss assignments/grading at a later date or gradually as they come. You will have many provided that this is a high school level class and that we’ll be seeing each other for the entire school year.

  20. Turning in assignments and late work • All assignments should be turned in at the start of class the day that it’s due unless otherwise indicated. You will turn it in to your grade level/class folder located by the front door. Late work should be turned into the mailbox on my desk or outside my door if closed. If you were absent and it’s late for that reason, be sure to mark absent at the top. 7th and 8th graders who turn in work late and weren’t absent shall have points deducted provided that this is a high school level class. It’s best to turn in work when it’s due to avoid falling behind. Please keep in mind that it’s essential that any late work gets turned in before the end of the trimester so that the grade will correctly appear on the report card. If an assignment is missing, I will place an “M” in Infinite Campus, which will be averaged in as a zero until the assignment has been completed.

  21. Test/quest/quiz procedures and re-takes • For tests and quizzes, I will ask that you put up a folder to block your answers and minimize distractions. Sometimes I will have you write your answers on a separate sheet of filler paper or I will say if you can write on the test/quiz itself. You should write answers with a pencil. With quizzes or quests you can simply flip your paper over and hold onto until it’s time to self-grade, but do not flip it back over until I say. • For 7th/8th grade unit tests, those can be turned into your grade-level folder on the material table, and I will grade those myself. Students are permitted to re-take a unit test or quest if you received lower than a B/85%, but never a quiz. You will need to set up a time before or after school to do this. Please note that tests/quests should be re-taken before the end of that trimester so that the grade will be changed in time to appear on the report card. I typically do not have tasks to complete if you happen to finish an assessment early. Always double check your work before turning it in. There is plenty of reading material at the bookcase that I encourage you to look through when finished or you can get on a student computer and play Spanish practice games. Talking to neighbors after assessments is not permitted and must remain quiet for classmates to concentrate. • *All missing work must be completed in order to re-take an assessment

  22. Cheating and dishonesty • Clearly any form of cheating is unacceptable. If caught directly by any teacher, the student will be given a zero on the assignment, a teacher doc and parents will be notified. If there is any suspicious activity or if given any reason to suspect that cheating or dishonesty has occurred, the student will be asked to re-do the assignment. • You are encouraged to work together but NEVER deliberately copy answers from a peer.

  23. Self-grading and self-assessments • For quizzes, bell work and exit slips, you will be required to grade your own work with a red pen and never anyone else’s work. I will say, put all pens and pencils away, and get out a red pen. If you do not have one, borrow one from the material table. I will go over the answers so it’s important to listen carefully. I will also double check your work to make sure you are being honest or are not making errors. The purpose of you grading your work is to be able to see immediately what you got correct and incorrect as well as ask questions to identify any misunderstandings. We will also practice with self-assessments and rating our progress throughout the year. Make sure you turn your graded assessments in.

  24. What to do when absent and extra copies • If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed and make up any graded assignments. I suggest first asking a peer or directly asking me during homeroom or in the afternoon. Although I will give you an extension on the assignment, please try to find out BEFORE your next Spanish class and please do not ask me as we are about to begin class. I will gladly help get you caught up, but every minute of class time needs to be dedicated to instruction. I highly suggest checking my teacher website for assignments and handouts. There you can see if you missed any graded assignments and can print off any handouts under files/links and that unit’s folder. I should also have additional copies available in your class folder and bin. I will show the students how to access this in the first week. You are responsible to keep track of your handouts, but if by chance you lose one, you may have an extra copy from your grade bin. If I am out of extras, then you must print one off yourself from my teacher website or make a copy from a peer’s.

  25. Teacher webpage and infinite campus • All teachers at CCMS have an easily accessible webpage which keeps both students and parents up-to-date on classroom activities. To access it, go to the Campbell County Schools’ website. Click schools, then CCMS. On the left hand side under quick links, click teacher websites and click on my name. Under your grade level, you will find assignments, handouts, vocabulary sheets, resources, etc. Parents can check your grades regularly on Infinite Campus which is found under the Parents/Students tab at the top of the Campbell County Schools’ homepage.

  26. Spanish usage in class • Once you are introduced to a word, I want you to try your best to use it when you can in class. For example, referring to today as “lunes” instead of calling it Monday. I will be teaching the class in at least 50% Spanish. It’s OKAY if you do not understand every single word. I will help you figure it out, but this is the best way for you to learn. When doing informal and ungraded interpersonal communication tasks, you MUST communicate in Spanish and never English. This participation is a part of your work ethic grade.

  27. Continuing Spanish • 6thgrade has the option to sign up for Spanish I Part A in 7th grade and 7th grade is highly encouraged to sign up for Spanish I Part B in the 8th grade since you have already completed half of the course. 7th and 8th graders MUST achieve a B or higher in order to earn high school credit. If you achieve this, then you can sign up for Spanish II in your freshman year of high school.

  28. What will we be learning? 6th grade • We will cover as much material as we possibly can without overwhelming you too much. We most likely will not get to everything this first year. • 6th Grade: 4 mini-units and approximately 6-7 class periods per unit • Unit 1: Greetings, introductions, useful phrases, courtesy words and alphabet/pronunciation • Culture: Introduction of Spanish-speaking countries & Spanish in the US • Unit 2: Days, months, #1-30, dates, seasons, weather, colors and be • Culture: Hispanic holidays and festivals overview • Unit 3: School subjects, materials, classroom objects, the school building and express need/have • Culture: Music of Spanish-speaking countries • Unit 4: Foods, drinks, meals and express like/dislike and want • Culture: Traditional cuisine of Spanish-speaking countries

  29. What will we be learning? 7th grade • 7th Grade: 4.5 units and approximately 15-20 classes per unit (first half of Spanish I) • Unit 1:What is your name? (Greetings/goodbyes, useful phrases, #’s 1-30, alphabet/pronunciation, introductions, days of the week, months of the year, age, origin, courtesy words, cognates, telling time, informal/formal, quinceañera, Spanish-speaking countries) • Unit 2: In my school (classes, materials, subject pronouns, schedules, #’s 31-100, there is/are, definite/indefinite articles, pluralizing nouns, to be, infinitives, present tense AR verbs, Spanish-speaking nationalities, Hispanic influence in the US, immigration, schools in SS countries) • Unit 3: Let’s go to the city! (Places around town, at the restaurant, simple foods, transportation, interrogatives, asking questions, present tense regular ER verbs, to go, going to, to need, prepositions/direction words, Mexico, typical dishes, Frida Kahlo) • Unit 4: My friends and family (Family members, introducing others, emotions, activities, description adjectives, to like, present tense regular IR verbs, ser vs estar, possession, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, merengue, baseball) • Unit 5: A typical week (Electronics, holidays, # 101-100,000, to have, direct object pronouns, que + adjective expressions, to see, to come, to say, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, tourism, rain forest)

  30. What will we be learning? 8th grade • 8th Grade: 9 units and approximately 15-20 class periods per unit (both parts of Spanish I- next year students will only take part B, the 2nd half) • Unit 5: A typical week (Electronics, holidays, # 101-100,000, to have, direct object pronouns, que + adjective expressions, to see, to come, to say, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, tourism, rain forest) • Unit 6: At home (Rooms, furniture, appliances, at the table, to have expressions, to have to/should, irregular verbs/stem changers, to think –I to IE, to ask, to say, E to I verbs, to want, demonstrative adjectives, Venezuela, Colombia, typical homes) • Unit 7: Free time (Leisure activities, sports, weather, seasons, cardinals 1-10, O to UE stem changers- to be able to, to play, present progressive, to give, to put, Argentina, tango, Chile, sports/weather in Spanish-speaking countries) • Unit 8: Chores (chores, foods, supermarket, comparisons, indirect objects, to hear, to bring, Spain, tapas, recipes, la Tomatina) • Unit 9:Clothes (clothing, colors, shopping, parts of the body, affirmatives/negatives, Panama, Ecuador, Peru/Machu Picchu

  31. Let’s have a great year! ¡Buena suerte!

  32. Bell Work or Exit Slip Name:_____________________________ Grade/period/color:_______________ Date:________ 1. ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________________________

  33. Bell Work (practice #1) • What do you like about school? • What are 3 adjectives that describe you? • Where would you like to travel outside of the US?

  34. Exit slip (Practice #1) • What should you bring to Spanish class each time we meet? 2.What few routines do you need to do when entering the room? 3. What should you do if you were absent?

  35. Bell work (practice #2) 1. What should you do if you need to re-take a test/quest? 2. What are a couple ways I might get your attention or if we’re switching activities? 3. What would you like to learn about most in Spanish class?

  36. Exit Slip (Practice #2) 1. What is the difference between “trabajenenequipos” and “trabajen con compañeros”? (Hint- the word “equipo” is on seat 3A’s desk) 2. What does “Entreguensutarea” mean? (Hint- it’s one of the first things you have to do when you arrive to class) 3. “Levanta la mano, por favor” is something I might say if you begin speaking out without permission. (Hint- la mano is a body part)

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