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Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet. Commentary Writing. Three questions as you read:. What is being said in the passage? (Things about the plot, the characters, the themes).

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Romeo and Juliet

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  1. Romeo and Juliet Commentary Writing

  2. Three questions as you read: • What is being said in the passage? (Things about the plot, the characters, the themes). • How has Shakespeare gone about communicating his ideas? (Writing techniques: his use of imagery such as metaphors and similes, sound devices, such as alliteration, rhyme and rhythm, characterization, mood, tone, diction, symbol, etc…).

  3. First Reading • Look at the passage and determine the answers to the following questions: • What is the play and who is the author? • What has happened in the play that is important to know? • Why is this passage important in the context of the play as a whole? • Where in the play does this take place? (act and scene if possible, otherwise beginning, middle, end) What is the context? • What is happening in the passage – what is being said? • What themes are developedin this excerpt? Part of your introduction too. • The answers to these questions become a major part of your introduction.

  4. second reading • Characterization is vital. What is revealed about the characters? Does it foreshadow the action that is to follow? What is the mood of the character(s) and how does that mood contribute to our understanding of the character and situation? • What are we meant to understand about the characters and what does the author want us, the reader, to understand, think and feel about this theme and the characters? • What does a person gain from reading this extract?

  5. Third Reading • Read it a third time. Focus on the literary devices that are not characterization and mood. • What devices are evident in the passage? • Simile, metaphor, rhyming, diction, symbol, imagery, personification, puns, dramatic irony, paradox, foreshadowing, etc…

  6. What is in an introduction? • Hook if possible.Name the work the passage comes from and who wrote it.State what is happening in the passage and where it takes place,placing the passage in the larger context of the play as necessary. Identify the central theme or themes of the passage and tell us what the writer want us to understand or feel about the theme/s as a result of reading the passage.Identify ways in which characters are being developed and explain how it contributes to what the author wants us to understand or feel about the passage?What devices will be discussed in the following paragraphs

  7. Example Introduction VirgiliusMaro Vergil a Roman Epic Poet once wrote, “Love conquers all things; let us surrender to Love." This quotation portrays the belief that love can conquer all, yet William Shakespeare portrays a very different understanding that love cannot conquer all. In Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare we read about the inevitable doom that surrounds Juliet and Romeo from the moment they laid eyes upon one another. Not only were their families, the Montague’s and the Capulet’s, set against one another in animosity, the stars had since the beginning designed a love destined in tragedy. This passage from Romeo and Juliet is taken from act 3 scene 5. Romeo and Juliet have been newly married and Romeo is banished for killing Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin.This is the last time Romeo and Juliet are together alive, they discuss their love, whether or not day has descended and if it is time for Romeo to leave for Mantua. If Romeo is found in Verona he will be sentenced to death. In this scene we understand that love is blind and Romeo and Juliet’s love is a brutal and powerful emotion that has imprisons them and catapults them against their world and themselves. Being desperately in love Romeo and Juliet are blinded by the reality of the dangers that await them and do not realize that love cannot conquer all because their love is “ill fated” and their love will destroy them. . Shakespeare uses mood, symbol, imagery, diction, and metaphor to communicate that when oneis enveloped by love the desire for another person can outweigh the danger to ourselves.

  8. The Body paragraphs… • Identify ways in which characters are being developed and explain how it contributes to what the author wants us to understand or feel about the passage? • Choose a central literary feature and explain how it is used to contribute to our understanding or feeling about the themes of the passage. (Typical literary features in Shakespeare are imagery, symbol, simile, irony, dramatic irony, paradox, mood, diction, tone, personification, alliteration, foreshadowing, etc…). • Always add a quotation for each idea or device you identify. • Always explain the quotation • Always analyze its overall importance to understanding the characters, the play, the theme and the situation. • Make another point in regards to another device • Add quotes • Explain quote • Analyze its overall importance to understanding character, play, theme and current situation. • Etc…

  9. Example Body Shakespeare portrays Juliet’s mood as a desperate and enraptured by Romeo she is willing to overlook the dire consequences of him being found in the daylight in Verona. Juliet says, “It was the nightingale, and not the lark, that pierced the fearful hollow of thine ears.” The “nightingale” is a symbol for darkness, evening and life for as long as it is present Romeo will live. It reveals that Juliet is so desperate to remain in Romeo’s arms that she is willing to lie to keep him by her side full well knowing the consequence, which would be Romeo’s death if he is found. Juliet’s mood changes from desperately wanting to keep Romeo by her side to worry and concern if he is found. She says, “It is the lark that sings so out of tune, straining harsh discords and unpleasing sharps.” This image of the lark singing so disgruntled shows how the bird that is a symbol for death and daylight will take away Romeo from Juliet’s side. So, to her this bird is all that is horrible because through his singing he ensure’s Romeo’s death if Romeo is found. Juliet’s fear is shown in the end of the passage when she says, “O’ thinkest thou we shall ever meet again?” The dramatic irony of these words paints and image of the tragic ending that awaits. Shakespeare tone is tragic and sad that young love is often destined to fail, Juliet says, “let day in and let life out” through this we realize that young love feels like you are alive when you are with the other, however it is sad because we know ultimately that young love does not last wether it be death in the case of Romeo and Juliet or that it just fizzles away as most often.

  10. If this were to be performed the actress would need to be able to portray Juliet’s fluctuating moods, as at times it is lighthearted and longing as when she desire to remain in Romeo’s company and at times is shows her anxiety at being separated from her love.

  11. Romeo’s mood in juxtaposition of Juliet’s he starts off worried and full of anxiety that day has come. “Nights candles are burnt out, and jocund day stands tiptoe on the misty mountain tops. I must be done and live, or stay and die.” Romeo recognizes the seriousness of his current situation. The personification of “jocund day stands tiptoe” reveals that romeo feels he living a “joke” that is “standing tiptoe” ready to search him out and kill him upon sight.

  12. Conclusion • You can offer some personal insight or further logical understanding that developed in you as a result of reading this passage, or you can highlight or re-emphasize a line or two you take to be the most disturbing and or beautiful and or central to understanding the passage. Definitely state why the theme is important and how it is meant to affect the audience and in real life.

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