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We apologize, those responsible for the writing of the opening credits have been sacked.

We apologize, those responsible for the writing of the opening credits have been sacked. -best regards: Editing Team. The Directing and Producing team recently hired to continue the work of those who had just recently been sacked, have been sacked.

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We apologize, those responsible for the writing of the opening credits have been sacked.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. We apologize, those responsible for the writing of the opening credits have been sacked. -best regards: Editing Team

  2. The Directing and Producing team recently hired to continue the work of those who had just recently been sacked, have been sacked. Due to the poor economic system and lack of funds, the opening credits have now been completed in a completely different style at no expense and in a Cursor manner at the last minute.

  3. Random smiley meme productions presents……

  4. Mage Quest [Press Start]

  5. Please Select Your Character Ha you actually expect us to waste our time making a perfect storyline so you can ruin it with your Chuck Norris and Jesus Avatars? Think again. -Merlin

  6. You’ll be using this guy: I know, A Teenage dude with impossible to carry equipment, so original. Kudos to anyone who can tell me who he is.

  7. The Quest Begins! • The Hero leaves his lord’s castle and vows not to return until he has dealt with the wizard responsible for the burning of his village.

  8. Shortly after leaving the Village, Our Brave Knight stumbles upon a crossroad leading to the north and to the west. Make your choice Go North Go West

  9. Results If You had Decided on the Northern Road, you where safe! However by leading west you stumbled upon an enormous level 100 dragon whom wrath you incurred by attempting to steal his eggs. Bad Sir Knight.

  10. Our Hero Arrives at a Village burnt by a dragon. The Villagers Recourse you for Succor and aid, do you accept? Yes No NoNO!!!!!!

  11. Results By refusing to aid the villagers, you have saved yourself from certain death, if you decided on this choice then you where smart enough to tell the Recurrent pattern between the Dragons. Good Sir Knight!

  12. Brave Sir Knight finds himself a Royal Courier along the road, he seems to be carrying important documents, what do you do? Attack Him with your Spear and Fire Spells Leave him be

  13. Results By Attacking the Courier, the brave knight found out he was supposed to deliver a letter to his king. The Letter had discursive information ranging from recent conflict and a princess’ marriage.

  14. Upon reading the letter, the Knight decided to go crash the princess’ wedding with an all out incursion, since he knew the evil Wizard will be present at this wedding, and since he is a teenage anime character, he can easily do this on his own.

  15. Uppon arriving at the Castle Gates the Knight is faced with a few moral choices 1- Blow up the Castle Gates with your level 90 Fireball spell 2- Scream saying you need aid, for your Grandfather the King of Middle Earth had just collapsed 3- Secretly take down the guards with your spear

  16. Results By selecting the stealthy approach you fail at breaking into the castle because you’re a Knight carrying pounds of armor, not a Ninja By selecting the lying approach, the guards kill you with arrows because we all know Middle Earth had no king, and we all have either seen or Read Lord of The Rings. By Going all Rambo on the Castle Gates not only did you make a Flashy entrance, but as your silky black hair moved with the wind the Princess Fell In love with you and your gravity defying hair.

  17. Our Knight quickly notices the Evil Wizard among the crowd, and they both Concurrently cast spells at each other, but after a few minutes of intense content you will not get to see, our knight thrusts his spear through the evil Wizard’s Stomach, defeating his Precursor in the arts of magic and avenging both his village and his Master

  18. The Knight Decides to marry the princess and have many, many children since they had absolutely nothing better to do besides burn the Peasants from their tower.

  19. El Fin

  20. Picture of Evil Mage who got PWN3D, I tried to draw him but he was so hard so I just found the picture which gave me the idea Special Thanks to : Monty Python and the Holy Grail

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