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Genetics. Review. Involves several different genes for one trait like eye color, skin tone and color, height (humans), wheat kernel color These are called Polygenes. Polygenic Inheritance. Skin color has three alleles: ABC for dominant and abc for recessive

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Genetics Review

  2. Involves several different genes for one trait like eye color, skin tone and color, height (humans), wheat kernel color • These are called Polygenes Polygenic Inheritance

  3. Skin color has three alleles: ABC for dominant and abc for recessive • The darkest skin tone is AABBCC and the lightest is aabbcc • Possible gametes for both the mom and dad are: abc, abC, aBc, Abc, aBC, ABc, AbC, and ABC • Distribution of results will be a bell curve! Example

  4. Punnett Grid

  5. Mendel’s laws worked with genes on separate chromosomes – Law of Independent Assortment • Many genes are found on a single chromosome and they will separate together with crossing over being a way to create ‘recombinants’ Linked Genes and Genetic Variety

  6. Occurs when there are linked genes – An offspring that possesses the characteristics from both parents as crossing over has occurred and the linked genes transfer between homologous chromosomes • The further apart the genes are on a chromosome, the better the chance of producing recombinant gametes and organisms Recombinant

  7. Steps: • Denature the DNA – heat it to 95 oC, breaking the H bonds between the nucleotide bases • Annealing where the DNA is cooled and the Primers – small strands of DNA that bind to target DNA on the strand – bind to the complementary sequence and specify the DNA to be amplified • Heated now to the optimal temp – 72oC, so the DNA Polymerase extends the primers using the target DNA as the template • This process is repeated 20 – 35 times!! Exponential growth PCR

  8. Uses an electrical current to move negatively charged DNA particles through a current carrying Gel • They move due to size and charge • When stained they create a banded pattern and similarities between different samples indicate a familial relationship • Used in forensic studies and paternity testing Gel Electrophoresis and DNA Profiling

  9. Completed in 2003 – Mapped all the genes in Human DNA • Helps to give a better understanding of how particular changes in coding can cause particular results – genetic disorders • Identifies specific genes – synthetic human hormones are used to produce human insulin for diabetics • Genetic screening to identify specific diseases like sickle-cell anemia and Huntington’s Disease Human Genome Project

  10. Manipulation of particular genes for a specific purpose • Specific genes are located and extracted and then used to modify the genetic code of another species • An example is inserting the gene code for creating insulin into a bacterium • Restrictive enzymes cut the DNA sequence at particular nucleotide sequences then ligase enzymes join them to another DNA strand with the same sequence • Lab Activity on Tuesday Genetic Engineering

  11. Cloning – Good or Bad?

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