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Gulliver’s Travel’s Part 1

Gulliver’s Travel’s Part 1. Cedric Pittman Mario Lozano 3-20-12. Summary.

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Gulliver’s Travel’s Part 1

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  1. Gulliver’s Travel’s Part 1 Cedric Pittman Mario Lozano 3-20-12

  2. Summary • In the Gulliver’s Travel’s, Swift criticize the society as intolerance and prideful and the English government. The little Indians were intolerant in going at war with the big Indians. The disputes between the two groups was satirize on their beliefs and the other group beliefs. Swifts consistently mocks the English government in his novel.

  3. Identify • Audience- religious people, People who are into Religion, prideful people • Effect-Swift wanted the audience to understand that people were religious. He also wanted to imply that people were so intolerant that they had disputes over what each other believed in. This lead to Swift to satirize the British government which he disliked and to prove his point. • Original Audience- British governmentand politics

  4. Compare/contrast • The Author of the Gulliver's Travels point of view is people are intolerant and prideful over their reason. The cracking an egg sequence, he used to explain the conflict between the Catholics and the Protestants. Swifts uses the egg and Catholics vs. Protestants to get his point across that the bible can be interpreted in many ways and that no one can tell anyone what they can and cannot believe in.

  5. Compare/Contrast • During the course of these troubles, the emperors of Blefuscu did frequently expostulate by their ambassadors, accusing us of making a schism in religion, by offering against a fundamental doctrine of our great prophet Lustrum, in the fifty- fourth chapter of the Bundara. • I communicated his majesty a project I had formed of seizing the enemy’s whole fleet

  6. Compare/Contrast • Of so little weight are the greatest services to princes when put into the balance with a refusal to gratify their passions. This Quote explains that Gulliver was backstabbed after the fact that he saved his majesty and minister’s from destruction. • The enemy so frightened when they saw me, that they leaped out of their ships, and swam to shore, where there could not be fewer than thirty thousand souls. This Quote explains that the little Indians were amazed at how big Gulliver was and then decided to get a closer view to have the advantage over Gulliver.

  7. Evaluate • Through research, I have learned. Most people in the English society of Chaucer’s time, about 700 years ago viewed the world in a similar way to people today and accept same beliefs. People that believed that behind the chaos and frustration of day to day world there was a divine providence that gave a reason to everything, even though that gave a reason to everything, even though that gave a reason wasn’t always obvious, when you’re got faith in an overall system like that, it’s easier to accept and understand the world around you.

  8. Compare/ Contrast • Chaucer thinking process about society was huge. The one point that stood out that Chaucer was making was that people are judgmental. This relates to Swift’s point because in The Canterbury Tales, society judge people who were involved in the church highly and thought they didn’t do no wrong. Swift’s point about Catholic’s and Protestants relates because one group thought because they strongly believed in their beliefs, that they were right and the others were wrong. Chaucer had many points about society in his time, but I think this point is mainly what he is talking about. Chaucer point about people being worldly but not spiritual is different form Swifts point because society in his time wasn’t very spiritual. For example, there was priests and pardoners unholy to the point where they were being sinful and a lot others that were filled with sin. Chaucer had some type of relation with Swift’s point of view, but also had some differences along the way.

  9. Personalize • There are percentage of people who intolerant and prideful with the their beliefs, decisions, actions etc. One Example is, Rosie o’ Donnell vs. Oprah, with drama unfolding about Oprah deciding to cancel Rosie show due to abysmal ratings. This shows how deciding who would break the egg comes to play. Rosie vs. Donald trump. This conspired over a comment made by Rosie then with Donald trumps backfiring with low blows. It really shows the immaturity in people when they take something small out of something little. Rick Santorum vs. Obama is the third example that would resemble modern examples. With Obama being Protestant and Rick Santorum is Roman Catholic, it can be indicated that they both have different views on what they believe in.

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