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Digestion Details Notes Page Name: ______________________ Date: _______________________

Digestion Details Notes Page Name: ______________________ Date: _______________________ Our food gives us the __________________ to carry out life’s functions. It is through the process of _____________________ that food is broken down into forms that our bodies can use.

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Digestion Details Notes Page Name: ______________________ Date: _______________________

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  1. Digestion Details Notes Page Name: ______________________ Date: _______________________ Our food gives us the __________________ to carry out life’s functions. It is through the process of _____________________ that food is broken down into forms that our bodies can use. Digestion starts in the __________________ with your __________________ and ____________________. Your teeth _____________________________________________________________. Saliva _________________________________________________________________. The food forms a soft ball called a ______________________. You swallow the bolus and it goes through the ______________________________. The esophagus is ________________________________________________________. The bolus passes the ____________________ ____________________ _________________. This is a ______________________________________________________________________. Once the food is passed, the LES closes so that the food stays in the _______________. Once the bolus is in the stomach, some wonderful _______________ ______________ start taking place. ______________ _____________ and other ______________ juices are added to the bolus. The stomach muscles ___________________ the bolus and mix these liquids into it. It is now much more soupy than when it was swallowed. This soupy liquid is called ________________________. Another sphincter muscles is at the bottom of the stomach. This is called the ___________________ _____________________. When it is close, the chyme _______________________________________________. When it is open, the chyme ________________________________________________. The top portion of the small intestine is called the ___________________________. In the duodenum, chemicals from the ___________, __________________, and ____________________ mix with the chyme. Now the chyme is ready to be __________________ by tiny blood vessels in the ___________________ ________________________. The _____________________ carries the nutrients to the cells throughout the body. Materials that were not digested pass into the ________________ _______________________. Here, the extra liquid is absorbed. The solid material that remains is called ____________. It is excreted through the _________________.

  2. Removing the Waste Notes Page Name: ______________________ Date: _______________________ What would it be like if we never took out the trash?__________________________________________________________________ The ______________ in your body need to get rid of waste, too. Since cells are so small, their waste material is in the form of _____________________. Your ___________________ picks up these waste molecules and carries them to your __________________________. The main job of your kidneys is to ______________________________________________________________________. How big is a kidney? ______________________________________________________ What does the waste material in your kidneys combine with? _____________________ What forms when waste material and water combine? __________________________ Tubes called the ______________________ carry the urine to your ________________. How many cups of urine do the tube carry a day? _______________________ What is your bladder like? ________________________________________________ What do stretch receptors do? ______________________________________________________________________ What is the last step of the urinary process? ______________________________________________________________________ What is the tube called that takes urine out of your body? _______________________ What makes up the urinary system? ____________, ___________ _______________, _____________________, and ______________________. Urine is a ______________ ____________________. If you didn’t have a urinary system, waste material would ______________________________________________________________________.

  3. Dem Bones Notes Page Name: ________________________ Date: _________________________ Your skeletal system is made up of __________________________________________. These bones ___________________________________________________________. They also _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. The outside layer of the bone is called the _____________________________. It contains _____________ and __________________ _______________________. Under that is a layer of _________________ bone (also called ___________________ bone). This is what you see when you look at a ______________________________. Beneath the bard bone is _____________________ bone (also called ________________________ bone). In the very center of some bones is the ___________________ ___________________. This is where ______________________ ________________ are made. When you are born, you have about _____________ bones. As you grow, some of these bones ____________ together. By the time you are an adult and have stopped growing, you will only have _____________ bones. Are your bones all the same shape and size? ____________ Scientists classify them as five types: _____________, ______________, ___________, ____________________, and ______________________. Long bones, like the bones in your arms and legs, help you __________________. Flat bones, like the bones in your skull, help __________________________________. Your skeletal system is divided into two parts. One part is called the _____________ skeleton, and the other part is called the _______________________ skeleton. The axial skeleton is made up of the ______________, ___________________, __________________, and the ___________________. The appendicular skeleton is made up of the ____________________________ bones, _____________ ________________ and ________________, and the _____________.

  4. Many Muscles Notes Page Name: _____________________ • Date: ______________________ • You have three kinds of muscles in your body • __________________ • __________________ • __________________ • _________________ muscles are what you think of when you think of muscles. These are the muscles that are attached to your ______________________. • They help you __________, __________, ___________, ___________________, ________________, _______________, ________________, and _______________. • You have ___________ skeletal muscles in your body. • The largest is the _____________ _______________________. This is the muscle on your ___________________. • The smallest muscle is inside your ear. IT is called the _____________________. • Skeletal muscles are also called ______________________ muscles because these are the muscles that you can _________________. • You can _________________________, _____________________________, _____________, _________________ and ____________________ just by thinking about it and doing it. • Muscles can only _________________; they cannot _________________. • That means that many skeletal muscles need to work in ________________ to help your body parts move. • What are two skeletal muscles in your arms? _____________________ and ____________________. • Your other muscles are _______________________. That means that you _____________________________________________. Your _______________ keeps them doing what they should be doing automatically. • You have two kinds of involuntary muscles: • ___________________ • ___________________ • ___________________ muscles are found in your digestive system. They _________________ and ______________________ to move food through your body. • The ___________ in your eye is also a smooth muscle. • Your _________________ is another place where smooth muscles are at work. • ____________________ muscle is a special kind of involuntary muscle.It is only found in the ________________. Your heart muscle pumps about __________________________ times each day to move blood through your body.

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