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This presentation has two goals

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This presentation has two goals

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Presentation Transcript

  1. An Intelligent-Immersion Classroom–Lab for the Sciences: Design, Constructionand Teachers TrainingMaría Yadira Rosas Bravo, Gema Martínez Flores, María de los Ángeles Díaz Rodríguez, Francisco Javier David Martínez Sánchezand Enrique González VergaraPreparatoria Ibero Puebla, Puebla México. Benemérita Universidad Autónoma dePuebla. Puebla, Puebla. México

  2. This presentation has two goals Share our experience promoting science learning as students learn a second language. Receive your suggestions for us to take home and improve our project

  3. Problems in Mexico´sscienceeducation Low PISA and ENLACE results Two types of professors Lack of professional development interest (frustration) Classes with 30 students Student´s believe system about science (boring, difficult) 2% or less of the student population select science majors in college

  4. Problems whitin the preparatoria Ibero Puebla The biggest tradition are social studies Science is just recently considered as part of social development There were not any authority interested in science

  5. It is often considered that the teacher-student pair is the most important in teaching and learning of a particular subject, however it is important to recognize that the environment where this process develops is also fundamental. In the case of sciences, this environment is even more important given their experimental nature.

  6. As the technological advances grow at giant steps, our classrooms and laboratories do not seem to change a great deal from the traditional ones.However, there is a trend to reshape these environments especially with computers, connectivity, and LCD projectors. This is happening mainly in theclassroom and only a few laboratories are allowing these important tools.

  7. Here we present our proposal, which consist of a Classroom-Lab considered as a fusion of an intelligent and immersion classroom (science as a language). We take many concepts of both approaches in a way to provide a collaborative environment in which pupils and teachers build a continuously changing setting for informal as well as formal learning.

  8. Immersion education is generally accepted to have started in Quebec, Canada. In 1965, a group of English-speaking parents succeeded in initiating an experimental immersion kindergarten for their students. Their goal was to ensure that their children achieved a high level of French, as well as English

  9. This approach has achieved widespread recognition for the learning of a second language. • However it is important to recognize that classrooms in kindergarten have the same principle although they are used as environment for a variety of subjects. • In primary school this concept is extended and has been useful for many years. • However, in junior high school and high school the concept is lost and traditional classrooms only contain students and teacher desk, chairs and blackboards.

  10. Itis interesting that kindergarten education uses what we should be using in HighSchool education • However our classrooms are as classic as early classrooms of the twentieth century • Rigid and invisible • Teacher´s centered

  11. The concept of an intelligent classroom has come to revolutionized the classical setting allowing many changes that will and are changing our traditional classrooms. • Many initiatives have been developed to transform our twentieth century classrooms into the so called classrooms of the future.

  12. Findings – Several factors were observed in the learning environments: mobility, flexibility, use of technology, interactions. Relationships among them were found indicating that the new environments have positive impact on pupils' behaviour TulioTiburcio, Edward F. Finch, (2005) "The impact of an intelligent classroom on pupils' interactive behavior", Facilities, Vol. 23 Iss: 5/6, pp.262

  13. In the past five years, we have beenexperimenting in the design and construction of intelligent classroom-labs with some important achievements. • Recently, we got a grant to construct such an environment at the PreparatoriaIbero Puebla, a high school of over four hundred students

  14. The setting has been achieved, however the important issue is now who will teach in such environment. Thus an ambitious program has been designed, previous the academic semester as well as in a parallel way, to include the teachers and invite them to live such environment, thus, this program will allow us to check and find out the strategies to obtain the best results, once the students are using it.

  15. INTELLIGENT-IMMERSION CLASSROOM (IIC) PREPA IBERO PUEBLA INITIAL TEACHER´S ASSESMENT This instrument is designed to assess what is the initial state of training of teachers for the use of the Intelligent-Immersion Classroom (IIC)

  16. For you, what is an Immersion Classroom? For you, what is an Intelligent Classroom? Do you know and have worked in the (IIC) of the Ibero High School? What are your top three proposals to improve the IIC? What is your perception about using the technique of micro-scale approach in the IIC?

  17. What is your perception about using the approach of green chemistry in the IIC experimental activities? Are you able to work using both approaches micro-scale and green chemistry? What do you need to start using our IIC effectively? What do you need to use the new High School classroom in the form of Ibero Intelligent-Immersion Classroom?

  18. What do you think about that our IIC has 10 computers for use in the classroom? Have you worked in virtual environments for experimentation (biology, physics, chemistry, geology, astronomy, etc.)? What do you know about Webquest methodology (design, development and evaluation)? Have you developed any? Have you used the programs Rasmol, Chime, Jmol to visualize molecules? Do you know the Site Biomodel (in spanish) for teaching chemistry and biology of biomolecules?

  19. Have you used meta-search engines to research a topic? Have you used EBSCO? Have you used Scirus and Highwire? Have you ever made an educational video? With Whom? What project? Have you used youtube and teachertube in the classroom?

  20. What specific steps would you make to start the transformation of the IIC from its current state to what you would like it to be? Who do you think should be the main actors of these transformations? What would you need to actively collaborate in the implementation and use of IIC? What would you propose as a plan of action to accomplish in this semester?

  21. Some of the answers Most of the answer were negative The principal actor is the coordinator I would work in the classroom but with a good planning (!?) 10 computers is not enough To start working the classroom should be finished You tube is trash-like. Kids spend too much time in computers

  22. CONCLUSIONS • The IIC of Prepa IBERO Puebla is now a reality. • The training of our teachers has begun. • The initial assessment has been carried out. • We know now our weakness and strengths (long way ahead us). • We are ready for the challenges ahead of us.

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