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One With Sai

One With Sai. Purpose To know and understand how to be One with Sai through His Work To practically apply this to activities of the wing To live it and share it To make our life His Message. What is His Work? How should we do it? Who should do it? When should we do it? Why should we do it?.

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One With Sai

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Presentation Transcript

  1. One With Sai Purpose To know and understand how to be One with Sai through His Work To practically apply this to activities of the wing To live it and share it To make our life His Message

  2. What is His Work?How should we do it?Who should do it?When should we do it?Why should we do it?

  3. Whenever disharmony (asanthi) overwhelms the world, I incarnate in human form to establish the modes of earning peace (prasanthi) and to re-educate the human community in the paths of peace. The establishment of righteousness (dharma): that is my aim. The teaching of dharma, the spread of dharma: that is my object. My mission is to spread happiness, so I am always ready to come among you not once, but twice or thrice —as often as you want me.

  4. Some of the speakers at the Conference have stated that Swami is bringing about transformation in individuals When does transformation take place? After a person has received information. Therefore, the first requisite is to get the information about the presence of the Divine Principle in all. The Sai Organizations have been engaged in propagating this "information." Seva (Service) is the ideal means by which this message can be conveyed. You should all realise that the human body has been' given to you solely to render selfless service. Such service broadens the heart, destroys the ego and Generates bliss. Service also helps to promote consciousness of the brotherhood of man and the Fatherhood of God. Your task does not end there. You have at the same time to propagate the idea of Ekaathma-Bhaavam (spiritual oneness of all mankind).

  5. The transformation of the world is related to the transformation of the individual. The world will change only when the individual changes. When individuals are good, society also becomes good.

  6. His Work = Peace on earth through individual transformation

  7. How do we achieve this transformation?

  8. Swami says “ The organisation is intended to broaden your love, to channelise your activities through devoted service.

  9. Activity through the Organisation leads to Individual Transformation Journey from I to We to He Individual transformation leads to Brotherhood of Man and establishes Fatherhood of God

  10. Current Activities

  11. SSE Focus for 2014 Presentations & Discussions

  12. Parents’ Study Circle • Teacher’s Study Circle • SSE Alumni – Reaching Out

  13. Presentations – Key Questions • Why is this activity important for the SSE wing? • The current status of activity at centre/regional/national level. • What support is needed to enhance and develop these.

  14. Discussion Pointers for groups • How can each activity be enhanced and developed to be rolled out nationally? • Time frames to be considered. • Availablabilty to support working groups

  15. Next Steps Key leads andvolunteers from the workshop will form 3 working groups to develop each focus area and present the first draft of plans at the National Wing meeting in March 2014

  16. Conclusion and Take Home Activity = Self Transformation Self Transformation = One with Sai One with Sai = Organisation

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