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Small children and traveling!

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  1. Gone are the days of packing lightly and going on impromptu trips. Remember the days of only having to worry about what you needed to pack and maybe your significant other? Planning trips with one or multiple children can be quite stressful and perhaps even prevent some families from travelling at all. Why do we do that to ourselves? Travelling is supposed to be adventurous and it’s time we took back control of the whole experience and actually enjoy our excursions. So, what is so different about travelling with children? Well, for starters, they require a lot of stuff. The list of “essentials” is seemingly endless, and it gets longer depending on how many kids you have and for how long you will be travelling for. It depends on if you are driving or flying or taking a bus. But what doesn’t change is our inherent need to pack everything and the kitchen sink. With a little bit of planning, it is totally possible to pack a bit lighter and hopefully prevent total meltdowns with your two-year old in the middle of JFK Airport. One of the first things to consider when you are travelling with young children is how long is it going to take to get there and what is the mode of transportation. If you will be travelling in a car for a long road trip, then it’s important to consider how often you will need to stop and what forms of entertainment and snacks you will have available for the little ones and yourself. Kids aren’t meant to sit down in one spot for lengthy periods of time. They need to move around and be entertained or else it is a possible disaster waiting to happen. Even stopping at a rest stop to get out and stretch your legs for a few minutes will be very helpful. Use that time to use the restroom, move items around your vehicle, get rid of car trash, but most of all to allow the kids to get out and play for 10-15 minutes. It may seem tedious and a waste of time, but the alternative is potentially extremely aggravating. Another thing to consider is calling hotels ahead of time to let them know of any special needs that you may have. Many hotels have cribs and roll-away beds available, but you will need to let them know in advance. Plus, it’s also good to know if they have a refrigerator and a microwave. Some rooms do not have these but if you call ahead of time some will make an accommodation for you. When travelling on an airplane, there are many things to consider as well. If this is the first time your little one has been on an airplane, it can be a little tricky, and the challenges kind of depend on the age. diaper bags Babies can sit on your lap and it is possible to avoid purchasing another ticket, however, if at all possible, it would be beneficial to have that extra seat. There are many ways to make the flight more comfortable, such as using a baby sling. Travelling with a toddler for the first time presents its own challenges. A neat trick is to “practice” being on the airplane at home. Set up a few boxes in your living room to be pretend airplane seats. You can use role-play to teach them how to behave when they get on the plane and during the flight. You could even have little flight snacks to give them during this practice and show them that they get fun snacks and games when they behave well. Use a belt to show them the importance of staying buckled and how not to kick the seat in front of them. This isn’t a fail-safe idea, but it is something fun for them to do and will let them know that flying has rules just

  2. like when they are at home. With a bit of planning you may keep kids entertained for hours. Let them pick out some new travel games and maybe the older ones can even pick out some of their own snacks and treats. Keep these items handy and in portable containers that are easily accessible. Crayons and paper along with a portable snack tray will be lifesavers for you and your little ones. While it's important to pack handy snacks and games for your children, don’t forget about yourself. You need snacks and entertainment as well. Even if it’s just a secret pack of your favorite chocolate or a grocery store magazine that you may not even get a chance to read, do something for yourself. You deserve it. Now, head over to Little Cruisers website to find the perfect kids or baby products at https://little-cruisers.com/ and you will be happy that you did!

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