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Happiness - A curse which has either been granted or allowed

Happiness - A curse which has either been granted or allowed. Germany 1937. Province of East Prussia. Erz Mountains.

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Happiness - A curse which has either been granted or allowed

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Happiness- A curse which has either been granted or allowed

  2. Germany 1937 Province of East Prussia Erz Mountains

  3. …The ice didn't carry too many children on one spot, so it broke in big slabs.Now running hard was being called for, only the ice broke faster than they were able to come ashore…

  4. The kitchen

  5. Source: http://www.keramikpool.de/bilder/produkte/gross/B-Miele_28-Honigtopf-mit-Biene.png

  6. Joining the Refugee Wagons

  7. An Ambulance

  8. At a station

  9. Finding a new family

  10. Horst - today

  11. Sources/Acknowledgements Thank you, Horst, for sharing this story with us and giving permission to use your photograph. Sources of the pictures: 1. Map: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2e/DR1937.1.png 2. Skaters: http://lagis.online.uni-marburg.de/de/subjects/xsrec/current/509/pageSize/50/mode/base/setmode/base/sn/bd?q=YToxOntzOjU6InNhY2hlIjtzOjE2OiJNYXJidXJnZXIgVHJhY2h0Ijt9 3. Child on ice: 4. Breaking ice: http://arztsuche24.at/ratgeber/gesundheit-allgemein/einbrechen-ins-eis-was-tun-wenn-das-eis-nicht-haelt/ 5. The kitchen: 6.Bathing:http://www.km.bayern.de/bilder/km_absatz/foto/2997_greta_fischer_badewanne_455.jpg 7. The honey-pot: http://www.keramikpool.de/bilder/produkte/gross/B-Miele_28-Honigtopf-mit-Biene.pn 8. Horst: private picture

  12. Sources Continued 8. Joining the Refugee Wagons: http://www.mohrungen.eu/moh_mod/Bilder_gesamt/gif_jep_geschi/Brosch_Flucht_Vertreib/abb11_flucht.jpg 9. An Ambulance: http://www.roteskreuz.at/typo3temp/pics/00473b249e.jpg 10. At a station: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5e/Bundesarchiv_Bild_175-13223%2C_Berlin%2C_Fl%C3%BCchtlinge_aus_dem_Osten.jpg; http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c9/Vertreibung.jpg 11. Finding a new family: %2Fwww.bpb.de%2Fgeschichte%2Fzeitgeschichte%2Fdeutschlandarchiv%2Fvanlaak20130331%2F%3Fp%3Dall&docid=iQ5AniAIPePVeM&imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bpb.de%2Fcache%2Fimages%2F8%2F157198-3x2-original.jpg%253F452A8&w=900&h=600&ei=uvfwUs-bH8OgtAaa1IAY&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=5376&page=3&ndsp=48&ved=0CCYQrQMwCzhk 12. Horst: private photograph

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