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Hawaii Diet Cookbook 2013 (spiral- updated2b) by Dr.Terry Sh

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Hawaii Diet Cookbook 2013 (spiral- updated2b) by Dr.Terry Sh

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  1. Lose Weight While You Sleep™ Terry Shintani, MD, JD, MPH, KSJ WebHealthForYou.Com

  2. YOUR FAT FURNACE This book is an update and expansion of Eat More, Weigh Less Diet Laser-focused on a single key topic – calorie-burning and your body’s ‘fat furnace’ -- it is a practical manual on how to put this essential chapter’s concept into action. WebHealthForYou.Com

  3. In it, you’ll find the latest informationto help you make the mostof this effective program and get the most from your body’s calorie-burning potential. Knowledge without action yields no results. I’vesdistilled concepts down to their essenceand presented them in summary form so you can easily apply these principles right away. WebHealthForYou.Com

  4. What’s Going On Here? How does it all work? Let me first explain how your body burns calories and fat. Your body is always burning calories (energy) to some degree, even when you're sleeping. This energy comes from the food you eat and from nutrients you’ve already stored in your body. WebHealthForYou.Com

  5. Scientists call the rate at which calories are burned while you're at rest your “Resting Metabolic Rate” (RMR) or “Basal Metabolic Rate” (BMR). For our friendly discussion, we’ll call your body’s mechanism for burning calories your “Fat Furnace” because it also can burn your fat away.If you make a few preliminary adjustments, your Fat Furnace will work by itself, burning off calories automaticallymorning, noon, and (oh yes!)…while you sleep at night! WebHealthForYou.Com

  6. Focus on Factors You Can Fix The scientific explanationof how we automatically burn calories is actually quite simple. Although you can’t change your hereditary metabolic rate, you can overcome its affect on your weight to a large degree. What you eat and how you exercise can be changed…for the better! WebHealthForYou.Com

  7. Doing What Comes Naturally Fight back! Thebest thingyou can do to compensate for a familial or genetic tendency to be overweight is to be proactive and maximize the 7 Natural Fat Burning Factors that I’ve outlined for you in this guide. WebHealthForYou.Com

  8. You’ll learn 7 natural fat burning factors and 7 natural fat burning strategies related to… • 1. Your Sleep RDA – sleep more to weight less • 2. Too Much of A Good Thing – unhealthy sleep patterns • 3. How Much You Eat – it’s not all about the calories! WebHealthForYou.Com

  9. 4. What You Eat – food choices and food combining for better metabolism • 5. Flexing Your Muscle Mass – how much muscle you retain and its impact on calories • 6. Play Your Pounds Away – fat burning from active fun • 7. Nutritional Supplementation – the good news (and bad) WebHealthForYou.Com

  10. Defining Terms (Encore) Before we go further, I want to explain two more scientific terms that are used to describe the process of burning fat. The first term is “Thermogenesis.” It is a combination of “thermo” (meaning “heat”) and “genesis” (meaning “generation” or “creation”) and is the scientific term for burning calories. The second term for your scientific glossary is “Thermic.”This simply means that something is related to heatproduction or the burning of calories. WebHealthForYou.Com

  11. NATURAL FAT BURNING STRATEGY #1 – YOUR SLEEP RDA Ahh, sleep. That restful, healthful thing we do each day. It rejuvenates the body. It restores the soul. It allows us to awaken feeling refreshed and renewed. WebHealthForYou.Com

  12. Can sleep help you control your weight? The answer – a resounding “YES!” – may surprise you. What’s even more surprising is how much evidencesupports the fact that regular and adequate sleep can help you control your weight. WebHealthForYou.Com

  13. Regular exercise bumps up your resting metabolic rate and helps you burn more calories at rest. Even while you sleep! Thus, if you do exercise regularly, you will soon begin to “lose weight while you sleep”. WebHealthForYou.Com

  14. NATURAL FAT BURNING FACTOR #2 – THE QUALITY OF YOUR SLEEP Now, before you turn down the covers, fluff up your pillows, and prepare to snore your way to a healthy weight, there’s something you need to know about sleep and weight. Getting the right amount and the right kind of sleep is just as important as getting the right kind and the right amount of food. WebHealthForYou.Com

  15. JUST ENOUGH SLEEP A preventative as well as a solution for depressionis within everyone’s reach and that’s the right amount of sleep. Just one night of sleeping less than you’re used to, a strategy called "wake therapy," has been shown to induces rapid and dramatic improvement of mood in about 60% of all depressed patients. WebHealthForYou.Com

  16. Even patients who believe that lack of sleep is central to the cause of their depression have benefitteddramatically benefited. The key to wake therapy is setting your alarm clock to wake up early. The effect on mood is more profound that going to sleep early. WebHealthForYou.Com

  17. NATURAL AT BURNING FACTOR #3: HOW MUCH YOU EAT There’s a common misconception about the best way to lose weight. For many people, the whole story can be summed up with the phrase, “Eat less and lose more.” That’s true, but it’s only part of the story. Eating less to lose weight may work in the short term, but it fails as a long-term approach to achieving and maintaining your optimum body weight. WebHealthForYou.Com

  18. Making sure you eat enough is the first way you can reset your Fat Furnace. Eating enough food actuallycounteracts the body’s mechanism of slowing down the burning of calories. In other words, eating is good for dieting. When most people go on a diet, they eat less food and fewer calories. This causes your body to want to conserve energy by slowing down the rate of burning calories. So if you restrict your calorie intact so much that your body thinks it’s starving, your metabolism will actually work against your efforts to lose weight. WebHealthForYou.Com

  19. NATURAL FAT BURNING STRATEGY #4: WHAT YOU EAT The “Thermic Effect of Food” – the effect of food on your metabolic rate -- works like this. Every time you eat, your body begins to burn calories faster as a result of the work it has to do to digest the food. This actually contributes an increase to your Resting Metabolic Rate. Don’t get too excited…yet. Because we all have our own natural eating pattern, and if you keep eating the same way you always have, there will be no net change in your metabolic rate. WebHealthForYou.Com

  20. For most people, those changes begin with the Natural Fat Burning Factor of eating enough. In addition, another Natural Fat Burning Factor is the type of foods you eat.What you eat will also have an effect on the rate at which you burn calories because certain foods automatically cause you to burn calories fasteror slower; regardless of whether or not you’re we're exercising. WebHealthForYou.Com

  21. NATURAL FAT BURNING STRATEGY #5 – MAXIMIZE FAT BURNING CELLS Lean body mass is just another way of saying muscle mass. Our Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR), what you now know is the rate at which we burn calories while we are at rest,is largely determined by how much muscle mass we have in our bodies. (This is especially important when selecting a weight loss program, because most diets cause you to lose muscle mass as well as fat mass.) WebHealthForYou.Com

  22. In other words, muscles burn about three times as many calories as fatdoes when they are at rest and when you are asleep. Thus, it stands to reason that the more muscle massyou have on your body and the less fat mass, the more calories you will burn at all times. This is confirmed by studies that indicate that one of the most important determinants of Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) is body composition. WebHealthForYou.Com

  23. NATURAL FAT BURNING STRATEGY #6: PLAY YOUR FAT AWAY Obviously, exercise itself causes us to burn energy. But if you know how to exercise, you can cause your body to increase its metabolic rate even when you are not exercising.Aerobic activity is the best way to ‘cash in’ on “Thermic Effect of Exercise,” also known as thecalorie-burning effect that is caused by an increase in activity.Aerobic exercise allows you to burn calories as well as burn fat! WebHealthForYou.Com

  24. NATURAL FAT BURNING STRATEGY #7 – NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS Information on which herbs and supplements may be helpful in weight control is the subject that most people find most interesting. Another popular supplement was chitosan, a nutritional supplement that was sold on infomercials across the country. Other supplements such as CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) while promising in early studies were found to increase risk factors for coronary heart disease while still others. WebHealthForYou.Com

  25. Now get going…and before you know it, losing weight will be as easy as shutting your eyes and going to sleep! WebHealthForYou.Com

  26. For More Info. Go To:WebHealthForYou.Com WebHealthForYou.Com

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