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How Responsive Website Help to Increase Your Business

As a leading Web Design company in India, our designers follow a proven strategy of a lean approach to work on the design that guarantees success. So, if you want to make your website responsive you can Email us at sales@websitedrona.com

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How Responsive Website Help to Increase Your Business

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  1. How Does Responsive Website Help to Increase Your Business In the world of the internet, responsive site design is critical to expanding your organization globally. Responsiveness is quickly becoming the standard for all websites; in addition to fast loading times, attractive designs, and reliable functioning, responsiveness is a need for attracting visitors. Since 2015, when mobile users surpassed desktop users, people have acknowledged the importance of responsive web design. Furthermore, Google began rewarding mobile-friendly websites over non-mobile-friendly websites. Before we get into how a responsive website may help you grow your business, let's go through the basics. What exactly is Responsive Web Design and how does it works? Let’s understand the concept of Responsive Web Design and how it works. Simply said, responsive web design is a means of developing a website that scales its content and design elements to fit the screen size on which it is viewed. The purpose of responsive website design is to make all of the elements that are only available on a desktop computer multi-responsive. Visitors can escape the irritation of scaling and zooming when browsing a non-responsive website as a result. Responsive websites provide a consistent experience for all audiences rather than creating separate websites for mobile and desktop visitors. Since 2015, mobile users have dominated the internet. Google became aware of the trend and published mobilegeddon, an upgrade to their search engine algorithm that included website mobile friendliness as a ranking factor. The purpose of this Google upgrade was to give a boost to mobile-friendly websites in the SERPs. The Importance of Responsive Website Design for your Business: We now have a good understanding of the basics of responsive web design. Let's look at how a responsive website can help your business. • Improving the User Experience •Optimized Traffic •Impact on Google Ranking

  2. •Cost-Effectiveness •Easy Maintenance 1. Improving the User Experience For website owners, the user experience is critical. You always want users to enjoy your website, and you want them to return after they've used it. It can make your company appear unprofessional if someone visits your website on a mobile device and it takes forever to load or your photographs aren't high enough resolution. Nobody wants to do business with an unprofessional organization. However, responsive design, which provides a superior user experience, can assist in convincing customers to give your company a chance. 2. Optimized Traffic: According to statistics, mobile devices account for nearly 79 percent of all global web traffic. In fact, this accounts for more than half of all internet traffic worldwide. This shows how having a website that renders properly on all mobile devices is becoming increasingly important. 3. Impact on Google Ranking: Responsive design can help with SEO since, as previously said, Google favors mobile- friendly websites. Responsiveness, when combined with other SEO elements, can help you get a significant boost in search engine results. The responsiveness of all websites is taken account by Google as one of the factors that influences their position in the search engine results. This simply means that if your website is not responsive, the search engines will automatically rank it lower in the results. 4. Cost-Effectiveness: Maintaining different sites for mobile and non-mobile users could be costly. If you adopt responsive design, you can save money by not having to pay for a mobile site. You'll just need to invest on one web design to appeal to all visitors and devices. Another advantage of adopting a responsive website is that it requires less maintenance than operating two versions of the same website. 5. Easy Maintenance:

  3. Most businesses, especially smaller ones, do not have a lot of time or money to update or refresh their website's look. However, rather than hiring a designer to manage every part of your website, responsive design allows you to make changes quickly and easily yourself. In Conclusion: More people nowadays utilize mobile devices to access the internet than they do desktops and laptops. As a result, your website must look great and work flawlessly on tablets, smartphones, and desktops and laptops. If your website design isn't responsive yet, it's time to find a Best Website Design Company and get your site redesigned to be more responsive. At Website Drona, Our designers follow the Best UI/UX design services to create human- centered, multi-responsive website. As a leading Web Design company in India, our designers follow a proven strategy of lean approach to work on the design that guarantees success. So, if you want to make your website responsive you can Email us on sales@websitedrona.com

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