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Say No to Violence in Schools: Let's Be Good!

Join the movement to end violence in schools and promote kindness and respect. Together, we can create a safe and positive environment for all students.

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Say No to Violence in Schools: Let's Be Good!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. OUR MESSAGES 9th and 10th GRADE

  2. Emmie • Let’s say no to violence in schools but not only for a day! • Let be good! • Letappreciate people’s lives! • Let be friends! • I say no to violence in schools! • You have to do the same!

  3. Ivo Violence is allaroundus - everydaysomewheresomeone is bullied. Ithasbecomesuch a tendencythatnooneevennotice. Anger, hatred, rage, pain... Howcantherebepeoplewhoturn a blindeye to this? Violence is theeighthdeadlysin. Violencegivesrise to violence, and thosewhoareblind to itarealsoabusers. Violence is a war. Doyouwant to liveina wareveryday? Ifyoudon't, helpthis to stop.

  4. Nicky Dear friends, We need a smileonourfaces and begood. Donotletaggression, violence and rudenessovercomeourrelationship. Let’s bepositive and openoureyessothatwecanseethegoodness, beauty and loveintheamazingworldwelivein!

  5. Peter Let’s say no to violence in school! How could you feel if you don’t want to go to school because there is someone who will flame, beat, or forces you to give him the money you have. Everybody need to be calm when they go to school because the school is the place where you get your education and a better future. I hope the violence will stop!

  6. Mikaela Because of us, let's not ruin the future, let's not create fear, fools and frightened sheep...

  7. Alex They say that a person comes into this world with a specific mission. I have no idea what's mine or yours. I only know violence around us is unacceptable. I know we can stop it . The change not only in school but also in state depends only on us. Life is not just money , work and pleasure. Above all, life is life!

  8. Polly Respect. A word with 8 letters, but with great importance. Violence? A word with 7 letters, but enough to ruin someone`s life. Neither the social status nor the popularity makes a person more superior than another one. Bullying someone weaker and defenseless makes you abject. Treat people as you want to be treated. And remember – what goes around comes around!

  9. Bianka "Let`s say "No" to violence in schools." - only one sentence with one aim and one hope for a better life.

  10. YOANNA-VIKTORIA Nobody can think and bully at the same time. You can do only the one. So make your choice wisely. Thinking can prevent bad things to happen, can make you wiser. Bullying can only make you a hooligan. Once a hooligan – always a hooligan.

  11. Klarina Violence is a problem of the entire society, not only in schools. The change depends on all of us. We have to realize that the conflict situations are resolved through dialogue and understanding, rather than kicks and threats.

  12. Hristo Shumkov Violence should never be a solution for anything. The main example for violence in school is bullying. Bullying can be traumatizing for some people, because when they are bullied they usually don't tell anybody. When they keep it to themselves the victims' problems build up and it sometimes leaves huge mental scars. Bullying is something that needs to end. Fortunately, measures against bullying are being taken. One of the examples is anti-bullying day (pink shirt day) which is held on May 4th. I have a dream that one day bullying in schools would stop and that victims can go to school without the fear they experience. We need to support each other and we don't have to make fun of people for their flaws. SAY NO TO VIOLENCE!

  13. Lilly Everyone is free to believe in whatever he wants. I am against violence, because we forget who we are in it.

  14. Viktor I think that bullying in school is a horrible thing to experience and no one must do it to others. I haven’t encountered with the problem myself but I have seen it being done to others and it isn’t a good scene. I think that it must stop because of the fact that people become more complex and it mustn’t be this way. People should face their enemies head on and not give up by the face of fear. I personally don’t think that anyone should be like someone else, I think that you should be yourself and no one needs to be compared to someone else just because he is lazy. It is important to remember who you are and confront your enemies head on with no regrets what so ever. And never hold back because of fear.

  15. Alexandar Traikov Thinking violently is not a solution, it only makes a problem.

  16. Denny It’s sad that there’s such a notion as “violence against people,” but it’s heartening that, seemingly, we, as a society, are now looking into such an unsavory practice as though we want to do something about it.

  17. STOYAN The Violence is morethanteasingormakingfun of someone. Violenceinvolvesaninitialdesire to hurt, thisdesire is expressedinaction, someone is hurt, theaction is directedby a morepowerfulpersonor group, it is withoutjustification, it is typicallyrepeated, and it is donesowithevidentenjoyment.

  18. Kristina If goodness has a reason, it is not goodness any more. If there is a prize for it, it is also not a goodness. So, the goodness doesn’t need a reason or a prize!

  19. Nickol Everyone want to change the mankind, but nobody want to change themselves!

  20. Diana God sees everything, don’t forget this!

  21. Gabriela Non-violence is the best part of you!

  22. Nickolay Don’t hurt anyone because what goes around, comes around.

  23. Ivanela Be pink every day and the world be better.

  24. Krasimir Violence leads to violence! You can stop it! Do it now! Otherwise you might be its next victim!

  25. Yordan Don’t hurt! God sees everything!

  26. Simona Don’t hurt your schoolmates now because one day you might be the victim!

  27. Silviya Violence isn’t the way to progress!

  28. Kristyan Violence has always been an issue in schools. According to me everyone should be kind and treat the others like human beings. There’s no need to fight or bully. Just kindness!

  29. Hristo Violence involves an initial desire to hurt. This desire leads to actions which hurt. It is directed from a powerful person, it is without justification and repeats many times. And it is done with enjoyement.

  30. Kostandi Isn’t it time we stopped hurting children and ourselves?

  31. Hristina Violence is not a solution, violence is a problem. And for every problem a solution must be found. Find the solution!

  32. Lory Anger, aggression and violence appear when we can’t stand our disappointment from the bad experience to be loved, appreciated or respected.

  33. Ivan Don’t hurt because one day your child could be hurt as well.

  34. Danny Hurting people now will cause you pain later. Don’t do things to others that you wouldn’t do to yourself!

  35. Bobby I am not violent! I don’t like violence! Be like me!

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